Brandon Felczer



August 23 2015
I saw this ad on a site today. It's so true xD


Brandon =/\=
Alain Rojas


[Stonewall Events] Please take this very quick, 3-question survey

August 23 2015
By your command. B)
Unknown Person liked this
Michael Minks-Bungard


[Stonewall Events] Please take this very quick, 3-question survey

August 23 2015
Signed, Sealed and Delivered.

I hope you like my response. I hope i'm not the only one who has sent in one. Otherwise that would destroyed the whole idea of being not recognized in the forms.

:) Dax
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


[EVENT] Fleetie Appreciation Award - "Most Outstanding"

August 23 2015
Congratulations to all of the nominees and winners out there! A big thanks to them and to every other member of the community who volunteers their time or even champions those small causes, like being a friendly and welcoming presence in our fleet chat. I'm happy to be part of a great community with you all!

4 people liked this

Unknown Person

[EVENT] Fleetie Appreciation Award - "Most Outstanding"

August 23 2015
Unfortunately, I had to bow out early, but I wanted to congratulate all of you!

When I created this event I had a passion and a desire to recognize fleet members who go above and beyond for our fleet every day. I've seen some pretty awesome acts of kindness throughout my years here and in my humble opinion, it's people like you that make us not just a regular run-of-the-mill fleet, but a real community that I have been honored to be a part of. If you were nominated someone (or many!) out there recognizes you. They see what you bring to the fleet and they believe in their hearts that you deserve that praise and recognition. There were even some that didn't make it on the list that I feel have done exceptionally well!

At the end of the day there's one component to all of this that makes this fleet what it is today -- our members. Thank you for making this another fantastic adventure for us all!

I'd also like to thank Dex a million times over for carrying the torch on this event. I am truly grateful and proud to know that it will still continue on!

Congratulations once more to all and I look forward to seeing you at the next ceremony! :)
7 people liked this
Edited August 23 2015 by Unknown Person
Ryan Thompson


[EVENT] Fleetie Appreciation Award - "Most Outstanding"

August 23 2015
Congrats to the winners. Appreciate all you do for the fleet. :D
Unknown Person liked this
Brandon Felczer


[EVENT] Fleetie Appreciation Award - "Most Outstanding"

August 23 2015
Congratulations to all the winners, and really to all who were nominated! Very well deserved :)


Brandon =/\=
10 people liked this
Brandon Felczer


[Stonewall Events] Please take this very quick, 3-question survey

August 22 2015
Hey Stonewallers!

We're trying to get a better idea of when the majority of the fleet is available to participate in in-game events. Do you have less than a minute to take the survey here*?:

Please only take this survey once (e.g. don't submit another response if you already took it from the link in the in-game fleet mail)

Thanks a ton!



(*note: the link was shortened so it's easier to transcribe when you alt-tab. The full link is:
4 people liked this

Unknown Person


August 22 2015
I'm a big fan of hearthstone .. although I only play the odd game now and again.

I think I've added both of you but if you (or anybody) wants to add me: Halish#2792
Unknown Person liked this


Stonewall Times...submissions please!

August 22 2015
I'll write my review of STLV and send to you in a couple of days.

2 people liked this
Kidd Kasper


Remastered Star Trek: TNG Episodes Hit Netflix USA

August 22 2015
Quote by medgirl1025
When does this take place? I've been watching the series lately?

It appears that it's already happened for US customers.
Unknown Person liked this
Sej @Ereiid


[EVENT] Fleetie Appreciation Award - "Most Outstanding"

August 22 2015
Quote by Gravity
I'm still shocked that at some point in the last you was nice enough to somebody to get nominated.

Quote by williamjaneway
that's what everyone's said about you too :P

6 people liked this
Edited August 22 2015 by Ereiid
Jamie O'Connell


Remastered Star Trek: TNG Episodes Hit Netflix USA

August 22 2015
When does this take place? I've been watching the series lately?


[EVENT] Fleetie Appreciation Award - "Most Outstanding"

August 22 2015
that's what everyone's said about you too :P


Remastered Star Trek: TNG Episodes Hit Netflix USA

August 22 2015
I am happy and mad at the same time! Happy as in it is finally here. Mad as in, recently I watched the whole series (un-remastered). Looks like I need to re-re-watch.


[EVENT] Fleetie Appreciation Award - "Most Outstanding"

August 22 2015
I'm still shocked that at some point in the last you was nice enough to somebody to get nominated.
2 people liked this
Kidd Kasper


Check this out! Chance to win 50-100M EC!

August 22 2015
Done, done, done and done. :)
Sej @Ereiid


Fleetie Appreciation Award - "Most Outstanding"

August 22 2015
Well, now that the lid is off, we can talk for reals.

Who else has been doing this all week:

Unknown Person liked this
Edited August 22 2015 by Ereiid


Fleetie Appreciation Award - "Most Outstanding"

August 22 2015
Don't forget to attend tonights Award Ceremony!

Event Time