I am not a tweeter either but occasionally I will read a tweet or two from the STO communities.I also do not use twitter, dratdamn, I knew I should have started using twitter, alas, I don't so I will settle for 50 mil :)
Sign-up for Twitter here -- it take's less than a minute, and you can reserve your name if you want to tweet in the future :) It also helps support the fleet when you follow us and RT :P
Brandon =/\=
I'd rather decide for myself if I f%^k it up... :P
Also, saw the facebook post earlier than this post, lol
Well that's the interview all typed up now. It was a lot harder than I had imagined, but thoroughly enjoyable though.
Just needs to be proof read and edited, then all you lovely fleeties will get to read :)
My choice isn't listed. :P
Like many, I have a Google+ account. But I don't engage anyone on it.
That's not the question we're asking :) It's "Do you engage with Stonewall via Google+?". So if you don't engage, you'd want to either pick "No + I'd like to start" if you want to start, or "No + WTF Google+ lol" if you don't.
Brandon =/\=
Sorry, I read that as "No + WTF (is) Google+ lol"
My choice isn't listed. :P
Like many, I have a Google+ account. But I don't engage anyone on it.
That's not the question we're asking :) It's "Do you engage with Stonewall via Google+?". So if you don't engage, you'd want to either pick "No + I'd like to start" if you want to start, or "No + WTF Google+ lol" if you don't.
Brandon =/\=
I am not a tweeter either but occasionally I will read a tweet or two from the STO communities.
I also do not use twitter, drat
damn, I knew I should have started using twitter, alas, I don't so I will settle for 50 mil :)
My choice isn't listed. :P
Like many, I have a Google+ account. But I don't engage anyone on it.