Hi Everyone!
It's not you, it honestly happen to everyone from fleet captains, to admirals, members and new recruits.
I can definitely relate to this sentiment; hence me be being a jolly Klingon b***h, lol. I can safely say that I am probably a very familiar face and liked by many and with that in mind even I have many times where getting even a simple 'hello' can be like pulling teeth and the strong desire to run sharp nails across a chalk board to get others attention.
The best you can do and is keep throwing in conversation here and there. As well, you can check the times of day you play and compare it to others to see if there is a discrepancy to when people are more responsive. I.e. for me when I'm online at 3am-7am EST I find it much more difficult to get peoples attention than if I am on at 10am or 7pm my time zone.
Also, have you looked into the possibility that you are experiencing the 'chat' bug where you won't see other people chatting in game or possibly they are not seeing you. Comparing a chat log with others can assist (but not conclusively) in determining if that is the cause. Despite the said fix for it I still encounter a number of players who have this issue. Reportedly, a complete fresh install of the game after all files are removed has helped with this, but I'm not 100%. I would defer you to someone else more knowledgeable in this matter.
If you have a specific problem with anyone in particular or a group of people come to myself or one of the other members of the leadership and we can discuss it further from there to see if this is indeed a problem and/or something that needs to be looked into more. However, if this is the case please try to have specifics ready to show or tell us if you can. Thank you.
Anyways, I hope this helps a bit. Remember to keep a smile on your face and in case of complete failure honor killings have been authorized by the Klingon High Council. Proceed with discretion. Qa'pla!