Cheshire McCaster


your Star Trek series theme?

December 03 2015
Some interresting choices for songs, if i had any ability or skill in video making I would try to do an opening for my series. Alas though my comp skills are basic at best.

Also just leaving this here for listening enjoyment.
Edited December 03 2015 by Niko
Gareth GXV3


your Star Trek series theme?

December 03 2015
ooh what a great topic!

Hmm Id say anything done by "tomandandy" they have also made soundtracks for resident evil and a few other films.

This would be it...

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Unknown Person liked this
Edited December 03 2015 by GXV3

Unknown Person

your Star Trek series theme?

December 03 2015
Star Trek: Enjolrals just replace Reapers with Iconians
Admiral, are you ready to bring the might of the galaxy to bear on the Iconians?

Never before have so many come together from all quarters of the galaxy. But never before have we faced an enemy such as this. The Iconians will show us no mercy. We must give them no quarter. They will terrorize our populations. We must stand fast in the face of that terror. They will advance until our last city falls, but we will not fall. We will prevail. Each of us will be defined by our actions in the coming battle. Stand fast. Stand strong. Stand together. (kinda mass effect)

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(Invalid video video code)
Edited December 03 2015 by Unknown Person
Sej @Ereiid


your Star Trek series theme?

December 03 2015
(Invalid video video code)
Edited December 03 2015 by Ereiid
Kiera Skylar


The Salvation Army

December 03 2015
I would simply say that you should be sure such a gift would go to someone in need, and in our modern internet age, there are other pro-gay, pro-minority charities to give to that are not churches.
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Jade Empire: Special Edition Free on Origin

December 03 2015
Not quite sure, Jacien! I don't think there was any major changes except for the addition of a new fighting style and the monk character. At least that's what I've read! I've only ever owned the Special Edition so I'm not well versed on what the regular had as content I'm afraid :unsure:
Cheshire McCaster


your Star Trek series theme?

December 03 2015
A just for fun conversation topic.

If your captain, crew, and ship were to be the stars of a Star Trek series what would be the shows opening theme?

I rather love this theme as a base idea.

Or...something simular to this

I could see my captains show being a blend of Battle Star Galactica and Star Trek with the show focusing around the crew and missions of a Federation Carrier (My beloved Akira class.)

So what is your Star Trek series theme?
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

Jade Empire: Special Edition Free on Origin

December 03 2015
It's a great game, I remember it well and used to play it a lot. What's so special about the special edition, if I may ask?
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor


Jade Empire: Special Edition Free on Origin

December 03 2015
I just saw it and downloaded it immediately. Used to play this game on the XBox at a friends quite regularly a couple of years ago. I loved it! Wasn't really familiar with Bioware back then, but since I've become a huge fan of their Dragon Age-series and Mass Effect-series! I recommend everyone if you like those two games, to download Jade Empire too (what's there too lose? It's free and you won't be charged later when it goes back to not being free).
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Jade Empire: Special Edition Free on Origin

December 03 2015
Hey, all! If you haven't had an opportunity to play Jade Empire now's your chance! Origin is offering it up as an On the House title, which means it's completely free to download. Fight on, warriors!

2 people liked this
Edited December 03 2015 by Unknown Person


Mal's NEW Open-World Chronophantasmer zerk build!

December 03 2015
Thanks, at first I thought I'd keep it simple but then I wanted to explain the build a bit and then the skills overview happened and here we are hahah.

And same here; I'd love to see our first recorded guild JP weghening (or just simulated purging in general :laugh: )
Zander Hawk


Quick Reply

December 02 2015
Quote by tuvak
i will do anything and follow forever anything that Zander says, does, or wills me to do.

Well I did hear somewhere that resistance is futile. Lol.
Daniela Smith



December 02 2015

I have submitted a build request on my T6 Arbiter Battlecruiser.

I will also be needing to reset my skills. I have a respec token but have not used it yet. I would like some assistance determining what is best to put the points into.

I also created a rough skill point draft based on what I know so far.

Edited December 02 2015 by Daniela76MN
Gareth GXV3


The Office of Fleet Resources

December 02 2015
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: color, color, color, color, color, color, color, li, ul, quote
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: ul in color, quote in color

This article provides a general overview of the fleet banks, aimed towards the general membership of the fleet. This article provides an overview of item placement, general organization guidelines as well as several bank usage rules. A separate article going into detail on how to sort the fleet banks (for fleet administrators), can be found under the Guides and Tutorials section of the Welcome Center.

