

Raid - Spirit Vale

November 18 2015
GW2s first raid was released last night and it's not a walk in the park. I attempted the raid with 2 other guildies and pugged the rest. We made a commendable effort at taking down the vale guardian, but never quite managed to DPS enough during his last phase. We spent about 3-4 hours at it trying to tweak our strategy and always ran into the enrage mechanic in the end.

So... It's time to get things organized and see who all is interested in helping us tackle the new raid content. Those interested should be ready/willing to use TeamSpeak and open to modifying their builds to fit the needs of the team.

Please take a look at this general guide to get an idea of what to expect when attempting the Vale Guardian encounter:

If anyone needs help gearing, I'm planning to run semi-daily fractals to help build teamwork and work on ascended gear for anyone needing it.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited November 18 2015 by Elquin
Stephen Carville



November 18 2015
Reason why Stonewall is the galaxy's best fleet #74653

Thank you guys
3 people liked this
Whittier Strong


Shore Leave

November 17 2015
Given that you've done more in a volunteer role than I've done in some paying jobs, you're overdue for a vacation. Enjoy.
Michael Sawyer


Tactical Ship Selection

November 17 2015
"Anyway, thanks for stopping by and continuing this discussion! I was kinda hoping we could all talk shop here but then this discussion fizzled out."

Probably because it ceased being a discussion, lol
Andrea Maria


Shore Leave

November 17 2015
Nick, once in a while everybody needs a break. Take your time.

Andrea :)
Lars Zandor


Shore Leave

November 17 2015
Completely understandable!
Take all the time you need; we'll behave properly (and clean out the treasure room :P )

Shore Leave

November 17 2015
Hey everyone,

I'm going to be taking some time off from my leadership position in the community. I've been leading this community for over 7 years now and I'm honestly burned out. After a while the stresses of leadership does really get to me. Stonewall Fleet is something I really care about and when issues arise they can take a personal toll. It had gotten to the point where I had a feeling of dread whenever I had to log into the site or respond to a message. Something that once filled me with joy was making me extremely unhappy and I was just about at my breaking point. I realized something had to change.

Two weeks ago, I told the Admirals and other Officers that I just needed some time away from the stresses of leadership. I'm already feeling better, but I still need more time off. I'd like to say that I'll be back to ship shape soon, but I'm honestly not sure. This doesn't mean I'm completely gone. I'm still around to handle anything that the current leaders can't (like regards to the website or TeamSpeak); I'm simply not involved in making leadership decisions or handling any issues that arise. The Admirals already doing a wonderful job in my absence. I have total faith in their abilities.

I'm still in-game pretty much daily; currently running Mirrors on multiple captains. (Finally got my Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo Launcher to unique and I'm thrilled!) Don't be afraid to say Hello.

13 people liked this
Gareth GXV3



November 17 2015

YOu can now buy tickets from our Chief of Morale.. @Caiweaver

ooohh the EC pot grows ever big! updates soon
4 people liked this


[Accepting Applications] Fleet Captain

November 17 2015
Attention Stonewall Fleet,

As most of you know, Stonewall Fleet is a vast community spanning four separate fleets in game as well as an expansive social network both in our TeamSpeak Chat Rooms and in our online forums. With such a large community, there is a great need for individuals to be in a Senior Member role; to help assist, and guide the membership at large.

The leadership structure of Stonewall Fleet is built upon a familiar concept; That the fleet leadership is broken up into separate departments, and that each of those departments has a specific function. Furthermore, all departments work in tandem for the betterment of the fleet as a whole.

Each department has its own Chief: The Admiral. The Admirals comprise the Leadership of Stonewall Fleet. Under each Admiral is a highly skilled team of senior fleet members called the Fleet Captains. These Fleet Captains assist in the every day running of the fleet as well as give their valued input on fleet command and guidance.

The position of Fleet Captain is a privilege; not a right. It is a position which we do not grant lightly. Each person placed in a FC position has been an outstanding member of the fleet prior to the promotion. They are friendly, helpful, a positive influence, and work well with others.

If you are interested in stepping up to the challenge, and lending a helpful hand to your fellow fleet mates; please submit a request for application to me. With your request, please indicate your top three department preferences. You will then be sent a brief application. Once your application is received, it along with all other applications will be reviewed. After all applications are received and positions have been filled, all applicants will be notified of the results.

All application requests are confidential, and will not be disclosed to anyone outside of the Fleet Admiralty.

We thank you in advance for your time, and dedication to Stonewall Fleet.

Please visit our Leadership page to see where we have open vacancies here.
13 people liked this
Edited December 13 2015 by williamjaneway


Name preference

November 16 2015
Duh im thick... didn't realise this was for the Vanguard - thought it was STO
Unknown Person liked this


Name preference

November 16 2015
People usually shorten my handle as its hard to spell, so they think its hard to say too (Though is is fun to listen to people try). ith works well.


Name preference

November 16 2015
nakirush.7531 - James or my character names, I'm not all that picky


Name preference

November 16 2015
Good Idea....

