Sej @Ereiid


It's going to be okay

November 12 2015
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Brandon Felczer


It's going to be okay

November 12 2015
Even crazier, (all this is reported) he was in a plane crash while in the military (he was piloting and overshot the runway, 2 people died), he then became a plane crash investigator, was involved in another plane crash as a passenger, and then this one.


Brandon =/\=
Unknown Person liked this


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
2 people liked this
Ryan Thompson


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
Grats Cai
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Lars Zandor


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
Congratulations Cai!
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Dave (Voleron)


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
Congrats on the promotion, Cai! Looking forward to the many events to come!
2 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji

Remember the amazing Gareth has the requisition and filing authorization forms so you'll need those and remember that they have to be filed in triplicate. And when visiting gareth take these beforehand


You'll need to file forms 4R-3, Y-0U with K1-2D and 1N-G. Then you'll need forms G0-L and 0v-3 with a copy of form Y-0U and R-53LF. Then there's forms G0-T and 0H-3LL. All forms needs to be filed with Forms 4L-L, H4-1L, and G-A.R37H.

Again you can get all these forms from Gareth but remember...take...on second thought you'll need something stronger... take these instead.


Akunie!! you cant Catch "cool", your either born with it... or not.... you of all people should know this

BTW ive corrected some spelling errors..
6 people liked this
Edited November 12 2015 by GXV3

Unknown Person

Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
Admiral Cai... sounds pretty awesome, doesn't it?! :P Congrats once more, truly it is well earned! I've seen how hard you've worked for this community, and I know that dedication will continue on with these new pips. It can feel a little over-whelming at first, but once you learn the basics it will all fall into place. You'll do great :woohoo:
3 people liked this
Edited November 12 2015 by Unknown Person
Sej @Ereiid


It's going to be okay

November 12 2015
Quote by Gravity
Ah sej you are fooling nobody, trying to trick us into thinking you have a heart and care and stuff.

Brandon Felczer


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
Congrats, well deserved. I'll send you all the secret codes now :P


Brandon =/\=
3 people liked this


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 11 2015
Very well deserved Cai, welcome.
3 people liked this
Tsar Agus


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 11 2015
WHOO HOO!!!! We got some one to plan parties again!!!! WHOO!!!

Oh and jacien forgot to mention you'll need to fill these:


And when you're done these need your attention too


Remember Gareth have the requisition and filing authorization forms so you'll need those and remember that they have to be filed in triplicate. And when visiting gareth take these beforehand


You'll need to file forms 4R-3, Y-0U with K1-2D and 1N-G. Then you'll need forms G0-F and UC-K with a copy of form Y-0U and R-53LF. Then there's forms G0-T and 0H-3LL. All forms needs to be filed with Forms 4L-L, H4-1L, and N-1CK.

Again you can get all these forms from Gareth but remember...take...on second thought you'll need something stronger... take these instead.

6 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 11 2015


Welcome to the team Sir Cai
4 people liked this
Andrea Maria


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 11 2015
Cai! That´s awesome! Congratulations! :woohoo:

Andrea :)

P.S.: Just for the record: I´ll never forgive you this HSA. Ever. xD
2 people liked this
Edited November 11 2015 by AndreaMaria
Joseph Leyland


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 11 2015
Yay congrats Caisome! Nobody better for the job if you ask me.
3 people liked this

Unknown Person

Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 11 2015
Please join me in congratulating @Caiweaver on his promotion to Admiral of The Morale Department!

Since the summer, Cai has performed exceptionally well as an FC, willingly taking on vast responsibilities last-minute to make our Fall Festival a absolute hit. Since then, he's been running regular Mystery PVE runs and other events that make our Fleet feel so much more like a community. Cai's department helps to welcome new members as well as planning, coordinating and executing fun-filled events in-game.

It is my great honor and privilege to announce Cai's promotion, Qa'pla! :cheer:
19 people liked this


It's going to be okay

November 11 2015
learnt something new!

Unknown Person

[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

November 11 2015
It's gonna be so good! Well excited for dinoblast!

Don't forget the costume competition *prehistoric prude*

And the Prehistoric Pickuplines competition!

2 people liked this
Edited November 14 2015 by Unknown Person
Joseph Leyland


[EVENT] Little Christmases - Pikkujoulut

November 11 2015
Looking forward to your event Cai! Gonna be a (Dino) BLAST!
3 people liked this
Edited November 11 2015 by FuriousToast


It's going to be okay

November 11 2015
Ah sej you are fooling nobody, trying to trick us into thinking you have a heart and care and stuff.