Tutorial Video:

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The Fleet Bank is a repository of items that fleet members have donated for others to use. You can access the fleet bank from a bank console at any major space-port, as well as mail consoles located at many other locations throughout the Star Trek Online universe. The fleet bank has eight tabs into which you can deposit and withdraw items, as shown below:

The Consumables Tab:

The consumables tab houses items which can be used to boost and heal/repair your Captain, crew and ship. Items such as ship batteries, hyposprays, regenerators and components are housed here. Miscellaneous item donations also have a space here, though gear that fits in any of the other bank tabs is to be deposited directly into the appropriate tab. Please abide by the following rules when depositing into the consumables tab or any other tab:

- Do not deposit lockboxes, food or drink items, tribbles or other nuisance items.
- Do not deposit more items than there is space for those items. (For example, if the column allocated for shield batteries is already full, please do not spill over items into a neighboring column). Instead, consider selling those items for energy credit profit, and depositing the energy credit return into the fleet bank. Alternatively, hold onto your donation for another time.

Remaining Tabs:

When using the Fleet Bank be sure to follow these rules:

4 people liked this


Quick Reply

December 02 2015
i will do anything and follow forever anything that Zander says, does, or wills me to do.
2 people liked this


Mal's NEW Open-World Chronophantasmer zerk build!

December 02 2015
I can't believe how much detail you put into this! You rock! I can't wait to get some video of us all doing our thing... weghing.
Dave (Voleron)


The Office of Fleet Resources

December 02 2015



The Resources Department has launched it's first in a series of video tutorials, which will provide tips and tricks to new and seasoned players alike, with respect to resources related matters. If you would like to see a particular topic covered, please contact a member of the resources department with your suggestions!

Tutorial Video One
Skill level of information provided: Beginner

"Duty Officer Recruitment for Donating to Fleet Projects"

Our first tutorial, deals with low cost duty-officer recruitment, for contributing DOFFS to fleet projects. This tutorial was created as duty officer intakes for fleet holding projects often become unnecessarily stalled. This tutorial has been requested by many members, who have been seeking alternatives to purchasing duty officers off of the exchange, in order to help fill fleet holding projects, without draining their energy credit reserves. *Be sure to select 720p resolution and view in full-screen mode.


The Resources Department has launched a much requested video tutorial on the
BASICS of the new crafting system, released with Season 9.5 This video tutorial will provide the basic information required to get started with crafting.

Tutorial Video Three
Skill level of information provided: Beginner

"The Basics of Crafting In Season 9.5"

The following topics relating to the updated research and development (crafting system), are explored in this seven minute tutorial video:

  1. How to convert your old data samples and particle traces into new crafting materials
  2. Where to find your converted crafting materials
  3. How to access the R&D system
  4. Crafting streams and levels
  5. How to craft items
  6. How to change item attributes
  7. Catalysts
  8. Components
  9. How to gain crafting experience

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(This video BEST viewed at 1080p resoluion and in full-screen mode)


The Resources Department has launched a video tutorial on how to search for and play user created foundry missions in Star Trek Online. Several of our fleet members have recently asked how to locate and play foundry missions in-game, and this video tutorial will teach you those foundry basics and more.

Tutorial Video Four
Skill level of information provided: Beginner

"Accessing the Foundry in Star Trek Online"

The following topics relating to the foundry system are explored in this five minute tutorial video:

  1. How to access foundry missions
  2. Defining a spotlighted foundry mission
  3. Searching the foundry mission database
  4. Earning dilithium for playing foundry missions
  5. Locating missions authored by Stonewall Fleet members

(This video BEST viewed at 1080p resoluion and in full-screen mode)
2 people liked this
Edited October 11 2016 by Voleron
Gareth GXV3


The Office of Fleet Resources

December 01 2015
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: hr, spoiler, url, center
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Below is The Resources Archive of a great era, 2013 - 2015 commanded by Sir Dave Voleron, son of Canada, Voleron set up most of what is still in effect within this fleet, his events are the stuff of legend, that are the foundation of how we run events today.
Below is an outline of some of the work Voleron put into the fleet when he held the position of Chief of Resources dept.

