Dave (Voleron)


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 14 2015
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: hr in b


Klingon Santa wanted to take the time to recognize Calx, our Fleet Captains and Admirals for one thing that they've done this year to enhance the fleet. Please join in the spirit of the season by thanking ANY fleet member that you think should be on Santa's list by replying to this thread! Admirals, recognize your Fleet Captains and let's all recognize all the other good work being done out there!

  • Alex284: For posting EPIC gameplay guides for our members in the forums!
  • Andystan: For being the always friendly Fleet Captain presence in-game!
  • Brandon: For engaging the community with fun social media posts & community questions
  • Caiweaver: For salvaging, organizing & running the Fall Festival on very short notice!
  • Cal: For his TWO YEARS as editor-in-chief of the Stonewall Times publication!
  • Chemistryset: For being at every in-game event and for filling every empty spot in any fleet run PvE queue... EVER
  • Danster: For being the ultimate raffle ticket salesman. Where there's a raffle, Dan's there to help!
  • DBeaSst: For religiously welcoming every new member to the Stonewall community in the forums!
  • Eurrsk: For being the Admiral's most dependable right hand man by helping out with every single fleet event ever run
  • Gareth: For running top notch events: so very many events, especially the very fun pub quizzes!
  • Gr_vity: For teaming with Aikune in doing... what're we up to now? 100 ship builds for fleet members?
  • Jacien: For the Bat'leth competitions and for taking charge on the organizing of the fleet's annual Las Vegas gatherings
  • Lars1091: For being our beloved pizza addicted F.C., always ready to hand out fleet invites to those in need!
  • Medgirl1025: For quite possibly being the most active person in the fleet forums and for entering every PvE battle with the strongest of Klingon spirit!
  • Mstfrancis: For putting up with Aikune and for being one of our most friendly in-game Fleet Captains!
  • NicholasJohn: For tirelessly working behind the scenes on maintaining and improving the fleet website this last year
  • RainbowWarGames: For being part of the old-school STF club, a well loved (now retired) Fleet Captain in all of our hearts!
  • Robin74: For donating over 2 BILLION energy credits worth of prizes to the fleet!
  • Saintplazma: For his friendly and approachable presence both in-game and on the forums, welcoming so many of our new members to the community!
  • Whiteonmyoji: For compiling a full library of ship build videos and livestreams for the fleet
  • WilliamJaneway: For meticulously overseeing the rosters all year long!
  • Wsstks: For being beloved by all and always keeping fleet chat conversation lively!
14 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 14 2015
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: hr in b



To the Admirals & Fleet Captains of Stonewall,

Throughout each year, Stonewall members enjoy a great many events and services provided by our unsung heroes who have sacrificed months and in some cases, many years of their lives to this community. From meticulously planned in-game events to dance parties to raffles to social gatherings to build advice and lively conversations in the forums... none of these would be possible without the dedication of our Fleet Captain and Admiral volunteers.

It's on the heels of three back-to-back in-game Christmas events, the last of which just wrapped up on Sunday, and with another fleet event (the "Guess Who" contest) already planned to start on Tuesday, that we, the regular members of Stonewall, wanted to share our appreciation of your collective efforts.

With the holidays fast approaching, the members and I thought it would be timely to acknowledge all of your hard work this year. We all notice you Fleet Captains and Admirals tirelessly organizing and leading runs and events and just generally volunteering your time to make each day in Stonewall something special for the rest of us, so we wanted to give something back. Unfortunately we're collectively too poor to gift you all the shiny loot that you deserve this holiday season, but we've left you something from the heart, instead. Read the backstory in the spoiler section and then be sure to click on our gift below!

On behalf of all of us members of the fleet,
Thank you all!


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Unknown Person

Elder Scrolls Online Free Weekend

December 14 2015
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Quote by rixter1978
lol @ NicholasJohn16

and Halish in the UK we have game and CEX were you can buy various games /cheaper if pre owned without sounding stupid I presume you have something similar over there ? I managed to get Tamriel Unlimited with free 750 crowns for £20 ($30.47)

Halish is British too. :P

Me? British? Pfft .. I'm a red blooded American, I'm also straight, married with 8 kids and drive a hummer.

Ohhh saay can you seee by the dawwns early nighhtt.
Jamie O'Connell


[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

December 14 2015
This has been a blast! Great way to celebrate the year's end and be festive. Many a song is being sung about you through the halls. Keep it up, Qa'pla!


