Dave (Voleron)


RP or Shoot ‘Em Up?

December 01 2015
Welp. I'll be honest... Star Trek Online is a very combat oriented game and there are no game mechanics that allow you to side-step combat on a regular basis. You will be fighting and blowing people up in a very un-Starfleet kind of way for the majority of your progression through the story line. The developers have found it difficult to create an MMO that allows level progression without killing things, and that is apparent when you play the game.

HOWEVER, there are elements of the game that allow you to immerse yourself moreso into an RP environment.

They duty officer system: Once you make it to Lieutenant Commander rank, you can send your virtual crew off on assignments throughout the galaxy. They'll do their best to complete those assignments and bring back experience points, commodities and other various goods that will help you with your progression throughout the game. The assignments that are available for your crew change, depending on where in the galaxy you are at the time.

The Admiralty system: Upon becoming a Fleet Admiral, all of the ships that you've previously flown throughout your game progression, become available for you to send out on assignments, much like the duty officer system.

New Romulus: At level 50, you'll gain access to the New Romulus adventure zone which is one of the game's largest zones and is almost entirely non-combat oriented. Possibly the most Starfleet feeling of your exploits will be in this zone, helping researchers, tracking animals, locating artifacts, and learning the secrets of the planet. Some people feel that the lack of combat makes this area boring, but I actually enjoyed it a great deal.

The Foundry: A user generated mission database, some of which are amazing creations that really have more of a Star Trek-esque feel than the official missions that you play to level your character. A listing of some of our best fleet member authored missions is here: http://fleet.stonewallgaming.net/forums/the-foundry/73967-the-foundry-folder-fleet-mission-index

Roleplay fleets and events: There are some fleets that offer a roleplaying environment for your character. Stonewall's RP is on-again/off-again, but there are other fleets and channels that you can team with for an RP immersive experience.

There are more ways that you can enjoy the game for more of an RP standpoint, but since I'm not much of an RP'er, I'll have to rely on other people to chime in on this thread with additional info.

Hope this answers your questions a bit!

Voleron (Dave)
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Edited December 01 2015 by Voleron


Quick Reply

December 01 2015
this reply was brought to u by the button QUICK REPLY



December 01 2015
ooh can u craft that aegis?


RP or Shoot ‘Em Up?

December 01 2015

we do have an RP group but they need some active RPers...would you like to volunteer? :D

n yes i remember the prims ;)


RP or Shoot ‘Em Up?

December 01 2015
Hi everyone,

I’ve DL’d STO, but haven’t created a character yet.

I’m trying to find out if the game is primarily RP or Shoot ‘Em Up? If there is RP, can someone stick to that and more or less avoid the fighting?

Some of you may know Second Life from the ‘Old Days‘, and may even have played in BSG-47. (Battlestar Galactica) If you know of it, well, THAT’s the kind of RP I like.

Thank you!
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:Quick Reply

November 30 2015
I use it all the time. It's awesome and quick :)

Sent from my LG G3 mobile phone using Tapatalk.
Lars Zandor



November 30 2015
Thank you for the suggestion, Nick. The problem with that headset is that it's something that I have to put on my head again. I just don't like that.

That second mic I linked actually has speaker suppression technology build in. I've looked at some reviews on youtube for it, and all of them speak quite positively of it. One guy said it even worked better than his usual mic since now he was able to have his fan on while using the mic. It's just a tad pricey.
Andrea Maria


Quick Reply

November 30 2015
I have it and it actually works for me. I wrote this using the Quick Reply button (for the first time ever, btw).

Edit: ...and the last time. I need my tools! xD
Edited November 30 2015 by AndreaMaria
Lars Zandor


Quick Reply

November 30 2015
Quote by bullocaj
Honestly, I don't really use them on any forum. Just have always preferred the full reply version myself! Mostly for all the tools and stuff and things! :P

Same here actually. See it on a lot forums, but never use it since I like to see all the tools (and only rarely use them, lol). But yeah, I can see the button.


Fleet Dreadnought Cruiser (T6) Help

November 30 2015
Thanks Gravity :woohoo: ,
This looks amazing, you set it up just as I wanted it Tanky enough to survive but no slouch in the DPS department either.
Zander Hawk


Re:Quick Reply

November 30 2015

Sent from my LG G3 mobile phone using Tapatalk.
Zander Hawk


Re:Quick Reply

November 30 2015
I have it on my app

Sent from my LG G3 mobile phone using Tapatalk.

Unknown Person

Quick Reply

November 30 2015
Honestly, I don't really use them on any forum. Just have always preferred the full reply version myself! Mostly for all the tools and stuff and things! :P


EDIT: sorry, should have zoomed in a bit, but you can still see it!
Edited November 30 2015 by Unknown Person

Quick Reply

November 30 2015
Quote by bullocaj
It's there for me. I never use it personally, though!

Why don't you use it?

Unknown Person

Quick Reply

November 30 2015
It's there for me. I never use it personally, though!
Edited November 30 2015 by Unknown Person

Quick Reply

November 30 2015
Do any of you see the Quick Reply button below? Is it just for Admins? I've been testing the forums lately with a member level account and just noticed the member account doesn't have a quick reply button on posts.


November 30 2015
If you buy a boom mic, everyone on TS will want to kill you.

My suggestion: http://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/wireless-headset-h600

Don't pay attention to the price on there. You can get it alot cheaper at other retailers. It's what I have an I love it quite a bit. They battery last a decently long and you can still use it while its charging. The sound quality is good. The nice thing about a USB headset is that you can set programs specifically to output to it. So while I have STO coming out my main speaker, I have TS and Skype go straight to the headset only. Makes it much easier to hear people over game noise.
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)



November 30 2015
Ooo, I definitely like the second one... I would suggest saving up for that one. Looks very bad ass, plus it has an easily accessible mute function, which I'm sure will come in handy, even if you're using push-to-talk.
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


Re:Shore Leave

November 30 2015
Take your much deserved break. We'll hold the fort until you get back.
Zander Hawk


Re:Fleet Dreadnought Cruiser (T6) Help

November 30 2015
Excellent, thank you so much!

Sent from my LG G3 mobile phone using Tapatalk.