It's going to be okay

Remember the amazing Gareth has the requisition and filing authorization forms so you'll need those and remember that they have to be filed in triplicate. And when visiting gareth take these beforehand
You'll need to file forms 4R-3, Y-0U with K1-2D and 1N-G. Then you'll need forms G0-L and 0v-3 with a copy of form Y-0U and R-53LF. Then there's forms G0-T and 0H-3LL. All forms needs to be filed with Forms 4L-L, H4-1L, and G-A.R37H.
Again you can get all these forms from Gareth but remember...take...on second thought you'll need something stronger... take these instead.
Ah sej you are fooling nobody, trying to trick us into thinking you have a heart and care and stuff.