A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!
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Klingon Santa wanted to take the time to recognize Calx, our Fleet Captains and Admirals for one thing that they've done this year to enhance the fleet. Please join in the spirit of the season by thanking ANY fleet member that you think should be on Santa's list by replying to this thread! Admirals, recognize your Fleet Captains and let's all recognize all the other good work being done out there!
- Alex284: For posting EPIC gameplay guides for our members in the forums!
- Andystan: For being the always friendly Fleet Captain presence in-game!
- Brandon: For engaging the community with fun social media posts & community questions
- Caiweaver: For salvaging, organizing & running the Fall Festival on very short notice!
- Cal: For his TWO YEARS as editor-in-chief of the Stonewall Times publication!
- Chemistryset: For being at every in-game event and for filling every empty spot in any fleet run PvE queue... EVER
- Danster: For being the ultimate raffle ticket salesman. Where there's a raffle, Dan's there to help!
- DBeaSst: For religiously welcoming every new member to the Stonewall community in the forums!
- Eurrsk: For being the Admiral's most dependable right hand man by helping out with every single fleet event ever run
- Gareth: For running top notch events: so very many events, especially the very fun pub quizzes!
- Gr_vity: For teaming with Aikune in doing... what're we up to now? 100 ship builds for fleet members?
- Jacien: For the Bat'leth competitions and for taking charge on the organizing of the fleet's annual Las Vegas gatherings
- Lars1091: For being our beloved pizza addicted F.C., always ready to hand out fleet invites to those in need!
- Medgirl1025: For quite possibly being the most active person in the fleet forums and for entering every PvE battle with the strongest of Klingon spirit!
- Mstfrancis: For putting up with Aikune and for being one of our most friendly in-game Fleet Captains!
- NicholasJohn: For tirelessly working behind the scenes on maintaining and improving the fleet website this last year
- RainbowWarGames: For being part of the old-school STF club, a well loved (now retired) Fleet Captain in all of our hearts!
- Robin74: For donating over 2 BILLION energy credits worth of prizes to the fleet!
- Saintplazma: For his friendly and approachable presence both in-game and on the forums, welcoming so many of our new members to the community!
- Whiteonmyoji: For compiling a full library of ship build videos and livestreams for the fleet
- WilliamJaneway: For meticulously overseeing the rosters all year long!
- Wsstks: For being beloved by all and always keeping fleet chat conversation lively!