Joey Holweger


Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 27 2019
Today I'm grateful for all the wonderful people in Stonewall, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to get to know so many wonderful amazing people.
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Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 27 2019
Today I'm grateful for the peace that we enjoy thanks to the sacrifice of many in the past.
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Unknown Person

Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 27 2019
Day 4: I am grateful for stories.
I love the chances I get to escape into other worlds, into the worlds crafted by other people, to be lost in their stories and words. I am grateful there are so many ways I get to experience stories; audiobooks, books, gaming, movies, and tv. There is little I enjoy more than a good story.

Day 5: I am grateful for little cakes and treats to brighten up my day.
Well the gratitude might not last long when I have to go for a run later, but I am grateful that I can afford to treat myself sometimes and that I am no longer living hand-to-mouth. But I'm also grateful for the experience of living without for so many years, it has made me appreciate the small and large things even more.

Day 6: I am grateful for the cat.
Wagner (I did not name him) is a toothless 16-year-old Persian furball. I adopted him and his brother Rontti two years ago. Even though Rontti passed in the Spring, they have both brought me so much joy. I am grateful that Wagner still is in good health, and that doesn't struggle like a lot of Persian cats.
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Ted Hembach


Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 27 2019
Day 6
I'm grateful and happy that I found my love. Sharing our lives, our dreams, our fears, our angers, our beliefs, our visions and all that joyful moments like watching Star Trek together, listening to music, playing games together, making art, going shopping, turning the volume off when orange or white haired gorilla presidents speak, and much more, all that fuels my motivation and gives me power to look forward to the next day on that crazy planet. I think that I'm very happy and I have deepest respect for all people, who manage to walk their path alone. Love you all!
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Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 26 2019
Day 6 - I am grateful for HOPE.

I have been through times where I felt totally hopeless, that's why by now I very much cherish this wonderful, strength-giving feeling that can help you get back up after falling. One of my favorite citations is about it, from Vaclav Havel:

Hope is not the belief in happy endings. Hope is the conviction that something makes sense, no matter how it ends. (I hope I translated that correctly...)

As long as things are moving in the direction and there is a possibility of getting better - even if ever so slightly! - there is reason for hope. Without the ability to hope for improvement even in bad situations, humanity would probably not have made the progress we did. These days, sometimes when looking at the state of the world and the daily news, it's kind of hard to keep it up and hope for the future, but then I try to remind myself that our species is able to achieve so much in little time and I remember how much progress was made just in the last 100 years. For example, when my grandmother was born, females were not allowed to vote and now we have a female chancellor here in Germany and a female head of commission in the EU (and just look at Finland's new government which was already mentioned in this thread).
(Here is a song I like to listen to to cheer me up and remind me of how much we've gained since the sixties where the musical is set.)

Star Trek spread hope in a time where the cooperation of Americans, Russians, Japanese, (black) females and aliens must have seemed like an impossible dream.
Spartacus rose up, Gandhi marched, Rosa Parks kept seated, the Stonewall riot started and nowadays people are on strike every Friday - all because of hope.

Humanity needs dreamers and people who dare to fight for what they hope for, no matter how unlikely it seems.
I am endlessly grateful for the power of hope to ignite change for the better.
Hopeful, hippiepunk.
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Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 26 2019
I forgot what I was originally going to write when we went out to the store, so... Instead I'm grateful when I do manage to remember the important things. 
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Nicolas J. Artley


Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 26 2019
I'm grateful for being able to have the privilege in our society for just lazy days, with stying in bed longer, getting the coffee machine making my drink and finding the time to relax and play games or read.

Others need to work their asses of just for the necessity of living
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Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 26 2019
Quote by hippiepunk
Day 5: I am grateful for HEALTH.

Man... This, honestly. So much this. 
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Ted Hembach


Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 26 2019
Day 5, also missed out because of the holidays:

I'm grateful that we all have the ability to communicate on a global scale. That's really impressive, play and talk and chat with you all in all parts of the world, in places, where I probably never will go to. And on top of that, thanks to the internet and those cheap cameras built-in in every phone, we can even watch how the world looks like somewhere else. I do that very often, watching a documentary about something that happened elsewhere, or watching news and even adds from any country. That's great fun, and when I have to state something about it, it would be that I learned that we are all the same. Peace!
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Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 26 2019
Day 5: I am grateful for HEALTH.

