Andrea Maria


How to use skill points

November 15 2015
Thank you Alex! That´s a very informative guide and easy to comprehend.
Unknown Person liked this


How to use skill points

November 14 2015
This is all going to change soon apparently and it'll take a while before I know enough so that I can update this. But I will update! Wouldn't it be hilarious if you're reading this in 2017 and I'm like, "A new system is coming!" and you never played the old system?

3 steps for using skill points

1. Decide on a goal

Make some decisions about what the character will be doing. Consider:

  • Is going to be focused on ground combat? You have to spend at least 66,000 on ground skills and 266,000 on space skills, which leaves 34,000 for either. Since space combat is more difficult than ground, I recommend using the extra on space unless this is going to be a ground toon.
  • Will this character use torpedoes? If not, then don't put points into the 2 projectile skills.
  • Will this toon do PVP or PVE? Upper tier science skills and Stealth are more useful in PVP than in PVE, and I imagine (I don't PVP) that subsystem power skills and Electro-Plasma Systems are more useful in PVE.
  • Are you interested in science roles for this toon? If you have a specific idea, like running drain builds, then you can max out that skill. If you're not sure yet, Flow Capacitors, Particle Generators, and Graviton Generators are useful for lots of Science skills.
  • Will this toon tank? Threat Control is a must for tanks and defensive skills like Maneuvers and Structural Integrity are useful.
  • What kind of ship will this toon fly, and what does that imply for the skills you'll need? Do you need more subsystem power because you have a warbird? More Structural Integrity because you like escorts?
  • Do you plan to get a Plasmonic Leech? Then max Flow Capacitors to double its effectiveness.
  • Will this toon use batteries? Then put at least 3 points into Batteries to increase their duration by 5.4 seconds.

2. Research

It's not entirely obvious what each of the skills does just from its description in-game, and the game provides no quantitative help. This chart provides some numbers that were found through testing and it's extremely helpful. STO wiki has a page on each of the skills, and some of them are pretty in-depth. RyanSTO (one of the top STO players) did a
Of course, understanding how helpful each of those bonuses are depends on understanding the game's mechanics, and we have lots of guides now on the fleet site and there is more help all over the internet.

3. Plan

STO Academy has a great tool for planning your builds and it has a spot dedicated to using skill points. Make up a plan for what you want that toon to have so that you're not randomly clicking skills as you level up.

Don't be afraid to max out a skill if you think it's useful, but know that there are diminishing returns in this system. The first 3 points into any skill will get you a 54% bonus, the next 3 give 30%, and the last 3 give 15%. Is 15% more of an Attack Patterns bonus worth more than a 54% bonus to Battery duration? The answer could be yes or no.

Career matters less than what you're doing with this character. Skills are separated between tactical, engineering, and science, but don't feel limited by those labels. All toons will need skills from each category.

Not-obvious skill effects

  • Batteries: Affects the duration of batteries, crafted consumables, and Auxiliary to Battery. It does not affect the amount of power these give, just their duration.
  • Driver Coil: In addition to giving more speed at full impulse and at warp, it also increase your subsystem power at full impulse, decreasing the time it takes to get to full weapons power.
  • Warp Core Efficiency: This gives you bonus subsystem power depending on that subsystem's base power. So if you have 28/15 in a subsystem, it's the 15 that will determine how much this skill helps.
  • Electro-Plasma Systems: This is a very powerful skill that improves power transfer and Emergency Power to X abilities. This also improves subsystem power regeneration after dropping from full impulse. Last, it has a big affect on your damage output if you're using beams (and a smaller effect on cannons) because it returns power to your weapons subsystem when that power is drained by firing.
  • Graviton Generators: Improves the pull/push of Tractor Beam Repulsors and the radius of Gravity Well. The devs have said that it barely affects the pull of Gravity Well.
  • Particle Generators: This only affects abilities that a) do damage and b) do not come from a weapon. This does not affect phased biomatter or plasma's proc, or any other proc that causes extra damage.
  • Stealth: This skill only improves the stealth of stealthy skills, like cloaking. It does not make your ship more stealthy in general.
  • Threat Control: This is the only skill just for tanking and it's useful. The devs have not explained exactly how threat is calculated, but they've indicated that NPCs attack the person doing the most (damage, or if no one is doing damage, then buffing or debuffing), modified by various things, the most important of which is distance between the NPC and you. Threat Control helps as it modifies the threat you're generating from your damage and distance, but it doesn't mean that you don't have to do be doing a decent amount of damage (relative to your team) to draw aggro.
  • Hull Plating: This increases you damage resistance (DR) indirectly by increasing your damage resistance rating (DRR). DRR is the "+X resistance to damage" that consoles, set bonuses, or Hull Plating give you. DR is the percent of incoming damage that STO removes from each shot you take. The formula that maps DRR to DR involves diminishing returns with a maximum of 75% DR (so you don't become invincible). You probably already have other sources of DRR, so this skill may (or may not!) provide a disappointing DR bonus.
  • Armor Reinforcements: Same as Hull Plating.
5 people liked this
Edited February 20 2016 by alex284
Gareth GXV3


[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

November 14 2015
oooo i have to get my secret santa present ready!!
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 14 2015
Congratulations Cai! Don't forget us little people from your perch way up there. :)
Lars Zandor


How do expansions and seasons make you feel about a game?

