Jamie O'Connell



December 12 2015
Quote by robin
I actually bought several raffle tickets for you, unfortunately none of them won.

Aww, thank you, Robin! You're a sweetie. :)
Jamie O'Connell


This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 12 2015
My wishlist is as follows:

1) Fully finished star ship interiors for ALL ships [Bridge, Hallways,
Turbo lift, Engineering, Ready Room, Sick bay, Science, Mess Hall, etc]
(even if cookie cutter)!

2) Customization via player housing zones on Earth, New Romulus, Qo'Nos (since
you won't give us ships to be our home/customization inside)

3) Temporal Officer Specialization

4) Non-railroaded exploration/first-contact missions which we used to have
(now spruce them up)

5) Bring back No Win Scenario

6) Make Defera hards work without teams (or at least with people in the
vicinity) AND FIX DEFERI Battle Zone!!

7) Do something with Andoria and make it worth while (Fun tournaments, games,

8) Open up Ferenginar as a social zone (random markets, commodities,
stock market mini game?)

9) More maps and/or tools in the Foundry

10) Science ships for the Romulans and KDF (Or at least make things not so sci
oriented if we can only do Tac)

11) Expand the Delta quadrant to the size of the other Quadrants

12) Add Gamma Quadrant Expansion


a.k.a Jamie

2 people liked this
Sej @Ereiid


This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 12 2015
Quote by Lars1091
1) Playable Alpha Quadrant faction with several playable races, including but not necessarily limited to: Cardassians, Breen, Cardassian allies (forgot who they were and can't seem to find anything about it), liberated Jem'Hadar, rebelled Vorta. Maybe also some Bajorans.

Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 12 2015
Quote by tuvak
i'd love for some missions where people could queue up and go against each other in a baking competition. it could be holiday themed for different holidays around the world. so for thanksgiving, it could be a turkey cooking competition. then for easter, it could be decorating eggs. and other holidays in other countries. but it'd be neat to have to do stuff in a certain order until you move to the next dish/course with it being timed. and because i know you're all thinking it...(where does the bacon come into this)...i'd love to be able to optionally bacon wrap some items or crumble it on top. possibilities are endless. :-) pouts in the corner...my dream will never be a reality i'm afraid. i might have to make one in the foundry if i ever get time.

Dude - what have you been smoking? Let me guess... Bacon!
2 people liked this
Edited December 12 2015 by Voleron


Starship size comparisons

December 12 2015
Quote by Ereiid
For sheer lunatic comprehensiveness, this dude can't be beat (but super points for 3D rendering):

Too bad it's missing the Protoss mothership that is MASSIVE from one of the early missions with the Doctor... Think it was when you first met Selendis.
Edited December 12 2015 by Frozenlily
Daniela Smith


Chapter One KotFE Free

December 12 2015
Thanks so much guys!!
I played SWTOR pre-relaease and up to a few months later. Have tried getting back into it but I was stuck on the story from before.

This will be great to check out.
Unknown Person liked this


This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 11 2015
i'd love for some missions where people could queue up and go against each other in a baking competition. it could be holiday themed for different holidays around the world. so for thanksgiving, it could be a turkey cooking competition. then for easter, it could be decorating eggs. and other holidays in other countries. but it'd be neat to have to do stuff in a certain order until you move to the next dish/course with it being timed. and because i know you're all thinking it...(where does the bacon come into this)...i'd love to be able to optionally bacon wrap some items or crumble it on top. possibilities are endless. :-) pouts in the corner...my dream will never be a reality i'm afraid. i might have to make one in the foundry if i ever get time.
Unknown Person liked this
Nicolas J. Artley


Winter Fleet Missions

December 11 2015
You are way to fast for my character - didn´t see it at all. But great when pledging to a new goal works fine in this fleet. Thanks!


Chapter One KotFE Free

December 11 2015
The knights of the fallen empire store is awesome I strongly recommend this.
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

December 11 2015
Only a couple of sleeps to go till the final (and most epic) Little Winter Party Pikkujoulut (or Pikachu as it has become affectionately known) on a BONUS MARKS WEEKEND!

If you can't join in the fun, but want to be in Secret Santa. You can send me an ingame Mail with your present for Swapsies (saying of course, that you'll be AFK). My handle is @Caiweaver - I will make sure to mail you your Secret Santa Present after the event if you can't physically be there. xD

It would be fab if everyone could mail in their presents already, so I can pop them on my spreadsheet for the random exchange!

