Ryan Thompson



November 22 2015
Thank you @Kiddkasper

Giacomo Scocco



November 22 2015
Thank you @Kiddkasper

And, if I may add, woah! That's really lovely of you!
Gareth GXV3



November 22 2015
B O N U S - H A L F - W A Y - L I M I T E D - G I V E A W A Y



Its half way through the raffle week, and weve already reached 600 Ticket sales, The EC pot has grown huge thats great for the prize money


@Kiddkasper has Donated some EC to the fleet, and hes buying you 10 tickets each....
For the first 15 people who respond in this thread with the words..

"Thank you @Kiddkasper"

write that by responding in this thread and get 10 free Treksgiving tickets!!

you cannot claim your free tickets multiple times, only once
you can still buy tickets from the people written in the original post
you can enter for your tickets if you have already bought tickets
after the 15th entry, the give away will be closed
I will message you your ticket numbers for reference sake after the give away closes

Unknown Person liked this
Edited November 22 2015 by GXV3
Dave (Voleron)


Blunt Talk

November 22 2015
Where can you watch this? I assume it's on one of the streaming services?

Edit: Specifically, if I can even watch this show in Canada? I've tried downloading the Starz on-demand app, but of course, it's exclusive to the US iTunes store, which seems to mean that I won't be able to watch this until it's released on Blu-Ray a few years from now. With the new launch of any show, they seem to be very careful to make sure that it doesn't end up on YouTube, so that option is also out.

Rant incoming: I've been very frustrated these last few years by shows that I want to watch and would happily pay money to view, only to be blocked by geographical restrictions. Sounds like the new Star Trek series plans to be more of the same and for the life of me, I can't understand the mentality behind this. If any Canadians or Europeans have found a way around these idiotic location restrictions, please share your secrets here. I'm really interested in watching this series.

Edited November 22 2015 by Voleron
Zander Hawk


Re:Shore Leave

November 22 2015
This was long overdue, you've been in need of this for quite some time. Truly smile now and enjoy the game. Hugs.
Unknown Person liked this


Blunt Talk

November 22 2015
I decided to give it a try. The first episode was hilarious. I never even heard of it till i came to this topic. I'll keep going. :lol:
Kiera Skylar


Free Upgrade to Windows 10

November 22 2015
If you get windows 10 pro,it is great, but the home version may be a bit buggy.


Forums/Sites we're advertised on

November 22 2015
Fixed some of our broken links.

Please show your support by visiting our postings and commenting or upvoting the topics. If a guild recruiter makes any posts to another website concerning SWVG, please forward a link to the post so I can add it to the list.

Thank you!
Aeryn Miller


Shore Leave

November 21 2015
After a year away from the game, I'm in a much better place to play. And what started out as just I'll just mess around a bit until I get bored which I'm sure will be in just a few days....a few weeks later I'm still here and have joined what seems to be so far a great group of peeples. ^_^ Shore leave is sometimes mandatory. :silly:
Gareth GXV3



November 20 2015

The EC pot has now gone over...


and it will keep growing, fingers crossed!
Tickets are still on sale, if youve bought some your welcome to buy more!
6 people liked this
Edited November 20 2015 by GXV3


Raid - Spirit Vale

November 19 2015
Nice find, James! Might be time to bring my necro out of retirement! ;D I'm interested to see further research into meta builds for this raid. See what we have to play with. :)


Raid - Spirit Vale

November 19 2015
Following this topic over on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/3tch2m/theorycraft_raid_necromancerreaper_tank/

Might be possible to use a Reaper to fill the tank slot as well.


Raid - Spirit Vale

November 19 2015
I'm up for it! I still need HP's for my druid but my gear is all set :)


Raid - Spirit Vale

November 19 2015
Very interested. Given the difficulty of these raids, getting an experienced guild group together would be awesome. My main is full ascended zerk Mesmer, but I'm currently working on gearing my Guardian to tank. I don't have a geared healer or condi, but I can off-heal a bit as Guardian.


Raid - Spirit Vale

November 19 2015
I'm completely flexible and willing to fill whatever role is needed, just will need help gearing up my other characters.

Also, yeah. Hubby got the invite, but he hasn't logged in yet. I'll make sure he accepts tonight.


Raid - Spirit Vale

November 19 2015
Hey James. Yeah... I think we need to focus first on who is interested and then decide roles. I wouldn't want to force anyone to play a role they're not used to, but we may have to balance the team (will have to). I have 1 of every class but would have to acquire some gear if new roles are needed. COMPLETELY happy to try new things. I think you would be good to keep with your reaper. I'll keep track of who's interested and we'll meet after the group is full to discuss our strats.

On a side note... Did your hubby get into the guild? I sent him an invite but noticed he hadn't accepted it yet.


Raid - Spirit Vale

November 18 2015
I am happy to fill the Reaper role. :D

I also have a Chronomancer, Druid and Guardian on the sidelines, but none are as geared as the Reaper.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited November 18 2015 by nakirush