Andrea Maria


Starship size comparisons

December 10 2015
Quote by Lars1091
Yeah, because there is such a big difference between the SR-1 and the SR-2 :P

But it´s the SR-1! :P
Lars Zandor


Starship size comparisons

December 10 2015
Yeah, because there is such a big difference between the SR-1 and the SR-2 :P
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Nicolas J. Artley


Winter Fleet Missions

December 10 2015
I am just wondering, if the Fleet Admiralty is also putting these years "Special Winter Fleet Assignments" into the completion slot ... no Star Ship Hologram on our Starbase???
Andrea Maria


Starship size comparisons

December 10 2015
That poster is awesome!

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Edited December 10 2015 by AndreaMaria
Andrea Maria


Hi Everyone!

December 10 2015
There can only be one answer (again):

Seriously, take the time and read it. That´s all I have to say.
5 people liked this


Undine Assault Advanced Walkthrough

December 10 2015
Undine Assault Advanced (UAA) gives out a ridiculous umber of marks - around 230 fleet or Undine marks, plus the 55 daily bonus for Undine marks. That's quite a few fleet marks and, if you don't need Undine marks, quite a bit of dilithium. And you get 50% more during a marks weekend.

So I put together a quick walkthrough to make fleet runs easier this weekend.

The mission is best completed in 3 phases: 1) Close Undine Rifts, 2) Close Errant Rifts, and 3) Kill the Planet Killer. Closing errant rifts is an optional, but that optional is worth around 100 marks during normal times and more during a marks weekend, and it takes almost no effort to accomplish. Closing the Undine rifts first maximizes marks because you get bonuses for speed in that phase.

Phase 1: Close Undine Rifts

There are 3 lanes and 2 Undine rifts in each. You will start at the left at a random lane. When you can move, go to your assigned lane (if your team assigned lanes) and get to the first rift quickly. Your job is to kill the ships while the NPC ally scans the rift. Then you can shoot the rift. And then you can move on to the next rift in the lane. Once both rifts in your lane are closed, go help people in another lane.

The NPC allies move from left to right, and you're supposed to be helping them get across the map. If they're stuck fighting Undine at the left while you're at the right clearing a rift, you're not helping them. You have to go back and kill the Undine so they can move to the right.

There are 4 ways to divide these lanes between players:

  1. Everyone warps in and does the lane they get randomly assigned. If no one is assigned to a lane, someone volunteers to do it. This strategy works if everyone can do high DPS (over 30k).
  2. Lanes get assigned before the round, with 2 pairs and one solo. When people can move, they go to their lane. This works for mixed strength teams.
  3. Lanes get assigned before the round, with 2 stronger players assigned to one lane and the other 3 to another, and then they go to the third lane when they're finished. This works in fleet runs if no player thinks they're strong enough to solo.
  4. Everyone does every lane together, starting at the top. This was the old strategy when the mission was released in 2014 but power creep has made it obsolete. Sometimes you'll see PUG players suggesting this.

Phase 2: Close errant rifts

Now is the optimal time to close those rifts that Tuvok was telling you were opening between lanes. Don't go on to the Planet Killer before these rifts are closed - you get over 100 marks for this optional and you will annoy your teammates if you're working on Phase 3 before Phase 2 is over.

Errant rifts come in 3 colors - red, yellow, and blue. If a captain of the same career as the rift (tactical with red, engineering with yellow, science with blue) closes it, then it takes a couple seconds and it closes. If a captain of a different career tries to close it, 3 Undine ships will spawn and you'll have to kill them first before closing the rift.

You can check your teammate's careers in the upper-left of your screen and call out the career of the errant rift so that someone of the correct career can close it. Or you can just open it and attack; these ships don't take long to kill.

There are 6 rifts and the objective will turn green when finished.

Phase 3: Kill the Planet Killer

All the way at the right, pew pew! You've seen these in Viscous Cycle and the Undine Battlezone, so there's nothing really new here.

It's over!
2 people liked this
Edited December 11 2015 by alex284

Unknown Person

Hi Everyone!

December 10 2015
I think if you had a bad reputation we'd have gotten complaints from people and members leadership would've contacted you in an official capacity to resolve any issues other members may have had with you multiple times by now. As that hasn't happened and as we've received no such complaints, may I respectfully suggest that perhaps these feelings of yours, while seeming very valid to you, come more from within than without?

I do not say that you haven't experienced something somewhere from someone(s) that caused you to feel snubbed or ignored. I'm merely pointing out that in our very considerable experience and well-informed point of view, it's more often than not entirely unintentional. I would humbly ask that you keep that in mind when no one says "hi" back to you in chat or doesn't return your greeting specifically by name.

Please don't take it personally it's happened to all of use for many reasons. The vast majority of which are not because of cliques and exclusivity.
Daniela Smith


Re:[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

December 10 2015
Quote by Andrea Maria
Nanoprobes and Goo - Pikkujoulut AND a Bonus Marks Weekend! Yay! :woohoo:

If only they'd bring back Mirror Invasion for the weekend. I don't like the other Terran mark missions and I still need one more transporter device.

