Unknown Person

your Star Trek series theme?

December 09 2015
If it were a show about the governments of the UFP and other Alpha and Beta quadrant powers it'd definitely be The Song of Ice & Fire from game of thrones. But in light of the New Dawn Season something a bit more exploratory would be fitting. In all honesty I'd want to be out there in my Science vessel than chained to a desk and planet bound, even if it were on an idyllic Earth. So I picked this one:

(Invalid video video code)



December 09 2015
I actually bought several raffle tickets for you, unfortunately none of them won.
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


Weapons power drain and increasing damage (Guide for advanced players)

December 08 2015
This and the original guide were very easy to read and understand. Thank you for putting it together.
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell



December 08 2015
I just saw this raffle info today and was like oooh I need to get in on this event. Then I realized I was incapacitated during that time that it took place. Well no wonder I didn't participate. I almost gave you guys a freebie with my credits. Lol.
Unknown Person liked this


Starship size comparisons

December 08 2015
Both the video and the poster were great finds!

I couldn't help but smile when I saw the Romulan Kerchan-class Warbird in the video. IMO it's a beautiful, sleek and deadly ship. Personally I would have preferred to see this ship as the Republic's new Dreadnought, but alas...

Lars Zandor


Starship size comparisons

December 08 2015
Quote by Ereiid
For sheer lunatic comprehensiveness, this dude can't be beat (but super points for 3D rendering):

True, and I love that picture. Don't think there is anything that is not on there, except of course for the STO-only ships :P



December 08 2015
Just catching up on events, since RL has been interfering with my Treking lol, congratulations to all the winners!
Sej @Ereiid


Starship size comparisons

December 08 2015
For sheer lunatic comprehensiveness, this dude can't be beat (but super points for 3D rendering):

9 people liked this
Edited December 08 2015 by Ereiid

Unknown Person

Starship size comparisons

December 08 2015
Nice I have some issues but it's a good comparison


New Stellaris Game like "Star Trek"

December 08 2015
Most of their current generation of games are real time.
Lars Zandor


Starship size comparisons

December 08 2015
Just some perspective on how big some of the starships in different fiction works are:

5 people liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:Re:This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 08 2015
Quote by Voleron
Quote by Zander_Hawk
As a gag, the old 2009 version of STO.

They did this a while back on the Red Shirt server, didn't they?

My wish list would be:

1) More quality starship interiors (Galaxy, Excelsior, etc)
2) Long and challenging raid style STF missions
3) Elite loot (ground armour etC) from raid missions that's difficult to obtain
4) Customizable player housing zones on Earth, New Romulus, Q'onos
5) More quality featured episodes (along the Facility 4028 and Colosseum lines)
6) More maps and tools in the Foundry
7) Start featuring foundry missions again

I know that what I'm asking for is essentially the antithesis of Star Trek Online, but this is a wishlist, so let me wish :p

Would you like some fries with that sir hahaha

Sent from my LG G3 mobile phone using Tapatalk.
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Re:This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 08 2015
Quote by Zander_Hawk
As a gag, the old 2009 version of STO.

They did this a while back on the Red Shirt server, didn't they?

My wish list would be:

1) More quality starship interiors (Galaxy, Excelsior, etc)
2) Long and challenging raid style STF missions
3) Elite loot (ground armour etC) from raid missions that's difficult to obtain
4) Customizable player housing zones on Earth, New Romulus, Q'onos
5) More quality featured episodes (along the Facility 4028 and Colosseum lines)
6) More maps and tools in the Foundry
7) Start featuring foundry missions again

I know that what I'm asking for is essentially the antithesis of Star Trek Online, but this is a wishlist, so let me wish :p
4 people liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 08 2015
As a gag, the old 2009 version of STO.

Sent from my LG G3 mobile phone using Tapatalk.
Unknown Person liked this
Tsar Agus


This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 08 2015
Just something fun to laugh at can be as unrealistic as you can imagine but remember I also said I wished for an Annorax time ship but it'll NEVER happen...HA!

Any way

1) Give us the Enterprise-J
2) Make a thong for male toons
3) make the defiant as combat pet (I mean come on they have attack ships as pets why can't the Defiant, Which is smaller...I Think...be pets?!)
4) Give us kelvin Class ship
5) Bring back No Win Scenario
6) Admiral Janeway (the real one...not the cheap knock-offs)
7) Odyssey/Bortasqu'/Scimitar 9 pack
8) Temporal Officer Specialization
9) Tier 6 Olympic Class
10) Science ships for the Romulans and KDF (HA! Good Luck!)
11) More Borg STF
12) The Old Mirror Invasion
3 people liked this



December 08 2015
I just got the fallout anthology which has all the games and DLC packs for all fallout games minus fallout 4. :woohoo:

I am leaving this message to let you know if you don't see me on I'm still in my Fallout hole :P

If I'm not back in time to not get kicked I will understand and maybe consider sending in a rescue party. Be sure to prepare them as well, I will most likely be dwelling and total darkness minus the computer/TV screen, half starved, unkempt, hairy, covered in my own filth, and hissing at the light from outside which will most likely be blinding me. :huh:
2 people liked this


The Salvation Army

December 07 2015
This is worth a bump for the season.

I used to work at an LGBT publication where the publisher was really big on this. He didn't write often enough but he'd always have a column in December on the Salvation Army.

There are lots of charities for the homeless out there that aren't homophobic (LA lgbt center and the Ali Forney Center in NYC, just for some examples). And even if the Salvation Army were totally OK with gay and trans people, I'd still have a problem with them attaching proselytizing to community service; listening to sermon should not be the price we attach to helping the homeless. They need food and shelter and health care and water and so many other things, not a Bible.

Anyway, the queer charities will never be allowed to put bell-ringers outside every supermarket in Nebraska, so it's worth us going out of our way to support them if we have the means.
2 people liked this


your Star Trek series theme?

December 07 2015
Quote by Niko
Star Trek of the Carribean? Hopefully not a captain in a constant struggle to get his or her ship back.



Star Trek Online: Winter Event 2015, Snowball Fight Tutorial

December 07 2015
what is new in this years snowball fight?



December 06 2015
just submited, is mostly the skills respec i need atm.