WOW! What a fantastically generous thing to do. Thank you so very much, Robin, for doing such a kind thing for so many wonderful people. It's this sort of thing that makes me proud to be a part of such a lovely group of people.
That is some incredible generosity it makes me very happy to see people give back to the community at the best of times but these donations are massive, truly an incredible gesture.
With the two tickets that our kind Fleeties have bought, I shall win one of the amazing prizes! :woohoo: With my winnings, I shall pay off my student debt, buy a house, and... wait... I shall save the galaxy from Borg infected Tholian/Herald hybrids from the Gamma Quadrant!
Funny - I literally just pulled this up on Netflix just the other night here.
There's a great deal about the first two seasons of TNG that have had tongues wagging for years. But to get independent corroboration from multiple sources is the kind of thing only someone with the access that Shatner can get.
The Leonard Maizlish stuff is fucking epic legend.
postscript: Can we talk about those awesomely hilarical illustrations?
In--credible! Robin & Kasper, thank you so much for your kindness! Every year I am always surprised by amazing acts such as these. What we do for each other, how we treat others -- it's this stuff that makes Stonewall such a great community to be a part of. *big hugs from me!* So cool! :woohoo:
Also, super happy to see the newly added prizes!! Good luck to all!
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R A F F L E - P R I Z E - & - E.C - M E G A - U P D A T E (Please read)
Announcing the addition of x3 brand new prizes up for grabs, But before I tell you about the new prizes.. Im very pleased to tell you what the energy credits collected SO FAR stands at..
and its still growing..
The Treksgiving Pikkujoulut has proved so popular and so in demand, with people whipping up tickets left and right.. we have added some more prizes that are up for grabs, to make it a big playing field for a chance for more people to win something..
with that.. adding to the list of prizes are...
1st PRIZE - Jem H'Dar Attack Ship (Bug Ship) 2nd PRIZE - Half of the Energy Credits collected for the raffle ticket sales 3rd PRIZE - The other Half of the Raffle ticket sales Energy Credits 4th PRIZE - krenim imperium Warship [T6] NEW5th PRIZE - Hirogan hirogen apex heavy cruiser 6th PRIZE - Ultra Set Up Basket (market value of est 100mil) NEW7th Prize - Ultra Buff Yourself Basket (Market value of 87 mil) NEW8th Prize - Ultra Doff Care package (Market value of 50 mil)
BUT WAIT... MORE NEWS... You Have just got bought a Ticket!!
If you got an in game email and was told that the amazing @Robin74 has bought you a ticket.. CONGRATS
Robin has Kindly bought a ticket for everyone that logged in since the announcment of the Treksgiving raffle.. until this day!!
If your name appears on this list.. then Robin has bought you a ticket through his kind and giving heart.. be sure to thank him when you see him.. See if your on here..