I am surely not the healthiest person, but I can see (even clearly with my glasses on), I can hear, talk (and sing!), walk, run, jump, dance, breath, taste, smell (at least a little and given how the city stinks sometimes I'm also happy for reduced smelling ability), sense, feel, drink, eat and (most importantly) think. Lately I even got back to being able to sleep refreshingly (which I missed for a lot too much years) and dream! And although I do have some ailments (tooth problems, skin issues, my not-totally-correctly-grown spine and two chronic psychiatric states), I learned to accept these as parts of my life and since I've had loved ones battle terminal illnesses, I came to the conclusion that I can legitimately think of myself as healthy. I consider myself very lucky to
a) live in a country with a mostly working health system where I can go see a doctor/specialist when needed
(*special thanks to doctors and nurses who work in this between-the-years-time and in emergency services all year*)
b) be healthy enough to stand on my own two feet and think clearly before I raise my voice.
I am very grateful for that. I wish all the best regarding health to all of you, too!
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Joey Holweger


Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 26 2019
Day 5(missed cause of the holiday) I'm grateful for family even when they are on my last nerve it's nice to have them.
Day 6: I'm grateful for sci-fi and all the joy it has brought to my entire life!
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Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 26 2019
Today I'm glad for the kindness in the world. A single candle shines brightest in the dark
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Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 26 2019
I'm grateful for people in my life who can stay rational in the face of hysteria or anger and keep me grounded. I'm also grateful how down to earth and pragmatical my partner is
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Cheshire McCaster


Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 26 2019
After this last car wreck, i am deeply grateful that my arm is not permanently damaged.  There was a high chance that I wouldn't be able to use it much anymore let alone fence with it again.  Fencing has been my only physical outlet for everything that builds up and I would be a bit crushed if I lost that again.
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Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 25 2019
Today I'm grateful for the friends I've made across the universes.
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Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 25 2019
Late entry, but I wanted to make sure I have something that really clicked: Today, I'm grateful for how much my communication skills improved in relationships over the years. It allows me to be a much better partner for Julie than I would have been when we initially met. 
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Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 24 2019
Day 4: I am grateful for LOVE.

I used to be quite a skeptic, doubting that any romantic relation can truthfully last very long because the fascination of getting to know someone and erotic longing would wear off after a while. But then, as a big surprise when and with whom I least expected it, I found love - or love found me? - with the other Ted.
I can fully agree with the beautiful things other fleeties said here about being happy that my significant other is as introvert as I am and the amazement of having found someone I never need to pause from and who feels the same about me. And - Bonus!- who loves the same things as I do, from acappella music and alternate universe theories to coffee, from Eurovision to musical movies, from spicy food and Star Trek to X-Mas-Ignorance and even to zodiac stuff.
We've been together now since 2006 through thick and thin, through good times and the darkest ones, and the love and trust is still only getting deeper. I consider myself very lucky that I met this special someone who fits so well with me and I'm grateful for every moment we get to spend together. Now I truly know that Love is Love.
With Love, hippie
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Patrick Aka Trick


Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 24 2019
Day 4: I am grateful for coffee and fresh-baked chocolate croissants on cold December mornings.
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Ted Hembach


Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 24 2019
Today on Christmas eve there are two things I am very grateful for:

The first is STAR TREK. When I'm depressed in winter, or during these days, I've often cheered me up by watching Star Trek. It gives me hope and makes me feel good.

The same goes for the second reason: You all here in Stonewall. As Star Trek Online is my favorite place to be in the internet, its good to know that there are always friends to share and play with, good people cheering you up, making fun, and pew pew some bad guys to save our universe. I really appreciate that a lot and I'm grateful for it. THANK YOU ALL and have a nice evening!
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Joey Holweger


Seven Gays of Christmas - Winter Whirl lead-in

December 24 2019
Day 4: Today I am grateful for books.  A wonderful way to slip away into an adventure and forget the world around you.
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