

Weapons power drain and increasing damage (Guide for advanced players)

December 05 2015
The following tags have no closing tag: td, tr, table
Short version: Weapons subsystem power is directly proportional to damage output for energy weapons; if you double your weapons power then you double your weapon's damage. Firing multiple energy weapons drains your weapons power. There are 3 main ways to increase your weapons power - bonuses to weapons power, increasing power transfer, and reducing weapons power drain - and there are some examples of each below.

Below is a table that summarizes the other tables in this guide. On the left are various descriptions of builds (total weapons power disregarding the 125 cap, power transfer rate, and weapons power resistance rating), followed by total weapons power in one firing cycle (using a ship with 8 beams as an example), and then the percentage of the theoretical maximum damage that weapon could be doing if all buffs were the same but weapons power were at a constant 125.

CaseTotal power% of max
100 weapons power, 5 pwr/sec, no drain resist164041%
125 weapons power, 5 pwr/sec, no drain resist244061%
>145 weapons power, 5 pwr/sec, no drain resist276569%
>165 weapons power, 10 pwr/sec, no drain resistance312078%
125 weapons power, 5 pwr/sec, +10 drain resist258065%
125 weapons power, 5 pwr/sec, +100 drain resist322081%
125 weapons power, 5 pwr/sec, no drain resist, OSS23195n/a*
178.3 weapons power, 18.8 pwr/sec, +35 drain resist383996%

*OSS can increase weapons power beyond what I defined as the maximum.

Long version: Subsystem power is a very important mechanic in space combat in STO, and, if you want to increase your damage output, the most important subsystem to monitor is weapons.

This guide is about understanding and increasing weapons power so that your energy weapons (beams, cannons, and turrets) do more damage. If you're not doing enough damage to beat episode and normal level content with ease, I suggest reading my other guide to damage first - the advice over there is more important than what's included here. This guide is to help with elite content and to make normal and advanced content fast and easy.

To understand why weapons power is so important, look at the equation on the other post. Here is the important part:

    You might see people online referring to "normal" weapons power as 50 and getting a "bonus" for each point of weapons power over 50. That's needlessly complicated. Cryptic made damage the product of various buff categories so it's easier just to think of it all in terms of multiplication instead of bases and bonuses.

    Since other buffs are almost entirely independent of weapons power, we could just say that damage is directly proportional to weapons power. Double your weapons power and you double your damage.

    The same holds true for a firing cycle, which is important here because weapons power drain is a function of a firing cycle

    Weapons power drain

    Whenever more than one energy weapon is firing, weapons power is taken away. The power is deducted instantly from your weapons subsystem and returned immediately when the weapon is in cooldown.

    This is a big deal. A beam (dual beam bank or beam array, they're the same) deducts 10 weapons power, as do dual and single cannons. Turrets deduct 8 weapons power and dual heavy cannons deduct 12 weapons power.

    A beam fires 1 shot every second for 4 seconds and then takes 1 second of cooldown. When you fire your weapons, one starts its firing cycle every quarter of a second. For example, a ship with 8 beams will have 70 total weapons power drain (drain only starts with the *second* energy weapon that's fired) and weapons power looks like this on a ship with 100 weapons power, no bonuses to weapons power and nothing preventing drain, where the first beam is fired at time 0:

    TimeBeamShotBeamShotWeapons power

    If you add up weapons power for each shot, you get 1640 for that cycle. If there were no power drain and power were maxed at 125 for the whole cycle, then total weapons power would be 4000 (125 power * 8 beams * 4 shots). Since damage is proportional to weapons power, this ship lost 59% of its potential damage to poor weapons power management.

    This is why it's important to pay attention to weapons power. Here are some ways to get it high and keep it high.

    Increase weapons power

    Let's imagine the example above but with a ship that starts with exactly 125 weapons power. The chart looks like this:

    TimeBeamShotBeamShotWeapons power

    The same amount of power is lost to weapons power drain, but this ship starts at higher weapons power. Total weapons power over the cycle is 2440, a 49% improvement over the first case.

    That means 49% more damage from the beams without doing anything about weapons power drain!

