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D I L I T H I U M · W R A P - U P · S U N D A Y
F L E E T · E V E N T

As Bonus Dilithium weekend was sprung upon us, without much notice from cryptic, Sunday, 26th July, the Fleet
Resources Department will be hosting a wrap up party to celebrate the end of the dilithium weekend.
It will be a LITE version of what Stonewall Fleet normally puts on, So why not come join in with your fellow fleet mates.. new & old members, our events are intended to get all fleet members together & mingle.
We encourage you all to come out for the fun!
SUNDAY - 2:30PM EDT/7:30PM BST = GROUP MINING = : Meet up at our main fleet mine, put on our spacesuits, get the fleet mine daily mission, and Mine together to collect dilithium. all participants are welcome to join us on our
Team Speak Server, where you can listen to some tunes while you drill.. and even chit chat.
Dont worry.. you dont have to talk, you can just listen to the tunes!!
Everyones invited!
at the end of the Fleet mine event, small door prizes will be handed out to everyone that joined in!
we'll then head on over to the Vlugta asteroid field mine, to turn in our VIP mining claims or to complete the additional mining dailies for even more dilithium!
SUNDAY - 3:30PM EDT/8:30PM BST = PUB QUIZ = : After a long weekend down the mines, Meet up at Quarks Bar (DS9) settle down, unwind and Join us on
Team Speak, Ill put you in teams and you go off into separate TS rooms with your team mates, where we will begin our Pub Quiz!
There will be around 20 Questions, Star trek related.. and general knowledge related.
Our Quiz host will announce each question, prior to that... your team must pick someone to be your groups communicator, who will PM the quiz master your teams answer.. you will have 10 seconds (to avoid cheecky searches) to write your answers down, and PM the quiz master.
The Team that gets the most points, will win a prize each (PRIZE TBA) and get their names printed here in the Forums of Fame!
If you would like to participate in the pub quiz, please reply to this thread, so that we can get an idea of how many teams we will need.Also.. fellow fleetmates.. dont forget to spread the word about this Sundays LITE event, in game chat! and even mark your attendance in