C U R R E N T · & · P A S T · P R O J E C T S

The Fleet Resources department often strives to fulfil and expand on it's core responsibilities through unique projects, which benefit the fleet. Here are some of the projects we've done or continue to do for the fleet:

Trek Trivia Events
Weekends of Greed (Dilithium bonus weekend supplements)
24 Days of Spacemas Forum Event
Halloween Event 2014
Captain Biography Contest
Stonewall Bingo Events
Bash at the Beach Summer Events
Mystery Location Events
Fleet Bank Donation Drives
Admiral Slayer's Retirement Party
Feast of Blood & Blade Assistance
Video Tutorials
Forum Signature Store
Fleet Awards Page
Fleet Foundry Folder

E V E N T · T R A I L E R S
The Resources Department has run many fleet events over the years, and video trailers have been created for some of these events. The Resources Department is now unlocking it's video library doors and they've all been posted here for viewing at any time!

5 people liked this
Edited December 02 2015 by GXV3
Gareth GXV3


The Office of Fleet Resources

December 01 2015
R E S O U R C E S - D E P T - N E W S - U P D A T E


Check back here for NEW project/event news that will involve you & your fellow fleet mates

- [NEW:] Resources Dept will be putting on a Forum based "Fitbit Challenge" soon!! Another chance to gain more SWCs, keep your eye pealed.

- [NEW:] Stonewall Fleet Credits store has NOW been launched CLICK HERE to go and have a look, the premise is simple, When we put on fleet events or forum competitions your in with a good chance of winning "Stonewall credits" or "SWC", you can then spend these SWCs to buy anything in this store!
Who ever wins a SWC will automatically be sent a link, which contains your SWC membership card that has the total number of SWCs you own, its a handy tool to keep track of what you have... for more info, just message me and Ill answer anything you like about the store!

- Exciting New projects ARE being drafted for 2016

- [ENDED:] We are in search for a fellow fleet mate to join us in the Resources team!! if you are interested in applying to become a Fleet Captain in the best department in this fleet.. contact me in a private message!

- [ENDED:] A Forum based Competition will start this week, on the count down to the 10 days before Christmas. A very easy Competition, you just have to look.. and Guess! the first one to respond with the correct answer will win some luxury ingame goodies, its SOOO EASY.
Watch This thread tomorrow for more info about the Comp!
4 people liked this
Edited May 18 2016 by GXV3
Gareth GXV3


The Office of Fleet Resources

December 01 2015
The following tags have no closing tag: hr
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Q U I C K · C L I C K S


D E P A R T M E N T · O V E R V I E W

Welcome to the office of the Fleet Resources department! Here you'll be able to find information about the department and it's responsibilities within the fleet, as well as current projects being undertaken by the department. The department consists of one Admiral and three Fleet Captains, when fully staffed. Further information about the organizational structure of the department can be found in the welcome center portion of the website.

Roles and Responsibilities

The department's core respnsibility, is the management of resources within Stonewall's fleets. This includes, but is not limited to the following:

Monitoring and organizing of the fleet banks
Monitoring of fleet holdings and provisions
Management of fleet crafting
Managment of fleet donations
Additional, shared responsibilities include:

Welcoming new members
Assisting membership with general questions
Inviting and processing new characters into the fleets
Monitoring fleet areas for breaches of the Code of Conduct

M E M B E R S · O F · T H E · R E S O U R C E S · T E A M

Chief Of Resources = @GXV3
Fleet Captain = @Bren
Fleet Captain = @eshaion
Fleet Captain = @Wsstks

C U R R E N T · & · P A S T · P R O J E C T S · & · E V E N T S
The Fleet Resources department often strives to fulfil and expand on it's core responsibilities through unique projects, which benefit the fleet. As well as bring new ideas in ways to utilize members donations in an attempt to bring our community together both in game, and on Stonewall Fleets forums.
Here are some of the projects we've done or continue to do for the fleet:


Should you have any Questions or concerns regarding any Fleet Resource related issues, please dont hesitate to contact me via this site.
Or indeed any future ideas relating to the above. Feel free!

Chief of Resource Dept
9 people liked this
Edited August 20 2016 by GXV3