    You can set weapons power to 100 max, but it's not hard to get more.

    • Emergency Power to Weapons (Engineering boff skill): Increases power to weapons by 15 (EPTW1), 20 (EPTW2), or 25 (EPTW3), and it can be increased by the Electro-Plasma Systems skill. It also gives a bonus to damage. Since it has 30-seconds of up-time and a 30-second group cooldown, 2 copies of this skill is enough to have 100% up-time (or 1 copy and some Damage Control Engineer doffs).
    • Weapon Performance (skill tree): Provides a flat bonus to weapons power
    • Warp Core Potential (skill tree): Provides a flat bonus to all subsystems
    • Starship weapons power bonus (starship): Some ships (like escorts and raiders) give a bonus to weapons power
    • Assimilated module (Omega reputation console): Gives a bonus to weapons power
    • Omega Weapon Amplifier (2-piece set bonus from Kinetic Cutting Beam and Assimilated Console): 2.5% chance per shot at +10 weapons power (more on this set bonus below).
    • Plasmonic leech (Universal console from Tal Shiar lockbox or the Vandal): Takes power from enemies and adds it to your subsystems. Boosted by Flow Capacitors skill
    • Supremacy (Astika starship trait): Takes power from enemies and adds it to your subsystems. Not affected by Flow Capacitors
    • Greedy Emitters (Nandi starship trait): Bonus power to each subsystem when using Tyken's Rift, Energy Syphon, or Tachyon Beam
    • EPS Power Transfer (Engineering captain skill): Provides a big bonus to all subsystems for 30 seconds
    • Weapons battery and other batteries (space consumables): Increases weapons power for a duration set by the Starship Batteries skill

    Overcapping and EPS

    Overcapping power is weapons power above 125. The little weapons power display will stop at 125 and your damage will be calculated with 125 weapons power even if you have enough bonuses to put your weapons power over 125.

    This doesn't mean that there's no point in going over 125 weapons power. As your power is drained, it will be returned to you at your power transfer rate. If you have no bonuses to this rate, it is 5 power/second.

    So let's look at the same example but with a 5 power/second transfer rate and 145 total power.

    TimeBeamShotBeamShotWeapons power

    Total power is 2765, a 14% improvement from having 125 weapons power.

    But what if you increased your power transfer rate? If you put 9 points into Electro-Plasma Systems, you'll have a power transfer rate of 10 power/second (which is 5 power added to the subsystem each half-second). I won't rewrite the chart above, but total power for a cycle of beams with 165 weapons power and a power transfer rate of 10 is 3120, a 28% improvement over having exactly 125 weapons power. Not bad!

    @sarcasmdetector has a

    Here are some ways to increase your power transfer rate.

    • Electro-Plasma Systems (skill tree): Maxing this out increases your power transfer rate by 5 power/second
    • Fleet Spire warp/singularity core (Fleet Spire): Increases power transfer rate by 3.3 power/second
    • Warp Theorist (racial trait): Increases rate by 0.5 power/second
    • [EPS] (Mod on Conductive RCS Accelerator or Particle Field Exciter consoles): Increases power transfer rate by up to 5 power/second depending on mark and rarity
    • EPS Power Transfer (Engineering captain skill): Provides a large increase to power transfer rate for 30 seconds

    Reducing weapons power drain

    There is gear that will reduce weapons power drain.

    While it may seem more straightforward than overcapping, the math is actually more complicated (and unconfirmed by the devs; what I can find was produced through player testing and looks about like what's going on in my ship). Resistance to weapons power drain, though, isn't a simple percentage reduction. In-game tooltips refer to Weapons Power Resistance Rating (WPRR), the "+X resistance to weapons power drain" that a piece of gear provides. This gets gets applied to weapons subsystem drain with this equation:

      For example, a beam array will drain 6.7 weapons power if a "50% reduction to energy weapons drain" is applied: 10 * 100/(100+50)=6.7. Cryptic math!

