I couldn't have said anything better myself! I do have a few points I'd like to throw in for consideration after way too many runs of ATNE (seriously, I need a new STF).
Quote by Andrea Maria
Cover shield (eng), Vaadwaur shield drone (sci) or much pew pew (tac) helps to reach that optional.
I might say that on ATNA (Assault on Terok Nor
Advanced, the Vaadwaur drone is useful, but not foolproof. Cover Shields are almost mandatory on ATNE, unless you split your team into 2 members/technician-person with a medic (re: healer) running back and forth, healing both technician-people non-stop.
Quote by Andrea Maria
Stage 2:
Go back to the promenade. Terrans are mean, that´s why they´re trying to trap you between force fields.
You have to activate 5 of 6 consoles in a certain order to bring the force fields down. The sequence will be generated randomly for every game, so there´s no guide for that. And you have to do the work this time by yourself.
Also, you´ll have to start over if you´ve made a wrong choice. Oh, and there´s a timer: you have 2 minutes to figure out the correct sequence.
No, it's just Admiral Leeta that's mean. Mean as in 'woke up on the wrong side of the bed and forgot to take her anti-don't-let-the-power-of-the-Pah-Wraiths-fire-you-up-too-much medications the night before.
Seriously though, some things to note in this section is that you have a timer to do the consoles before a 'brute-force solution' works. The closer you get to the end of the timer, the more hints you'll be given. You shouldn't need the hints, but for your first time, pay attention to them being voiced on comms. Secondly, this section is best done with only one person working on the consoles, 1 person taking out the annoying little-erm, ambushers on the second level, and the rest of the team clearing the way for the console person.
Incidentally, when Season XI was first released, ATN was broken so that it was the same combination in ATNN, a differnt combination (that never changed) in ATNA, and the aforementioned in ATNE.
sigh Too bad they fixed that, ATNN was Yellow, Blue, White, Red, Purple, ATNA was...sorry, I've done ATN too many times by now...
Quote by Andrea Maria
Stage 3:
Proceed to the shipyard. Kill every Terran soldier who crosses your path. Admiral Leeta is already waiting for you. And it´s not for Dabo.
In the middle of the room are three pads on the floor. Every single pad can be activated from a console.
Leeta will go after one of your team (I´m assuming it´s the person that causes the highest dmg, not sure, though).
This poor person should try to lure Leeta onto one of the pads. Activate the pad by using the associated console. This will make Leeta vulnerable. Repeat this three times. Defeat her.
In my experience, Admiral Leeta goes after the person with the highest hitpoints and is generating the most threat. Explanation: I've tested running ATNN, and ATNA with different toons and different builds with the same team from the HPS community, she always went after the tanks/threat tanks. So unless you have a Tactical Captain that can create more threat than a Science Captain, I might recommend leaving the S.C.s to lure her onto the platforms. Further testing is required, I'll comment again or anecdote this reply with my findings.
Super guide, Andrea!
Please try to refrain from fighting in Mirror Quark's, or security will escort you out. And would the owner of a blue Geneva Class Battlecruiser please report to reception, your lights are on.