Dave (Voleron)



December 01 2015
I know you all need more work... I've submitted a request for my T6 MVAM.

Thanks for the help in advance,
Daniela Smith


[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

December 01 2015
I think I did that before anybody showed up. Tried sleeping while waiting but ended up in the bench. I just never think of screenshots so I have no proof.



December 01 2015
Quote by Gravity
Hey now, I stood in that plaza dancing seductively it was guaranteed to draw the undine in. They cant resist the ferengi dance.

You guys ran off interrogating and bam you broke the spell and we failed :p

oh so you're the one they all mention in UIE nowadays :whistle:
Andrea Maria


[EVENT] Little Christmases - Pikkujoulut

December 01 2015
Quote by Voleron
Wow! Looks like lots of fun! Guess Klingon Santa will be making another appearance this year! Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, 'cause Klingon Santa be killing you all with his big Klingon knife!

As I said: You better watch out!

3 people liked this
Edited December 01 2015 by AndreaMaria
Andrea Maria


[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

December 01 2015
Quote by GXV3
Something rather peculiar happened last night to Francis... which spreed to only the talented people

Hey, at least I´ve managed to melt my legs with the bench! xD

Yay, Maxwell!
2 people liked this
Edited December 01 2015 by AndreaMaria
Andrea Maria



December 01 2015
Quote by Gravity
Hey now, I stood in that plaza dancing seductively it was guaranteed to draw the undine in. They cant resist the ferengi dance.

You guys ran off interrogating and bam you broke the spell and we failed :p

4 people liked this
Edited December 01 2015 by AndreaMaria



December 01 2015
Hey now, I stood in that plaza dancing seductively it was guaranteed to draw the undine in. They cant resist the ferengi dance.

You guys ran off interrogating and bam you broke the spell and we failed :p
3 people liked this
Sej @Ereiid



December 01 2015
Quote by Andrea Maria
Let´s have a talk about the last Undine Infiltration Elite I did with Ben... :evil:

3 people liked this
Edited December 01 2015 by Ereiid
Andrea Maria



December 01 2015
Thanks to all who made this event possible!

I´m sooo looking forward to the next one! :woohoo:

And congrats to all winners! :)


Quote by Gravity
I will assume that the tickets i got for alex and bubbles won them the prizes thus i will hold this over them forever.

Dear Alex, dear Bubbles.
Don´t worry. Let´s have a talk about the last Undine Infiltration Elite I did with Ben... :evil:

(Dang, where did I put the phone number of Stonewall Times....)
Edited December 01 2015 by AndreaMaria
Talbin MacGillivray



December 01 2015
Thank you! :P

Unknown Person


December 01 2015
Quote by Lars1091
It's not just headsets I have this problem with, I also have it with hats for example.

Hmm.. so I guess running for Pope is out of the question? :(

You so know he has a pizza hidden under that hat :laugh:
Unknown Person liked this
Edited December 01 2015 by Unknown Person
Lars Zandor



December 01 2015
Quote by Gravity
External mic you risk feedback always, no matter what tech is in there really. Honestly, there are so many comfortable headsets out there lars and they are usually alot cheaper also for the same quality of mic.

Point is, wearing something on my head is just not comfortable for me. I've tried it for two years now and a lot of the time I just got annoyed by it one way or another. It's not just headsets I have this problem with, I also have it with hats for example. Glasses too. It took me easily three or four years before I was used enough to my glasses to wear them full time.

Ereiid, thanks for the hint. I had been looking at those in the past, but didn't know the proper term for them, so I had only encountered some that were like € 300,- or € 400,- or something like that. I was searching around some just now and saw some reasonably priced lavaliers. Not many of them were usb however (I can only use usb on this pc, which is why I can't use my old headset). It did however lead me to this:


Which costs quite a lot of money, but it has not only build-in microphones, but also every connection (is that the correct word?) I'm missing at the moment and most probably superior sound quality compared to what I have now. Which means that even if those microphones turn out to be shit, I can still plug my old headset into it and at least have something until I have saved up some money for a proper mic. Every review I have read/watched of it praise it quite high though, so I have good hopes.

Now, is there someone here who is rich and needs something done? *wink wink* :P



December 01 2015
i see rainbow! yay!

get get get, u will sound magical!
Unknown Person liked this


RP or Shoot ‘Em Up?

December 01 2015
indeed, yes the game play n levelling up stuff...does have to involve combat...

but the wonderful imagery that exists and the worlds you see and experience, including the sounds are something that pulled me out of SL into here for the last 3 years now. it could be a RP dream and something the RP group get into, using the ships and landscapes as part of it.

RP content is of course what you make yourself. STO's landscape just helps it feel more real :)
Lars Zandor


RP or Shoot ‘Em Up?

December 01 2015
What Voleron said + we're always happy to join you in missions, if you don't feel like doing them alone. I myself really like to constantly make new characters and level them up (before the Great Cleanout of 2015 I had over 30 characters!) so I am always happy to team up with someone!
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


RP or Shoot ‘Em Up?

December 01 2015
No problem! I'd hate to turn you off of the game before trying it, and others may have opinions about the game that run contrary to mine. Hopefully they'll pipe up here to balance out my views.

With that said, Star Trek Online is very much tailored to casual gameplay, probably moreso than any other MMO I've ever played. There's really not a whole lot of emphasis on competition with other players and you can easily progress through the content without being overly well equipped or an elite player. Content is primarily mission focused until you arrive at higher levels, so you can play a mission today and return another day to play the next mission in the story-arc without having to worry about having missed anything.

I think my biggest recommendation would be to launch the game, create a character and see if it's for you! The tutorial will give you a pretty good idea of what's to come.


RP or Shoot ‘Em Up?

December 01 2015
Hi again,

First, thank you for the replies, even if I’m not especially thrilled with the info.

Calx, yes, I’d be interested in the Fleet’s RP group and would like some more info about them. However, I’ll not commit myself at this point. First and foremost, I have to decide if I’ll really try to get involved in the game, since it seems there’s no way to avoid combat. Second, I’m only a ‘Casual Gamer’, and, as I work for Disney, I don’t have a lot of free time. I’ll not commit myself to ANYthing unless I feel I can give it the time and effort it deserves.

Voleron, thank you for the in-depth info on game play. It’s not what I wanted to hear, but at least now I know. And yes, sadly, I can see the difficulties in creating an MMO that allows level progression without killing things, even when the killing runs counter to what SHOULD be perceived as realistic RP.

It’s also extremely limiting. Consider all the roles in Trek that would/will have no place in STO.


I’ll have to give STO some thought, and watch some of the game play vids that are avail. If STO turns out to be too far from what I’d like, there’s not be much point in getting involved with it.

Again, I thank you.

Take care,
2 people liked this
Edited December 01 2015 by Piper
Dave (Voleron)



December 01 2015
If a head set is completely out of the question, I've found a USB powered microphone that will completely eliminate any chance of feedback from your desktop speakers. Will ship direct from Japan in record time.


3 people liked this
Edited December 01 2015 by Voleron
Sej @Ereiid



December 01 2015
Compromise - instead of a desk mic, consider a lavalier.

Better, tighter sound (if you wear the mic correctly), but without the hair mess.

You could always just use a headset mic, and wear it around your neck, alternately...



December 01 2015
External mic you risk feedback always, no matter what tech is in there really. Honestly, there are so many comfortable headsets out there lars and they are usually alot cheaper also for the same quality of mic.