      Here is an example of a ship with exactly 125 weapons power (so no overcapping) but now the captain is an Engineer and is using Nadion Inversion (+100 WPRR, so -50% weapons power drain):

      TimeBeamShotBeamShotWeapons power

      Total power is 3220, a 32% improvement over the second case (125 weapons power, no overcapping) just by using an ability that Engineering Captains get automatically.

      Here are some other ways to reduce weapons power drain, available to all captains:

      • Omega Weapon Amplifier (2-piece set bonus from Kinetic Cutting Beam and Assimilated Console): 2.5% chance per shot at +500 WPRR for 3 seconds. +500 WPRR reduces each beam's drain from 10 to 1.7, which is really low. The 2.5% chance seems small, but remember that an 8-beam ship gets 32 shots per cycle without Fire At Will (for a 55% proc chance over a cycle) and 80 shots with Fire At Will (87% proc chance over a cycle).
      • Fleet Spire Warp/Singularity Core (Fleet Spire): +10 WPRR, which seems small compared to some of these other numbers, but it's enough to reduce drain by 0.9 per weapon and increase your damage by 6% over a case where you have no WPRR.
      • Nadion Inversion (Engineering Captain skill): +100 to WPRR for 30 seconds, +199 if Power Insulators skill is maxxed.
      • Emergency Weapon Cycle (Starship trait from the Battlecruiser pack): +25 WPRR when Emergency Power to Weapons is active (which can be 100% of the time!).
      • Greedy Emitters (Starship trait from the Nandi): +50 WPRR for 10 seconds when you use science boff skills that drain enemies' power or shields.
      • Marion Frances Dulmur (doff): +200 WPRR for 8 seconds when using Directed Energy Modulation

      Override Subsystem Safeties (OSS)

      This Intelligence boff skill is the only way to increase weapons power beyond 125 in the damage equation. It gives 30 (OSS1), 40 (OSS2), or 50 (OSS3) bonus to each subsystem and increases the maximum power of each subsystem by the same amount. This bonus to power and max power decreases over the course of 20 seconds, and at 20 seconds a random subsystem will shut down.

      Here is what the example ship's weapons power looks like at 125 weapons power, no overcapping, no drain resistance, and with OSS2 used right before weapons fire:

      TimeBeamShotBeamShotWeapons power

      Total weapons power is 3195, a 31% improvement in the first weapon's cycle after OSS2 is used.

      Combining these for a build

      To maximize weapons power, you can't just do one of the above. Increasing weapons power beyond 125 is pointless if it can't be accessed when it's drained during a firing cycle. Increasing power transfer doesn't help much if you don't have the weapons power to draw from, and it doesn't prevent the initial power drain. Weapons power resistance comes from limited sources and is calculated with diminishing returns.

      So a good build will use a combination of these methods to keep weapons power up. I'll do one last example, this time using my Engineering main's Nandi build, which uses 8 beam arrays. I'll ignore captain abilities to show you what this would look like on a Science or Tactical captain, and I won't include the Inspirational Leader trait because its proc is too random.

      Weapons power at 178.3 (since I can't see it I don't know if I'm missing something)

      • 100 base weapons power
      • 10 from the Nandi itself
      • 30.9 from Emergency Power to Weapons 2
      • 4 from Warp Core Potential (skill tree)
      • 5.4 from Weapon Performance (skill tree)
      • 28 from Plasmonic Leech

      Power transer rate at 18.8 power/second (in-game this means 5 power every 0.266 seconds)

      • 5 base
      • 5 from Electro-Plasma Systems (skill tree)
      • 5 from Conductive RCS Accelerator Mk XIV [EPS]
      • 3.3 from a Fleet Spire warp core
      • 0.5 from the Warp Theorist trait

      Weapons power resistance rating: 35 (each beam array drains 7.4 weapons power)

      • 25 from Emergency Weapons Cycling
      • 10 from a Fleet Spire warp core

      Rounding that 0.266 seconds to 0.25 so that it fits on my spreadsheet, here's what my weapons power looks like:

      3 people liked this
      Edited December 07 2015 by alex284


      Star Trek Online: Winter Event 2015, Snowball Fight Tutorial

      December 05 2015
      A short tutorial about the winter event 2015 Snowball Fight.