Also, Andrea has written a most excellent guide for the Defera Hards, which we'll be tackling on Sunday. Of course, we will be doing a Fun Run, and will talk everyone through the event, each step of the way, but I strongly recommend you give it a read. You can find it, Here

Andrea Maria


Defera Invasion Zone - Hard Missions

December 11 2015

1. Sometimes the city mission is bugged (I have no idea if it´s fixed yet, although we have been lucky since the last patch which brought Defera back) and every Deferi in the alcoves will just disappear.

Go to the next room and try to restart the mission again. Or wait it out (about 5 minutes). Discoballs are a great help. If you can´t fight the Borg: let them dance!

2. Some players have reported that they didn´t get rewards when a mission has been shared. I have no idea if that is fixed. To be on the safe side just speak to every NPC after beaming down and accept the missions from them.

3. There are a few accolades available.
a) Defeat all 6 assimilated Gorns.
b) Defeat all 12 Elite Tactical Borg.
c) Finish every mission in the Defera Invasion Zone (easy, medium, hard). The medium mission in the power plant was bugged, I have no clue if that is fixed now. That´s why the accolade couldn´t be accomplished.
d) ... no idea... I´ll add a full list after I´ve done some more research.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited December 11 2015 by AndreaMaria

Unknown Person

Chapter One KotFE Free

December 11 2015
Hello, all!

If you have previously subscribed to SWTOR in the past you can play the first chapter in the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion for free! Keep in mind that this offer is only available to previous subscribers (e.g. preferred account status). Offer ends on January 4th.

For more information and to activate your trial visit this link. You will be given a level 60 character token that you must use to create a new level 60 character.

Dark side forever B)
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person


December 11 2015
Thank you
Edited December 11 2015 by Unknown Person
Lars Zandor


This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 11 2015
1) Playable Alpha Quadrant faction with several playable races, including but not necessarily limited to: Cardassians, Breen, Cardassian allies (forgot who they were and can't seem to find anything about it), liberated Jem'Hadar, rebelled Vorta. Maybe also some Bajorans.
2) A Federation cruiser with 10 weapon slots on both the front and the back (really, the Odyssey is big enough for a couple extra phaser banks).
3) Janeway (of course voice by Kate Mulgrew).
4) Picard (of course voiced by Patrick Stewart).
5) Pizza.
Unknown Person liked this
Andrea Maria


Defera Invasion Zone - Hard Missions

December 10 2015
The following tags have been nested in the wrong order: size, b, color, b
Four hard missions

are available in the Defera Invasion zone (talk to the NPCs). Nomen non est omen in this case, they are actually easy to do.


The difference to the easy and medium missions is, that you need a team of at least 3 people (from the same faction) to get the missions started and the hard missions will reward you with one Borg neural processor per mission.

The order of the following walkthroughs is also the order in which you´re doing the missions usually (remember: you´re in a Borg zone, outsmart them. Be efficient! You can do it!).

Oh, and don´t forget to equip a frequency remodulator. Just saying.

1. Temple: Uninvited Guests

Take the transporter to the temple and walk the short distance to the temple stairs.

One person - while the rest of the team is positioned at the bottom of the stairs - has to start the mission by activating the Preserver console at the top of the temple.

Preserver console.

First spawn point. Your team should wait here.

The first spawn point is at the bottom of the stairs (two groups of 8-10 Borg). Defeat them. A third group will spawn at the left.

Go up the stairs to the second (right stairs) and third (left stairs) spawn point. Defeat those groups as well. And also the four tactical drones (it´s easier than it sounds).

After defeating those Borg, go up the stairs to the plateau. In the middle there will be a group spawning, then at the right side of the building, then at the left side of the building.

The plateau.

The last group will spawn at the bottom of the top stairs. Defeat them. And wait a few seconds... grab your reward and move on to 2 (head NW).

2. Probe: Counter Offensive

If you´re lucky, then the mission has already magically finished with full rewards (that was a bug, no idea if it´s fixed now).

If you´re not so lucky, then one person of the team has to start the mission by activating the Borg node. This will spawn an assimilated Gorn, accompanied by a couple of drones (mostly medical, and I think four of them).

