Lars Zandor


Happy Thanksgiving!

November 27 2015
We don't have Thanksgiving here in the Netherlands, but to all of you in the States: Happy Thanksgiving! May you eat so much that your stomach will hurt until Christmas :p
Stephen Carville


Chaos on the Bridge in the UK

November 27 2015
For anyone that's interested, William Shatner's documentary about the shenanigans that went on behind the scenes on the first year of TNG now seems to be available on UK Netflix

Trailer :

4 people liked this
Sej @Ereiid


Happy Thanksgiving!

November 27 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 26 2015
Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends and remember what you're thankful for. I am thankful for all of you!
8 people liked this


League of Legends

November 26 2015
Ah I liked the old LS poppy but the new one looks interesting
Andrea Maria



November 26 2015
Thank you, Kasper!

That´s really awesome and amazing, and it´s also sad (I hope I´m wrong, but does that mean that we won´t see you ingame as much as we did?).

I´d like to fly with you in a stf, you´ll be always welcome, just saying.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited November 26 2015 by AndreaMaria
Brandon Felczer


League of Legends

November 26 2015
Quote by Swizzle
Have you guys seen the new Poppy!

Her ultimate looks bonkers, I love it!

What do yall think?

Bonkers is accurate xD You should see that thing on a full charge. "Back to base, bitches" lol


Brandon =/\=
Gareth GXV3



November 26 2015
R A F F L E - P R I Z E - M O N E Y - U P D A T E


Just a quick update to inform everyone that our prize money pot has grown...

the balance raised so far by raffle sales is....


2 people drawn will receive this.. half each!!

Tickets are STILL on sale until Sat
5 people liked this
Edited November 26 2015 by GXV3


League of Legends

November 26 2015
Never mind that circle thing blocking dashes is amazing, i mean those pesky assasins killing my ADCs are getting bonged right away
Edited November 26 2015 by Gravity


League of Legends

November 26 2015
Have you guys seen the new Poppy!

Her ultimate looks bonkers, I love it!

What do yall think?


Guild Wars 2 Thank you gift

November 25 2015
Be advised. This was posted on the GW2 twitter:
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

The Office of Fleet Morale

November 25 2015
The following tags have no closing tag: hr
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Morale Department News

Updated: 19/01/2016

Welcome to the Office of Fleet Morale. I’ll be posting department updates and stuffs here!
It is also a forum for you to communicate directly with me, although you could just send me a message xD

So what’s the craic in Morale?

Well, there’s 2 new members of the Morale Team and both of them are familiar faces.
Welcome back Scotty - @Frozenlily
And hellooooooooo Lars - @Lars1091

Which means, with a full team, we are back in action!

We've just launched the Accolade Hunter's Club - For full details check the forum post right here
The next meeting is:
Saturday 6th February 2016 - 21.00 GMT - "New Romulus Exploration Accolades"

The RolePlay Events are still under review, and I’d love to get your feedback on them by filling in this form here - or by visiting

As usual there are the small random happenings going on, with Mystery PvE’s and dance parties!

- Cai
Chief of Fleet Morale
7 people liked this
Edited January 19 2016 by Unknown Person

Unknown Person

The Office of Fleet Morale

November 25 2015
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: hr
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D E P A R T M E N T · O V E R V I E W

Welcome to the office of the Department of Fleet Morale! The department consists of one Admiral and three Fleet Captains, when fully staffed. Further information about the organizational structure of the department can be found in the welcome center portion of the website. Or Click Here.

Roles and Responsibilities
The department's core responsibility is community building within Stonewall's fleets. This includes, but is not limited to the following:

Plan and facilitate regular social events
Promote social fleet events
Monitor Fleet for low or poor morale
Plan and facilitate roleplaying events
Assisting members with general Stonewall Gaming Network questions
Additional, shared responsibilities include:

Welcoming new members
Assisting membership with general questions
Inviting and processing new characters into the fleets
Monitoring fleet areas for breaches of the Code of Conduct

M E M B E R S · O F · T H E · M O R A L E · T E A M

Chief of Fleet Morale = @caiweaver
Fleet Captain = @Eurrsk
Fleet Captain = @Lars1091
Fleet Captain = @Frozenlily

D E P A R T M E N T · E V E N T S

We currently run four fleet wide, quarterly, weekend events: The Spectacular Spring Swing in April, Stonewall Pride in June, The Fantastic Fall Fling in September, and The White Winter Whirl in January. Each of these weekend events are packed full of fun for everyone!

We also have regular social events, competitions, and parties throughout the year, so be sure to check the Briefing room and the events page regularly for updates on things to come.

Some of our Cracking Past Events:

Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl
Q's Quest
Pikkujoulut - Little Winter Parties
Fall Festival Lite

Of course, we also have regular small scale events, happenings, shindigs, and general random happy things:

RolePlay - Soon to be Rebooted
Mystery PvE's - Could be Space or Ground, could be Borg or Tholians, who knows?
Accolade Hunters Club - Team up with your fellow fleeties and get those accolades together
Random Dance Parties - Keep an eye out in chat

Should you have any questions or concerns about the department or our performance, please don't hesitate to contact me through the website or in-game.

Awesome Sauce.

- Cai
Chief of Fleet Morale
5 people liked this
Edited January 19 2016 by Unknown Person


Shore Leave

November 25 2015
No now get back to work on your next event extravaganza, where is that whip when I need it.
3 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Shore Leave

November 25 2015
Do I qualify for retroactive leave?
3 people liked this


Shore Leave

November 25 2015
It wouldn't be a bad idea to require every admiral and maybe even the fleet captains to take off a couple weeks every so often...maybe every 6 months. That would afford everybody in a leadership role some personal time to truly enjoy the game, community, and personal time without being subjected to the restrictions or burdens of 'command'. It's a great way to rejuvenate and come back energized, ready to tackle the challenges that burnt you out before but now are again new. Especially you, Nick, since like you said you've been heavily involved in the community for so long. I think all the Admirals should kick you out of the chair for at least one week a year so you can have 'you' time. Stonewall needs a chief medical officer to certify you as officially nuts during this period each year, or maybe the Admirals put it to a vote. LOL. Yeah, I've overthought I do most things. :-)

Enjoy your time off.
6 people liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:[EVENT] Little Christmases - Pikkujoulut

November 25 2015
Quote by tuvak
i don't think i've ever done it either. i didn't do any of the Nukara stuff until about 2 months ago. was too lazy to get an environmental suit when it first came out.

You're still using your connie right? Lol hugs

Sent from my LG G3 mobile phone using Tapatalk.


November 25 2015
Hey everyone

It's that time a year again to renew our TeamSpeak server for another year. Along with that, there's the monthly website hosting, domain registration fees and other costs with running the community. I'd appreciate any donations to help with costs.

To donate, click the Donate button on the bottom right corner.

7 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

November 25 2015
yay.. Saturday is nearly here!
Unknown Person liked this


Blunt Talk

November 25 2015