November 14 2015
Maybe. I guess it'll depend on my interests. For example if they completely rework World of Warcraft I probably won't try it, because I've never been really interested in Warcraft or WoW. I might try it again a few years later, but it'll be when I'm extremely bored. Probably won't try it again.
But if they'd completely rework Lord of the Rings Online, I would definitely give that a try, since I've been a fan ever since I saw the first movie.
Unknown Person liked this


How do expansions and seasons make you feel about a game?

November 14 2015
Quote by Lars1091
Games I don't go back to are the games I decided I don't like or something.

So what if a game completely reworked or changed (ideally for the better), would this make you go back and try the rework?
Lars Zandor


How do expansions and seasons make you feel about a game?

November 14 2015
It does with some games. But those are usually the games I stopped playing because of having done everything already. Games I don't go back to are the games I decided I don't like or something.


How do expansions and seasons make you feel about a game?

November 14 2015
With Warframe transitioning from 'new' movement, old graphics, old map, 'new' clan dojo, 'new' mod system, and so on, to a Update 18 (U18) expansion that will bring an all new quest with full motion-capture cinematics thanks to a brand new in-house mo-cap studio added to DE's studio in London, tonnes of new features, new weapons, new (trial) raid, complete UI redesign for sniper rifles, new game mode, new frames to play as (currently through Design Council approval and limited-time trial on Chinese server), new augment mods (passed Design Council suggestion and approval), and an expansion to the 'new' game mode - full disclosure, no spoilers, sorry :P - the idea is that all these new features will bring back inactive players, entice new players to join, etc.

Of course, Warframe is just one game, but this does bring me back to two mainstays of Stonewall also going through recent releases: Star Trek Online with Season 11, and Star Wars The Old Republic with Knight of the Fallen Empire.

How much do these releases make you want to renew interest in a game, go back to a game you left, really focus on a game you never left, and/or try a game out for the first time?



Warframe - aka parcouring space ninja FPS extraordinaire

November 14 2015
Quote by suigetsu

Excellent news!

The drop tables around Trinity Prime parts have been fixed to make it drop more often (on T3MDs specifically)!

She's a lot of fun to use actually, though I spend a lot of time also on regular Trinity since I've customised a lot.


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 13 2015
Gz Cai.... definitely the right person for the job... now wheres my cookies !
Lars Zandor


Free Upgrade to Windows 10

November 13 2015
I have Windows 10 for about 2 months now. It's reasonably stable for me. Never really had the graphic issues you were talking about, but it did took a couple of weeks before my drivers could be updated.

Overall I like Windows 10, more than 8 anyway.
Just don't use Edge, because that sucks. It's basically just Internet Explorer with a different name and you're not able to use plugins in Edge (really, which stupid Pineapple at Microsoft thought that was a good idea?). Other browsers work just fine though.
Edited November 14 2015 by GXV3
Gareth GXV3


Free Upgrade to Windows 10

November 13 2015
Do you think Windows 10 is stable enough for me to upgrade again?
(having upgraded when it first came out, it didnt like being in my pc, i switched back)

I had so many graphic and inside issues I switched back.
Hopefully they have upgrades/patches in place for all the third party drivers etc.
Michael Minks-Bungard


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 13 2015
Congratulation on the promotion to Admiral...

We all will be watching you carefully to see if you sneeze and if anything sticks. and if there something hanging, we wont say a thing... hehehehehehehe

Jokes aside, you really deserve this. Enjoy.


Unknown Person

Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 13 2015
Aikune, Gareth you're both wrong. I've been reading the Introduction to Admiral-ing 101 that arrived with my congratulatory flowers, Admiral Pips, and fruit basket. After flicking through the handbook, and ignoring some rather interesting photos that were *accidentally* placed in it...

No one, ever, needs to see your garden gnome collection. It clearly says, on page 3842:

The following activity reports and briefing files should be on my desk by week's end: 4L-L, Y-0UR, and 84-SES need to be-filed along with 8E10N-G, T0-C, and 4-1.

But I can see that you were reading the old copy of the handbook. Give Google Docs a quick refresh and you'll see the light.


But seriously now,

I am well excited to get cracking as your new Chief of Fleet Morale. There's lots of big great events coming up, some smaller ones too, and also very soon we have *-Redacted-*

Thank you all for your congratulations! I'm totally chuffed. xD

See you all on Saturday for our first Pikkujoulut - Little Christmas Party. I'm excited I am! In the meantime! I'll see you for a mystery PvE and a dance party on Risa!

Cake and cookies and coffee for all!
Edited November 13 2015 by Unknown Person


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
indeed congratulations, from what ive seen a highly deserved appointment.

i doth my cap to thee good sir.
Unknown Person liked this


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
now where's the cake? :woohoo:

well deserved, here's to many more randomming to come :blush:
Martin McCann


Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

November 12 2015
Quote by Schmigel
It's F*ING AWESOME! I feel like a boxing champion lol

You might have to go in to the sequences and select the first memory to restart, but that's only a guess as not completed it yet, trying for 100% recuperation :D

Love the Boxing :-) .... in the end i just created a new account on the PS4 and started from scratch , loving this game it never gets old :-)


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
w00t, great choice for this position.
2 people liked this


The Witcher 3

November 12 2015
Just a hint - I never went through the first two Witchers, for various reasons, the clumsy controls being one of them - but Witcher 3 is really worth playing. It made Dragon Age Inquisition a silly little game for me, and I consider myself a fan of DA series. It might actually be the best game I've ever played B)
2 people liked this
Aeryn Miller


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 12 2015
Congratz!! ^_^
2 people liked this