      December 05 2015
      Thank you @caijamin, @Voleron, and @tuvak for your generous donations!

      Unknown Person

      New Star Trek Game

      December 05 2015
      It certainly seems to have a Trek narrative, I especially like the idea that the easiest way to beat the game isn't conquer everyone else. I think I'll buy it when it comes out as I really love Strategy games. I don't think they said if it was real time or turn based though.
      Unknown Person liked this


      December 05 2015
      Quote by medgirl1025
      Are you still in need? I could see what I can muster despite my situation. Qa'pla!

      We're doing well now, Jamie. Thank you for your concern.
      Unknown Person liked this
      Edited December 05 2015 by nicholasjohn16


      Fallout 4

      December 05 2015
      So how are people enjoying the new stuff?; modding and basecrafting, power armor; O MY!
      Lars Zandor


      your Star Trek series theme?

      December 05 2015
      Quote by Niko
      I see many episodes dealing with pirates and Ferangi... ;)

      Jeez, Niko. Ferengi*
      Learn your Star Trek-vocabulary for once... :P

      I think Beethoven's Fifth Symphony would be quite a fitting theme for my Star Trek series. A Cardassian ship exploring unknown parts of the galaxy during which their somewhat volatile nature occasionally leads to the extinction/enslavement of an entire species... :P

      For reference:
      Edited December 05 2015 by Lars_Zandor
      Cheshire McCaster


      your Star Trek series theme?

      December 04 2015
      I see many episodes dealing with pirates and Ferangi... ;)
      Jamie O'Connell



      December 04 2015
      Are you still in need? I could see what I can muster despite my situation. Qa'pla!
      Lars Zandor



      December 04 2015
      I would like to try it out sometime, when it is affordable. I already have a controller, but only rarely use it, so it's not really a priority for me.
      Brandon Felczer


      New Star Trek Game

      December 04 2015
      But it's not a Star Trek game... xD

      EDIT: Ok, someone changed the title of the thread lol now I seem like I'm blabbing.


      Brandon =/\=
      Edited December 07 2015 by CapnBranFlakes



      December 04 2015
      Is anyone trying/using the steam controller?

      I would love some assistance configuring it for STO I have no idea what to do :D

      Unknown Person liked this
      Lars Zandor


      New Star Trek Game

      December 04 2015
      Looks quite promising. Think I will pick it up if I encounter it for a fun price (aka: added to Steam Sale wishlist :P )
      Andrea Maria


      your Star Trek series theme?

      December 04 2015
      Quote by Niko
      Star Trek of the Carribean? Hopefully not a captain in a constant struggle to get his or her ship back.

      Yes, but of course! You´ ll never know what could happen! xD
      Cheshire McCaster


      your Star Trek series theme?

      December 04 2015
      Star Trek of the Carribean? Hopefully not a captain in a constant struggle to get his or her ship back.
      Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


      New Stellaris Game like "Star Trek"

      December 04 2015
      Edited December 05 2015 by Eurrsk

      Unknown Person

      Error on Forums

      December 03 2015
      I created the Jade Empire thread earlier last night with no issues. I've never seen this problem before on the forums. Your test account must be super borked!
      Edited December 03 2015 by Unknown Person

      Error on Forums

      December 03 2015
      On my test account, I keep getting the following error whenever I try to create a post on here:

      CAPTCHA is not properly configured (public key is missing). Please contact site administrator!

      Is anyone else having this issue? If you can't response here send me a private message by click the chat bubble icon below my avatar on the left.
      Andrea Maria


      Jade Empire: Special Edition Free on Origin

      December 03 2015
      You beat me to it, lol!

      Here´s the link:

      Aaaaand now I´m moving on, creating another thread for free stuff. :)
      Edited December 03 2015 by AndreaMaria
      Andrea Maria


      your Star Trek series theme?

      December 03 2015
      My theme would be a mix of


      I´m pretty sure that the guys of Immediate Music and Klaus Badelt could come up with something. :D
      Unknown Person liked this
      Edited December 03 2015 by AndreaMaria