Assimilated Gorn. And Borg. Borg everywhere.

Come closer!

Pew pew them. Mission accomplished. Move on to 3.

3. Power Plant: Getting To The Bottom Of Things

Head NE to the entrance of the power plant. Go to sublevel 3. Choose one of the three chambers to start your mission by activating the Borg node.

In the chamber.

After interacting with the node, the force field in the middle of the room will be dropped, and an Elite Tactical Borg will be released, accompanied by a few drones. At the same time the entrance to the chamber will be blocked by another force field until the mission is accomplished. If you die: don´t respawn, you won´t be able to enter the chamber again. Wait for help.

Concentrate fire on the Elite Tactical Borg, which will retreat to the middle of the room (and again behind a force field) after reaching 50% health.

In the next stage, four heavy drones will take over the fight (in each corner of the room). After those drones are defeated, the Elite Tactical Borg will appear again, this time supported by three plasma mortars. Stay mobile, don´t get caught in the plasma fire of the mortars.

Elite Tactical Borg.

Plasma Mortars.

If you are not in a dps team, then concentrate fire on the ETB, if you are, then split up. Half of the team can fight the ETB, the other half can deactivate the force fields around the plasma mortars (and pew pew the mortars).

The Borg thought they were smart. You have been smarter. Mission accomplished. Wait a few seconds, grab your reward and move on to 4.

4. City: Knowledge Is Key

Go or transport to the city (head W). Once you´ve arrived at your destination, start the mission by activating the power node (upload a virus).

The alcoves. At the right side is the power node. Hack that thing!

Your first objective is to free newly assimilated Deferi (the strange acting ones) from their alcoves. Interact with them (F key). Fight any Borg that´ll try (of course) to disturb you.

The second objective is to assist partially assimilated Deferi to leave the collective. Shoot them. When their health is low enough, they´ll turn into friendly beings with no more intention to assimilate you. Beam them to a medical facility ( F key). Fight any Borg that´ll...

You did a good job! But it isn´t over yet. Fully assimilated Deferi will leave their alcoves now. And they have full intention to assimilate you. Kill them. It´s sad, but necessary. Oh, and fight any Borg that´ll...

You did it! Congratulations! :woohoo:

Those four missions won´t take longer than 15 - 20 minutes and will reward you with 240 fleet marks, 40 omega marks, 4 Borg neural processors and 4 pieces of random Borg ground gear alltogether.
7 people liked this
Edited December 13 2015 by AndreaMaria

Unknown Person

Starship size comparisons

December 10 2015
That is amazing ! I completely forgot about Freelancer PC game until I saw this. I might have to see if I can find a copy of that from somewhere. It was epic.

Unknown Person

This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 10 2015
My Holiday Wishlist:

1) Bring Back the Breach
2) Keldon Class ship
3) Make Defera hards work without teams (or at least with people in the vicinity)
4) Do something with Andoria (Tornaments, etc)
5) Open up Ferenginar as a social zone (random markets, commodities, stockmarket mini game?)
6) Replace Borg Red Alerts in Alpha Quadrant with Terran Alerts and 8472 alerts
7) Add a Vaadwaar Red Alert in the Delta Quadrant
8) Turn the Voth Contested Zone into a Voth Space Battlezone (I mean, it is almost it, but no decent rewards).
9) Add an option for where you want to go before you enter a system (Perhaps a drop down menu when I hit sol, for ESD or SFA, or Sol System). Lazy Cai
10) add an option to warp back to Beta Quadrant without entering the Sphere in the Delta Quadrant
11) Make the delta quadrant bigger
12) More low grav PvE and content !
13) Gamma Rising ...

I can dream!
Unknown Person liked this
Sej @Ereiid


Starship size comparisons

December 10 2015
Quote by Andrea Maria
Quote by Lars1091
Yeah, because there is such a big difference between the SR-1 and the SR-2 :P

But it´s the SR-1! :P

Found it for j00:

2 people liked this
Edited December 10 2015 by Ereiid
Gareth GXV3


Winter Fleet Missions

December 10 2015
Hi there!

Its already active in our main stonewall fleet, which i can see your in.
We queued the project on day one, and filled and finished instantly.

Its there... but the hologram is a lot smaller than the previous years.