Gareth GXV3


Fallout 4

November 05 2015
Quote by Lars1091
Quote by GXV3
So excited. you can Mod on the consoles now too!

It will never top pc modding.

ooo ooo ooooo ooooooohhhh He gonna go der!!

On a serious Note... Dont forget to Download your Pip Boy App for your phone..
Its just been released just now on your app store.
so that it connects with your console or PC, so you can check your stats while away from the game

Bethesda has launched the official Fallout 4 Pip-Boy app for Android mobile devices. The app can be downloaded for free on the Google Play store. It grants access to a number of features, including the ability to interact with Fallout 4 on the PS4, Xbox One, or PC.

Players can use the app to check data in Fallout 4 including their stats, inventory, map, and radio. The app also has the ability to play holotape games, with Atomic Command included for free. It’s worth noting that for players who have picked up the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy edition, the app works well with a phone strapped to the Pip-Boy device.
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Andrea Maria


Mirror Leeta's voice isn't annoying

November 05 2015
I don´t know why I´m just thinking of 40 years olds, who are still living in mom´s basement and are playing STO (read: conversing in ESD zone chat) all day long (when they´re not posting in the official STO forums, that is).

Can´t you imagine that they feel disturbed, annoyed and threatened after her mom asked them ten times within 4 hours to bring the garbage out? I can totally understand that they - of course! - find women´s voices annoying.

That said, on a more serious note:

I don´t find Leeta´s voice annoying, it´s just this bug that lets her repeat her introduction over and over.

And I agree with you, Alex. A part of the sto community seems to be mysogynistic.

Do you remember "Gateway to Grethor", when it was launched? There was also a bug, which let the Klingon say every 5 seconds "the troop transports are making their way to the planet" or something like that.

If memory serves, in the forums this bug was described as... a bug. There haven´t been comments like "sounds like my husband when he´s telling me for the umpteenth time how big that fish was".
4 people liked this
Edited November 05 2015 by AndreaMaria


Mirror Leeta's voice isn't annoying

November 05 2015
The server is down so I went to the forums to see what was up (they're investigating, I should be going to bed... :P), and here's a post from those swamps:

Just want find out if it's just me or this time around Chase Masterson voice is just darn annoying. No intended disrespect for the actor since that is the way she truly sounds but IMO just trying to get away from a real world and escape from an annoying cruel reality of a wife/partner yelling at your neck all the time.

Do you find Leeta's voice ANNOYING? 60 votes
Yes...she sounds like a nagging wife/girlfriend who's at your back ALL the time.
20% 12 votes
Annoying but tolerable. I'm a single guy and dont think wives would ever yelled like that.
11% 7 votes
Does not matter a bit to me. I don't feel annoyed.
38% 23 votes

I started playing STO last year a bit before the summer event, and I thought the female dance instructor was really cool. She had a lot of energy, I like theater and really campy acting... And then I found out that she's one of the most hated NPCs in the game because of her "annoying" voice. She apparently overacts (is that even possible for a *dance instructor* in a *video game*? would it be preferable if she sounded sedated?), but the male dance instructor was apparently perfect.

Fine, maybe I was just weird there.

Then came the winter event where a whole bunch of NPCs shouted annoying things: that Ferengi who loves Q, the Epohh Lady, and Neelix. For the life of me, I couldn't stand the Ferengi, who was doing an annoying voice and saying annoying things as frequently as the Epohh Lady was saying not-annoying things in a peppy voice. Plus I just don't like Neelix. But Cryptic got a lot of pressure to reduce the frequency of the Epohh Lady's statements, not the Ferengi's or Neelix's.

But I thought that maybe I was just weird again, although it was weird that 2/5 NPCs in question were female, and those were the 2 whose voices everyone complained about.

Now I've been seeing in zone chat (yes, I know I need to wash my eyes out with bleach) people complaining about Leeta's voice, as if the problem is her voice and not the fact that there's a bug making her repeat the same line over and over again in the Badlands. Chase Masterson did a good job with her voice and made her sound like a Mirror version of Leeta, but then I see that nonsense above in the forums.

So, yeah, I don't think I'm totally wrong here. This is the same old bs that men do when they're looking for an excuse to tell women to shut up. It's an instinctive bias and... I don't know what to do other than complain here about it (and yes I responded on that thread and told the dude he's a misogynist).

... adding: I went back before posting this to see if anyone responded to me but there was only this new message:

Somewhat annoying but not half as bad as sela....damn we need a "Shut up Sela" button!!!!

Maybe the reason some people were complaining about the "Wait for Sela to finish speaking" message in Midnight was because they're not used to waiting for any woman to finish speaking ever?
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Fallout 4

November 05 2015
I refuse to buy this game on the grounds it will turn me into a hermit never to see the light of day again :blink: Seriously a cross between Duke Nukem and Skyrim cant really fail can it?
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Lars Zandor


Fallout 4

November 05 2015
Quote by GXV3
So excited. you can Mod on the consoles now too!

