

[Accepting Applications] Admiral Position - Chief of Fleet Morale

November 07 2015
One of these days sej, we will accept it as an application and promote you just to see you suffer.
Lars Zandor


[Accepting Applications] Admiral Position - Chief of Fleet Morale

November 07 2015
No Medgirl, being surrounded by hot, young slaves that do everything for you is something else than keeping morale up! :P
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Jamie O'Connell


[Accepting Applications] Admiral Position - Chief of Fleet Morale

November 07 2015
Chief of Fleet Morale?


(And with a twinkle in her eye) Hehehee... :evil:
Sej @Ereiid


SGN Chat

November 06 2015
Don't seem to be having that problem.

But I am noticing the window no longer pins to remain on top of whatever game I'm in, regardless of the screen mode.
Martin McCann


Extra Life!

November 06 2015
Quote by calx
STO killed my 2nd Life! :O

LOL yep mine too :-)
Unknown Person liked this


SGN Chat

November 06 2015
Recently i have been trying to open the app and every time it doesnt work, i close it down and reopen and no change.

Anyone else having difficulties?

Unknown Person

[EVENT] Little Christmases - Pikkujoulut

November 06 2015
Oh No! Boo to work. But if you still want to participate in the secret santa, send me a message with a present for someone else, and I'll make sure you're included in the swapsies !

They fixed Defera Invasion Zone, and Nukara Prime! No adjustments to the schedule needed!

You haven't done them before? That's awesome ! It is so much fun the first time around. I am looking forward to the slaughter already! I can almost smell my environmental suit. Although that's probably because I didn't wash it after my last encounter with the tholians.

The same goes to everyone as I mentioned to Aeryn. If you can't make it, but want to be in the Secret Santa. Send me a message in game, my handle is @caiweaver
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Edited November 06 2015 by Unknown Person
Sej @Ereiid


[Accepting Applications] Admiral Position - Chief of Fleet Morale

November 06 2015
Yes, I'm here for the interview.

My portfolio:
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Zander Hawk


Re:[Accepting Applications] Admiral Position - Chief of Fleet Morale

November 06 2015
Where are all the super fun, outgoing, crazy, hyperactive, dance until 5am party planners? Now is your chance people.

Zander Hawk
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Fallout 4

November 05 2015
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Extra Life!

November 05 2015
STO killed my 2nd Life! :O


Making Money in STO

November 05 2015
i offer escort services

DHC optional :blush:
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Tactical Ship Selection

November 05 2015
Quote by alex284
I think people should play the ship they like with the captain they like because STO is a game and the point of games is to have fun

this! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :woohoo:
3 people liked this


Mirror Leeta's voice isn't annoying

November 05 2015
I remember when it was all just that was so lonely.... :blink:
Lars Zandor


Fallout 4

November 05 2015
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Mirror Leeta's voice isn't annoying

November 05 2015
get your epohh's!!!!!
Martin McCann


Mirror Leeta's voice isn't annoying

November 05 2015
"Kurland here" #justsayin :evil: :whistle: :evil:
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Martin McCann


Extra Life!

November 05 2015
"SecondLife" "Now there's a name I've not heard in a long, long time. A long time"
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Mirror Leeta's voice isn't annoying

November 05 2015
I agree Alex... I think that bug would make anyone's voice annoying... Can you imagine if it was Shatner and you couldn't skip it?


The battle zone would be lost before the cutscene had ended - you'd be stuck in a never ending loop.

I'd like to think this would create the same amount of outcry if it were a male actor. It probably wouldn't, but I do remember a lot of complaints about Paris and Harry and Nog.... Not to same degree, but they weren't bugged.

For me at least, she is only annoying because I can't skip her. I think that I am quite annoyed. The same went for Sela in the last mission of the Iconian arc. And also for Nog in that mission I can't remember the name of. Its fine to listen to once.

At least with Tuvok in the Delta Rising Arc, you could just escape out of that scene. Man he went on and on and on and on.... But he still had more charisma than Paris.

My point is, and I think I'm repeating alex's point here: I think we are annoyed with the repetition and we tend to associate that with the character rather than just being annoyed with repetition. Maybe it happens faster because it is a woman (I'd like to think this isn't true), or maybe it happens faster because it's a bug, or maybe it happens because we have no choice - I just turned the sound off and listened to some music.

Truth is, if you give these Zone Chatterers anything, they'll hate it and pick fault with it, because that seems to be acceptable behaviour these days (I think I just channeled my grandmother)
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Edited November 05 2015 by Unknown Person
Lars Zandor


Mirror Leeta's voice isn't annoying

November 05 2015
lol. I agree though, her voice is annoying. But it was annoying in DS9 too. It's just part of her character to me. She wouldn't be Leeta if her voice was not annoying :P
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