@nivag2 - Gav or Gavin


Congratulations @Caiweaver

November 15 2015
WOW Congrats! It is definitely a title well earned.

Unknown Person

[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

November 15 2015
Congrats Cal again on winning the costume competition! That was one prehistoric getup!

Here are some cracking Photos taken by Rixter from last night:


Can't wait for the next one! Santa still has some presents left xD
5 people liked this


OFFICIAL: New Star Trek series premieres January 2017

November 15 2015
good news :woohoo:
I hope jj will have nothing to say how its done so he does not ruin it like last movie


[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

November 15 2015
what a super fun and lovely first pikkajoulut we had last night!

thanks cai for organising and hosting it!

can't wait for the other 2 now!!!! :woohoo:
2 people liked this
Gareth GXV3



November 15 2015
The following tags have no closing tag: url, center
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: center in url, center in url
R A F F L E - W I N N E R S - A N N O N C E D


We started off this raffle as a small idea to give thanks over the thanksgiving week, and to go alongside the PIKKUJOULUT event.. and the raffle became so popular that we had to find more prizes so that more members could enjoy the prize field.
Its one of the biggest raffles Stonewall fleet has ever seen!

Congratulations to the winners pulled from the hat at random, to attempt this in all fairness I recorded my screen and



1st PRIZE - Jem'Hadar Bug Ship (original) =

2nd PRIZE - 353,300,000.EC =

3rd PRIZE - 353,300,000.EC =

4th PRIZE - krenim imperium Warship [T6] =

5th PRIZE - Hirogan hirogen apex heavy cruiser =

6th PRIZE - Ultra Set Up Basket =

7th Prize - Ultra Buff Yourself Basket =

8th Prize - Ultra Doff Care package =

9th Prize - 10 lock Box keys =

10th Prize - Herald Thrall Outfit =


Congrats again!! and remember the PIKKUJOULUT EVENT is still on.. and we hope to see you at the next one, 13th December!!

Thanks @caiweaver @Andystan @danster for your help collecting tickets
5 people liked this
Edited November 29 2015 by GXV3
Gareth GXV3



November 15 2015
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: size, b, li, ul
T R E K S G I V I N G - R A F F L E



To Coincide with The Morale Departments PIKKUJOULUT x3 WINTER EVENTS,
The Resources Dept thought that this year has shown our members to be amazingly generous!
With Rare ships and Epic gear donated toward the fleet prize bank, we thought it a great chance to raffle some things off, and so we created TREKS-GIVING RAFFLE
(As its near Thanks giving, why not let the rest of the world join in the Thanks)

Cais Pikkujoulut event this weekend saw a great many of you join to help blast the dinos, We are hoping that a great many of you join up on the next Pikkujoulut event,(Webs & Mirrors Saturday 28th Nov 18.00GMT - 13.00EST) and after.. we will then draw the winners from this raffle!



Ingame only : you can purchase Raffle tickets from

- @GXV3
- @Andystan
- @Danster
- @Caiweaver

When we are in game, look out on chat for us calling out.. or just ask us in chat.. or send us a message and we will look out for you the next time your on.

We will meet you somewhere.. or bridge invite.. you give us the EC, tell us how many tickets you want.. and we will put your name on our draw-board for each ticket you buy!
x1 ticket = 1 name
x2 tickets, we put your name twice on the board
x3 tickets.. 3 times on the board
etc etc

Raffle Tickets are 200,000 EC EACH

Even if you buy one, your still in with a chance
to win one of these items!!

1st PRIZE - Jem H'Dar Attack Ship (Bug Ship)
2nd PRIZE - Half of the Energy Credits collected for the raffle ticket sales
3rd PRIZE - The other Half of the Raffle ticket sales Energy Credits
4th PRIZE - krenim imperium Warship [T6]
NEW- 5th PRIZE - Hirogan hirogen apex heavy cruiser
6th PRIZE - Ultra Set Up Basket (market value of est 100mil)
NEW- [7th Prize - Ultra Buff Yourself Basket (Market value of 87 mil)
NEW- 8th Prize - Ultra Doff Care package (Market value of 50 mil)
NEW- 9th Prize - 10 lock Box keys (50mil est Market value)
NEW- 10th Prize - Herald Thrall Outfit (Market value of 40 mil)



12 people liked this
Edited November 28 2015 by GXV3


Name preference

November 15 2015
Hey Stonewall. I tend to call members by their handle, but it's not always the name they prefer to go by. In an effort to get to know everyone a little more and help everyone out in chat and teamspeak, I'd like to organize a roster including our member's handle and their preferred nickname. Members are free to input their preferred nickname on the following spreadsheet. If you do not see your handle on the list, please reply to this topic with your in-game handle and desired nickname.

*Also, Include your Birthday if you'd like to be included in Birthday celebrations by the guild.

If a new member includes their real name or preferred name in their application, I will add it into the spreadsheet when sending them an invite. If you do not see your name added, please respond to this topic.

Thank you Stonewall!
Unknown Person liked this
Edited November 19 2015 by Elquin