Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 15 2015
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Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
Star Trek: TNG's Reaction to the new film trailer...

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Cheshire McCaster


any way to aquire this ship?

December 15 2015
i tried going after this ship a few months ago, asking both the neverwinter team and sto team for any help on it. From both parties it was pretty much a dead end and run around as though they had no clue about it.
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Gareth GXV3


any way to aquire this ship?

December 15 2015
Ive never known a Lt Version of that ship, all i know is the normal Andorian ships.
From that link.. they look exactly the same as the ones ive got.



any way to aquire this ship?

December 15 2015

basicaly ive now got it into my head i want that ship but as i understand it, it is simply not attainable whosoever anymore. so i dont expec any other answer but i thought no harm in asking you guys just in case..... i can hope anaway.

so, any way it can still be had and i might get one?
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Unknown Person

A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 15 2015
I am very touched by this.. Thank you Voleron and everyone who signed the card for all your warm messages.
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Jamie O'Connell


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
There is NOTHING new in the JJ Star Trek films. They have all been repeats of previously made work, even the first one steals from the past in places while totally mucking up everything else. These films are a blight upon the real Star Trek and the reason it will not survive.

Edit: I wish I could be positive about this except that there is nothing good to say about these films except, "oh look flashy flashy and pew pews everywhere."
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Edited December 15 2015 by medgirl1025
Sej @Ereiid


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 15 2015
OMG you guys.

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Edited December 15 2015 by Ereiid


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
All I see is a repeat of The Final Frontier... Hopefully like it's predecessor, 2018 should be better...


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 15 2015
Thank you Voleron, most kind of you to put this together and of course for your long and positive service to Stonewall as well!

Happy holidays everyone!
2 people liked this


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
I did not even know new st is coming so soon (thought it wont be coming before 2017).
i hope it will be better then i think it will be
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Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
An action movie, how wonderful. :S So much for simon Pegg helping us out.
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Steven Skeffington


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
This looks.... just awful.

Will I watch it? Sure. But damn...Talk about kicking a franchise while it's down. :unsure:
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A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 15 2015
Quote by Lars1091
However, I do feel someone is being left out. It wasn't that long ago when Voleron himself was part of the admiralty and he most certainly did a lot for the fleet too (and even continues to do so after having left the admiralty!).

hear hear!
3 people liked this


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
dunno...kinda...underwhelmed tbh...
very "ground" action...
and all fast n furious like...
not quite ST...
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Sej @Ereiid


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 14 2015
I'd always campaigned for the Beastie's inclusion in the canon:

Tsar Agus


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 14 2015
(Invalid video video code)
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Edited December 14 2015 by WhiteOnmyoji
Lars Zandor


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 14 2015
:blush: Thank you everyone for the wonderful messages! And that's an epic poem, Voleron!

However, I do feel someone is being left out. It wasn't that long ago when Voleron himself was part of the admiralty and he most certainly did a lot for the fleet too (and even continues to do so after having left the admiralty!). So Voleron (and apologies for not being as grande as your card), but
thank you too for making this fleet such a wonderful place!

Of course this fleet can't be as fun and enjoyable as it is without epic members either, so thank you all too!
8 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 14 2015
Awwwwwwww Guys!!!! :blush: :blush: :blush: Thank you so very much, that put a smile on my face, and you all went out of your way to sign the card!!!

Thank you Voleron for the lovely poem!!!

Nadolig Llawen a blwyddyn newydd Dda *Cwutches*!! :cheer:
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Andrea Maria


[EVENT] Little Winter Parties - Pikkujoulut

December 14 2015
Great events and a lot of fun! Thx, Cai and Chris! I´m looking forward to what you´re next up to! :woohoo:

@Gareth... good to know. From now on you´ll be hijacked for every Defera run, hehehe. :P