Name: Kerim
Rank: Legate
Age: 57
Species: Cardassian
Starfleet rank: Privateer
Ship: Lucadia (Galor class)
Kerim inherited the title of Legate from his father, who was well respected within Cardassia's ruling society. He was also one of the few people against the alliance with the Dominion and it was most surely no accident his death took place a week before this alliance was signed.
Kerim felt the same way about the Dominion and almost immediately after the Cardassian-Dominion alliance was signed, he started working as a spy for the Federation. He was also the person responsible for Cardassian fleet turning against the Dominion during battle in space at the end of the war.
Although his beloved Keldon class ship was destroyed by Dominion forces, his future in space was not in jeopardy. After the Dominion left and his actions during (what Kerim always percieved as) the Dominion Occupation became known, Cardassia and the Federation build a new Galor class ship for Kerim - of course with the condition that Kerim became a privateer in Starfleet's service.
Named after his destroyed estate, the Lucadia is Cardassia's flagship. That is to say, Cardassia's only ship, since Cardassia was disarmed after the war (with the exception of some smaller patrol vessels within the Cardassia System). Together with his first officer and wife, Gul Rila (she decided to earn her own title, not marry into one), Kerim has proven to be most useful to both Cardassia and the Federation. Not bound by Federation rules, he can be quite ruthless, as Cardassians are known to be.
Since Kerim is back in space though, it has been noted he has been making frequent visits to the Unefra System. When asked about it, he only says that he has a summer house there and that he and his wife like to relax in his tub...