It will never top pc modding.

Aeryn Miller


[EVENT] Little Christmases - Pikkujoulut

November 05 2015
Sadly I work weekends so I don't think I'll be able to make any of these. I wish you all the best of times and holiday cheers. ^_^
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Edited November 05 2015 by AerynKatta
Aeryn Miller


Show us your gaming pad!

November 05 2015
This is my humble gaming set up. I only really get to play when the kids aren't here or are asleep though seeing as it uses the TV.

BTW: I'm known as the great thread necromancer. :evil:
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Edited November 05 2015 by AerynKatta


[EVENT] Little Christmases - Pikkujoulut

November 05 2015
i don't think i've ever done it either. i didn't do any of the Nukara stuff until about 2 months ago. was too lazy to get an environmental suit when it first came out.
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Michael Sawyer


Extra Life!

November 04 2015
Gah I keep saying second life instead of extra life!
Gareth GXV3


Fallout 4

November 04 2015
YES!!! Im getting mine from Amazon too, for Xbox One, with the art book and soundtrack and fallout 3!!

So excited. you can Mod on the consoles now too!
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Fallout 4

November 04 2015
I dont believe there is another topic. I am eagerly awaiting my package from Amazon.
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Lars Zandor


Fallout 4

November 04 2015
Didn't see a FO 4 thread. If there is one, apologies, but I wanted to share this:

Also, 6 more days until release :woohoo:
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Andrea Maria


Attack On Terok Nor - Guide (work in progress)

November 04 2015
Those are awesome additions, AJ, thank you!

I´ve only played this thing once on normal and once on advanced level. I´m assuming that the advanced optionals are requirements on elite?

About the hints over comm: yeah, I´ve heard someone mentioning those but was never able to hear them myself (my fx was on both runs a little bit messed up, but the hints were probably the "brrrlzzzzbrrrzzzz"-sound I´ve heard, lol).
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Attack On Terok Nor - Guide (work in progress)

November 04 2015
I couldn't have said anything better myself! I do have a few points I'd like to throw in for consideration after way too many runs of ATNE (seriously, I need a new STF).

Quote by Andrea Maria

Cover shield (eng), Vaadwaur shield drone (sci) or much pew pew (tac) helps to reach that optional.

I might say that on ATNA (Assault on Terok Nor Advanced, the Vaadwaur drone is useful, but not foolproof. Cover Shields are almost mandatory on ATNE, unless you split your team into 2 members/technician-person with a medic (re: healer) running back and forth, healing both technician-people non-stop.

Quote by Andrea Maria

Stage 2:

Go back to the promenade. Terrans are mean, that´s why they´re trying to trap you between force fields.

You have to activate 5 of 6 consoles in a certain order to bring the force fields down. The sequence will be generated randomly for every game, so there´s no guide for that. And you have to do the work this time by yourself.

Also, you´ll have to start over if you´ve made a wrong choice. Oh, and there´s a timer: you have 2 minutes to figure out the correct sequence.

No, it's just Admiral Leeta that's mean. Mean as in 'woke up on the wrong side of the bed and forgot to take her anti-don't-let-the-power-of-the-Pah-Wraiths-fire-you-up-too-much medications the night before.

Seriously though, some things to note in this section is that you have a timer to do the consoles before a 'brute-force solution' works. The closer you get to the end of the timer, the more hints you'll be given. You shouldn't need the hints, but for your first time, pay attention to them being voiced on comms. Secondly, this section is best done with only one person working on the consoles, 1 person taking out the annoying little-erm, ambushers on the second level, and the rest of the team clearing the way for the console person.

Incidentally, when Season XI was first released, ATN was broken so that it was the same combination in ATNN, a differnt combination (that never changed) in ATNA, and the aforementioned in ATNE. sigh Too bad they fixed that, ATNN was Yellow, Blue, White, Red, Purple, ATNA was...sorry, I've done ATN too many times by now...

Quote by Andrea Maria

Stage 3:

Proceed to the shipyard. Kill every Terran soldier who crosses your path. Admiral Leeta is already waiting for you. And it´s not for Dabo.

In the middle of the room are three pads on the floor. Every single pad can be activated from a console.

Leeta will go after one of your team (I´m assuming it´s the person that causes the highest dmg, not sure, though).

This poor person should try to lure Leeta onto one of the pads. Activate the pad by using the associated console. This will make Leeta vulnerable. Repeat this three times. Defeat her.

In my experience, Admiral Leeta goes after the person with the highest hitpoints and is generating the most threat. Explanation: I've tested running ATNN, and ATNA with different toons and different builds with the same team from the HPS community, she always went after the tanks/threat tanks. So unless you have a Tactical Captain that can create more threat than a Science Captain, I might recommend leaving the S.C.s to lure her onto the platforms. Further testing is required, I'll comment again or anecdote this reply with my findings.