Sent from my LGLS770 using Tapatalk
Andrea Maria


[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

December 10 2015
Nanoprobes and Goo - Pikkujoulut AND a Bonus Marks Weekend! Yay! :woohoo:
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Unknown Person

Elder Scrolls Online Free Weekend

December 09 2015
From what I have read, people are saying it's not like Skyrim at all. I loved Skyrim, but honestly wasn't expecting nor wanting an exact copy :P I played the Beta and had fun! I wasn't able to get very far due to some tech issues so I guess I can't really offer a solid opinion in how it rates with GW2. I might give it a try this weekend myself! I know we have one or two that play, but I've not seen them on the forums in ages.
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3


Hi Everyone!

December 09 2015
Youve been in the fleet long enough now to know that we are not like that... the fact that a great many of us all tried to pull you back the last time you said something similar hopefully proves this.

Honestly, its really quiet lately, the euro time zones are hot and cold with chat.. i dont get a response from my hellos a lot.. i put it down to people to busy in a pve.. or afk.. or they simply arnt in the mood.
or when someone says hi or speaks and the chat is delayed, or we post at the same time and its scrolled up i don't intentionally mean to ignore anyone.

there are soooo many factors to consider.. even the size of someones chat window... read Volerons the link in volerons post (on page 1) its amusing and got some good truths in there too... and it proves your not alone in thinking things.

Try not to take it to heart. factor in the factors, and your time here already, people who have bought everyone raffle tickets, people who donate there time and own real money to put prizes together for events, or to make ship builds for nearing 100 members....

We are good people.. i promise,

and your one of us!
7 people liked this
Edited December 09 2015 by GXV3
Daniela Smith



December 09 2015
I want to send a big thanks to Gravity. He took a look at my ship build and helped me fix my crazy rainbow spaz ship. It really sucked having the T6 Arbiter and still getting my ass kicked repeatedly.
Setting me up with knowledge and gifting me proper weapons helped so much.
He also fixed my crazy flat maxed at Commander skills.

Big hugs!!
Edited December 09 2015 by Daniela76MN
Daniela Smith


Hi Everyone!

December 09 2015
It does seem to be a quiet fleet currently. I think there are so many things to keep track of and people run so many alts that they can't keep track of chat very well.
I only run one character and still can't keep up on chat very well myself. I'd like to, but I don't even get an answer to greetings or questions sometimes. That and I'm having too much fun pew-pew'ing bad guys. Or getting blown up.
Everyone was paying close attention when Mirror Universe was going on, but then it died off.
I don't know if you were part of the Treksgiving party, but that was pretty fun and chatty. Some of the people are big into Teamspeak, but it's hard when you're new to a fleet.
I'm also trans and have had similar problems in other groups in other games. Which is why I don't chat much since I don't like the sound of my voice.
Send me a pm and we can chat together if nothing else. I can make a popout chat window so I keep track of it better.
Unknown Person liked this


Hi Everyone!

December 09 2015
Quote by Pinkscarab
Have I done something wrong or have a bad reputation or something? When I try to chat I get the ice treatment. Is it me you don't like or is this how the fleet works? If this is how the fleet works then I will be starting to look for another fleet. I am a social person and play this game a lot for the chat and fun you can have with other fleet member. I won't deal with a minefield of clicks that wont even give you the courtesy of a Hi. Sheesh...the last fleet I was in was super fun until they found out I was trans. Anyway if you guys don't want me to be here let me know and I will shuffle along. No hard feelings, I just don't want to beat my head against a brick. Life is too short.

Merry Christmas


ppl in general are starting to be less social you did not do anything wrong sometimes I get no replay as well :) think this problems is wide spread in general lvl cap increase pushed a lot of casual players from game and they are a lot more social
Similar thing happened in other cryptic game Neverwinter my guild there had a lot of social ppl to chat with but since elemental evil update no one even bothers to say hi back to me when I say hi :(
Dave (Voleron)


Hi Everyone!

December 09 2015
Sometimes, people just aren't chatty and other times there are reasons for silence in fleet chat. See some of my personal tips at the link below that might help you navigate the social ups and downs of MMO interaction :)

9 people liked this

Unknown Person

Hi Everyone!

December 09 2015
It's not you, it honestly happen to everyone from fleet captains, to admirals, members and new recruits.
Unknown Person liked this


Fallout 4

December 09 2015
I don't know about modding, but the base game is quite fascinating as it is B)


Elder Scrolls Online Free Weekend

December 09 2015
Hey guys,

Elder Scrolls Online will be free to play starting Thursday 10 Dec till Monday, so before I hit this big fat "download" button, I wanted to know if anyone here plays it and how it compares to e.g. Guild Wars 2.

I heard lots of negative comments on the game, but also heard that some time ago it went through a series of refurbishments similar to FF XIV after it became "a realm reborn". Plus, if it's a Skyrim Online, how can it be bad?
Unknown Person liked this
Edited December 09 2015 by WhatSoEver
Mic Spicer


Hi Everyone!

December 09 2015
Have I done something wrong or have a bad reputation or something? When I try to chat I get the ice treatment. Is it me you don't like or is this how the fleet works? If this is how the fleet works then I will be starting to look for another fleet. I am a social person and play this game a lot for the chat and fun you can have with other fleet member. I won't deal with a minefield of clicks that wont even give you the courtesy of a Hi. Sheesh...the last fleet I was in was super fun until they found out I was trans. Anyway if you guys don't want me to be here let me know and I will shuffle along. No hard feelings, I just don't want to beat my head against a brick. Life is too short.

Merry Christmas

Whittier Strong


This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 09 2015
Actual, non-railroaded exploration/first-contact missions. That's one of few things that's actually got progressively worse as the game has gone on, and has made it feel less Star Trek.
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