Unknown Person

[Test Event] Changlings

August 19 2015
I'm in


Perhaps a precursor to a "Federation" style economy?

August 19 2015
"Jobless rate holds steady at 6.8% as results beat economists' expectations. By Pete Evans, CBC News Posted: Jul 10, 2015 8:37 AM ET Last Updated: Jul 11, 2015 2:57 PM ET.
Canada's unemployment rate has held steady at 6.8 per cent for five straight months now, but the economy lost 6,400 jobs in June. (Jul 10, 2015"

In Canada we have been losing jobs, fishermen are changing fields after decades of fishing and following in their father's footsteps. Some of the auto companies have closed and transferred down to their American branches. Our Zellers fave been taken out by both Walmart and Target and Giant Tiger. The Target stores lasted ONE YEAR and a bit! The CEO of Target's Canadian branch got more money from the stores closing last year that is 10x what all the workers in every store got.

Some of these things is what's been going on in Canada leading to our economy to suffer... I hope our election in October will bring back a better economy... That is the ideal economy that every country can work towards
Michael Sawyer


Perhaps a precursor to a "Federation" style economy?

August 19 2015
Surprisingly I can see this coming to play. Daniel Pink wrote an awesome book called A Whole New Mind about how more and more left brained professions are being automated and that right brained creativity, something computers and robot overlords will not be able to do, will soon be the driving force of our world economy.

I am horrifically, dangerously left brained and I have seen my profession become more and more standardized and automated. Hell the new POS system we are getting at work basically makes my job brainless and I have had to take on 'different' types of jobs just to stay employed.

I think even within my lifetime people will be needed to create rather than replicate tasks and designs, especially as processing power improves. The workplace will cease to be some office with cubicles that you reproduce and reorganize data within, and instead, become any place you have an idea at.


[Test Event] Changlings

August 19 2015
Save me a seat :) I'll be on for it B)
Lars Zandor


Character Biography

August 19 2015
Name: Kerim
Rank: Legate
Age: 57
Species: Cardassian
Starfleet rank: Privateer
Ship: Lucadia (Galor class)

Kerim inherited the title of Legate from his father, who was well respected within Cardassia's ruling society. He was also one of the few people against the alliance with the Dominion and it was most surely no accident his death took place a week before this alliance was signed.
Kerim felt the same way about the Dominion and almost immediately after the Cardassian-Dominion alliance was signed, he started working as a spy for the Federation. He was also the person responsible for Cardassian fleet turning against the Dominion during battle in space at the end of the war.

Although his beloved Keldon class ship was destroyed by Dominion forces, his future in space was not in jeopardy. After the Dominion left and his actions during (what Kerim always percieved as) the Dominion Occupation became known, Cardassia and the Federation build a new Galor class ship for Kerim - of course with the condition that Kerim became a privateer in Starfleet's service.
Named after his destroyed estate, the Lucadia is Cardassia's flagship. That is to say, Cardassia's only ship, since Cardassia was disarmed after the war (with the exception of some smaller patrol vessels within the Cardassia System). Together with his first officer and wife, Gul Rila (she decided to earn her own title, not marry into one), Kerim has proven to be most useful to both Cardassia and the Federation. Not bound by Federation rules, he can be quite ruthless, as Cardassians are known to be.

Since Kerim is back in space though, it has been noted he has been making frequent visits to the Unefra System. When asked about it, he only says that he has a summer house there and that he and his wife like to relax in his tub...

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Shawn Birch


[Test Event] Changlings

August 19 2015
I will try to be there. I really want to try this out.


Armada Chat for the Members?

August 19 2015
Remember, the safe word is BaconArmada
2 people liked this
Lars Zandor


[Test Event] Changlings

August 19 2015
If I am on, I'll join.
Can't promise anything since it will be a tad late for me.
Lars Zandor


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Your resume speaks for itself; you're the best man for the job! B)
Congratulations and welcome back to the fleet leadership! :woohoo:
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Edited August 19 2015 by Lars_Zandor


[Test Event] Changlings

August 19 2015
Bit late for me but I hope it works well it sounds fun

[Test Event] Changlings

August 19 2015
I want to test out an event in-game. I need people to test said event. I need like 8 people.

The event is called Changlings cause there will be changlings in it. It'll be like the party game Mafia or Werewolves if you've ever played those games at parties. (Nah, I don't get invited to parties either.) I'll explain the event at the time of the event.

Hopefully, it'll be a fun event.

I'm shooting for doing it today (Wednesday) at 7PM EDT. Please join the SFEvents channel and meet up on Ops on Starbase Diversity (SWF). We'll do the event in there. Prepare to type.
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Joseph Leyland


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Congratulations Brandon! There's nobody better for the role
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Dave (Voleron)


Character Biography

August 19 2015
The following tags have no closing tag: hr


With so much time having passed since the last contribution to this thread, I felt that a thread bump might encourage some of Stonewall's new and perhaps hidden talent, to share their Captain's stories! Looking forward to reading them!
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Edited August 19 2015 by Voleron

Unknown Person

Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Congrats to you, Brandon! :)
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Mark K


Armada Chat for the Members?

August 19 2015
Since you asked, I figured I would mention here -- in addition to an earlier email -- that I was contacted in-game by a player whose LGBT-friendly fleet (details below) was interested in exploring the possibility of joining the armada.

The player seemed very nice and was good at the game. The player also is a member of the Stonewall chat channel.

The interest may already have been addressed from our side. Wasn't sure, though, so I figured I'd bring it up once more, just in case.

Many thanks to you and the rest of the leadership as always for all your hard work and effort, including on the new armada system.

Long Life & Happiness to You,



Player name:


I believe the Fleet name is Trans World Operations (could be wrong).

PM Excerpt:

Stu@pauldanger: We're a small fleet

Stu@pauldanger: we're T4 SB T3 in everything else bar the research lab

To Stu@pauldanger: I can put you in touch with our Admiralty

To @pauldanger: about joining Armada

Stu@pauldanger: Yeah that'd be cool
3 people liked this
Pnutt Buttah


BWE1 - Opinions and/or questions!

August 19 2015
Quote by MMoose
I have a horrible feeling engi is going to be one of the last two (actually maybe even last!).

Saving the best for last, I hope! Translation: Least tested and most underwhelming come expansion launch.
Ryan Thompson


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Congrats and glad to see you back :D
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Armada Chat for the Members?

August 19 2015
BaconArmada should be a secret code word to get into the Risa cave for Pride. :-)


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Welcome back, Brandon! You left before shortly after I joined the admiralty. Was sad to see you go but am really happy for you that you get to relive all the fun as though you never missed a day. I know you'll bring the same passion to this position that you brought not only to your former role here, but also brought to your Cryptic duties. As a welcome back present, you can have either 100 tribbles or 100 lockboxes (no keys). :-)
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Kidd Kasper


Congratulations CapnBranFlakes!

August 19 2015
Congratulations Brandon! It's good to have you back home. :cheer:
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