Super guide, Andrea!

Please try to refrain from fighting in Mirror Quark's, or security will escort you out. And would the owner of a blue Geneva Class Battlecruiser please report to reception, your lights are on.
3 people liked this
Andrea Maria


Attack On Terok Nor - Guide (work in progress)

November 04 2015
This is the new Terran ground stf.

The stf has 3 stages.

After beaming down, you´ll find yourself in Quark´s bar, which isn´t really in a good shape. Also, there are Terran troups. Kill them.

Make your way to the exchange area. This area looks a little bit different than what you know from DS9. There´s a wall of crates, that basically splits the room in two sections. That´s were stage 1 begins.

Stage 1:

Split your team up (3/2).

The fight takes place simultaneously on both sides of the wall. Defend your fellow engineer-NPCs. They are activating consoles for you, keep them alive! There will be a few waves of enemies.

Cover shield (eng), Vaadwaur shield drone (sci) or much pew pew (tac) helps to reach that optional.

After the consoles are activated, just clear the room of all remaining enemies.

Stage 2:

Go back to the promenade. Terrans are mean, that´s why they´re trying to trap you between force fields.

You have to activate 5 of 6 consoles in a certain order to bring the force fields down. The sequence will be generated randomly for every game, so there´s no guide for that. And you have to do the work this time by yourself.

Also, you´ll have to start over if you´ve made a wrong choice. Oh, and there´s a timer: you have 2 minutes to figure out the correct sequence.

Stage 3:

Proceed to the shipyard. Kill every Terran soldier who crosses your path. Admiral Leeta is already waiting for you. And it´s not for Dabo.

In the middle of the room are three pads on the floor. Every single pad can be activated from a console.

Leeta will go after one of your team (I´m assuming it´s the person that causes the highest dmg, not sure, though).

This poor person should try to lure Leeta onto one of the pads. Activate the pad by using the associated console. This will make Leeta vulnerable. Repeat this three times. Defeat her.

Congrats! You´ve made it! Everybody is happy now EXCEPT Admiral Leeta... and Quark.


I´ve played this stf only two times. I´ll add new insights (and screenshots!) to this guide as soon as possible.
6 people liked this
Edited November 04 2015 by AndreaMaria


Counterpoint Walkthru

November 04 2015
After a few pugs this past week I'm reconsidering my glee over CP as the best way to get terran marks. Yeah, running CPE with the 30K channel is pretty efficient, but that's not what everyone's going to do and it's not even what I do all the time.

Obviously, this calls for someone to time CPA in a pug and do a run-through of the BZ so we can figure out which is the best way to get marks. And the BZ has the advantage of lending itself to grinds - no 30-min cd.

@junawanu: Yea, everyone's getting that. If you look at zone chat in the BZ (make sure you wash your eyes with bleach after doing so), you can see that everyone in the BZ gets that cut scene at the same time. You can esc out of it and I'm hoping it's going to be fixed this Thursday.
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Sej @Ereiid


Counterpoint Walkthru

November 03 2015
Quote by alex284
[update: running this queue this weekend on normal and advanced makes me wonder if this is all necessary, if it's not more efficient to just transport troops and shoot at TN when you're near it. On elite, though, I think it still makes sense.]

It's been seeming like it's simply not possible to rely on pugs and randos in the public queues to really fathom anything but the most rudimentary strategy or mechanic that doesn't involve flying around in teenie little circles and rainbow FaWing everything in sight.

So, yeah - just shuttling assault teams back and forth between DS9 and Terok Nor seems to be preferable to the hairpulling facepalm frustration of coordinating advanced tactics with pugs.

...or expecting a basic level of literacy from them.
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Andrea Maria


Counterpoint Walkthru

November 03 2015
Quote by Junawanu

Speaking of, has anyone else gotten the bug in the BZ where the Leeta cinematic keeps playing repeatedly in each and every phase?

Yes. :evil: !
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Counterpoint Walkthru

November 03 2015
Quote by alex284

[update: running this queue this weekend on normal and advanced makes me wonder if this is all necessary, if it's not more efficient to just transport troops and shoot at TN when you're near it. On elite, though, I think it still makes sense.]

Based on the normals I did, this seems the most efficient. The only problem I still see is that people just shoot the station and don't move troops ever. :/

One thing to keep in mind- BZ is good for Inducers, so doing both has advantages. Speaking of, has anyone else gotten the bug in the BZ where the Leeta cinematic keeps playing repeatedly in each and every phase?
3 people liked this



November 03 2015
Hi guys just submitted my build and any recommendations on how to improve it etc would be appreciated.
Science Command Battlecruiser
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