Elder Scrolls Online Free Weekend

December 14 2015
Quote by rixter1978
lol @ NicholasJohn16

and Halish in the UK we have game and CEX were you can buy various games /cheaper if pre owned without sounding stupid I presume you have something similar over there ? I managed to get Tamriel Unlimited with free 750 crowns for £20 ($30.47)

Halish is British too. :P



December 14 2015
Congrats! That is super exciting :)
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James Morris



December 14 2015
Hope I'm not too late, but super duper congratulations!
Unknown Person liked this
Gareth GXV3


[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

December 14 2015
Great x3 Events Cai and Eurrsk!!
Thank you so much for putting them on for us.

I took from it the knowledge of how to run a deferia zone pew pew (I was scared to try it before.. for 3 years)!!!! thank you!

Will look forward to what the Morale Dept can bring to the fleet in 2016!
Unknown Person liked this
Edited December 14 2015 by GXV3

Unknown Person

Elder Scrolls Online Free Weekend

December 14 2015
lol @ NicholasJohn16

and Halish in the UK we have game and CEX were you can buy various games /cheaper if pre owned without sounding stupid I presume you have something similar over there ? I managed to get Tamriel Unlimited with free 750 crowns for £20 ($30.47)

Unknown Person

[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

December 14 2015
Just wanted to say thank you to Cai and all others who helped to make these little Christmas parties a huge ball of fun! Sadly, I couldn't make the last one, but the first two were an absolute blast! I even got a ship from the Secret Santa exchange, yay! :silly:
Unknown Person liked this

Elder Scrolls Online Free Weekend

December 14 2015
Quote by Halish
I really want to give it another go, as I have heard it has improved since launch. You can buy it for between 10-20 quid of G2A so it's not a massive amount of money to waste if I still don't like it.

But it's an 80 Gig download and on my 1950's internet will just take sooo long that it keeps putting me off. :(

I think they have a homing pigeon delivery service. That'd be quicker than your internet. :P


December 14 2015
Unknown Person liked this



December 13 2015
Unknown Person liked this


Defera Invasion Zone - Hard Missions

December 13 2015
Great walkthrough for Defera!

I'll just add:

-You can tell if City is bugged (well, if it has the oldest, most common, not-yet fixed bug) by looking at the borg along the wall in the area (there are 4 areas to do this mission in). There should be 4. If there aren't, then it's bugged and you can start the mission and wait 7 minutes (sometimes every area is bugged.)

-To find a team, ask in Zone chat on Defera, the only place in STO where Zone chat is useful. write "lfg fed (or kdf) hards". If no one invites you, then invite the next person who writes that to your team.

Or ask in fleet chat. If I'm around I'll usually go.

-Just to reiterate what Andrea said for everyone: it says "hard" but it's not hard at all! Come along the next time someone in the fleet is looking for a team! We'd love to have you! We don't mind showing you around and helping you get Fleet Marks, Borg Neural Processors, and dome dil!
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person


December 13 2015
Congratulations!! :)
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Elder Scrolls Online Free Weekend

December 13 2015
I really want to give it another go, as I have heard it has improved since launch. You can buy it for between 10-20 quid of G2A so it's not a massive amount of money to waste if I still don't like it.

But it's an 80 Gig download and on my 1950's internet will just take sooo long that it keeps putting me off. :(
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


[EVENT] Little Christmases - Pikkujoulut

December 13 2015
Quote by Voleron
Wow! Looks like lots of fun! Guess Klingon Santa will be making another appearance this year! Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, 'cause Klingon Santa be killing you all with his big Klingon knife!



I think I am in love.
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell



December 13 2015
Qa'pla Azrael!

Your victory here has earned you much honor and glory due you and your family. Maj'Qa, and know that songs of your deeds shall be sung throughout the halls from this day on. Now let us open a barrel of blood wine and let the celebration begin. You have earned it. Qa'pla!

Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


This Holliday Season I wish STO would...

December 13 2015
Quote by calx
a hug emote
a cuddle emote

EDIT: /e bitch_slap, /e whap :whistle: :lol: :P :laugh: :cheer: :evil:
Jamie O'Connell


Hi Everyone!

December 13 2015
Quote by Azrael


(On a side note.... I'm still trying to figure out which lane is which?)

FYI: There are little icons (almost like globes) above the pillars on the crosswalks over each lane. They have a specific shape and/or color that helps to readily identify which lane you are on. This way when a certain lane is called out you can identify where you need to go by looking.

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