Jamie O'Connell


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 16 2015
I see Picard, Riker, Janeway, Nurse such and such from TOS, and the black tar pit from TNG that killed Tasha.

As for the bonus question: You take 3 items of value from the bank, sell them off and run to Risa to burn through the profit befor anyone catches on. Then you return back to to the bank and put 1 tribble, 1 food item, and 1 item of common quality back into the back and make it look like nothing happened. Oh, and you realize that purple item never existed due to your "extra curricular" habits. ~Fin
Edited December 16 2015 by medgirl1025


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 16 2015

i'd take that uncommon thingy from the bank vault and place the mk xiii in its place, then email the uncommon thingy to my DSS toon who puts it in that fleet's bank. also think about holiday food and how sneaking that into the bank would cause a fleet captain to pop somewhere... :whistle:


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 16 2015
Seven of Nine
Deanna Troi

And you sell it and put the money in the fleet bank.
Tsar Agus


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 16 2015
ACK!!!! my chest feels weird like the ice around my heart is thawing out a bit!WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!?!
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Joseph Leyland


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 15 2015
Worf, Deanna Troi, Quark, Seven of Nine and SPOT

Mail it to a member of resources! Just do NOT put it in the bank
Edited December 15 2015 by FuriousToast


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 15 2015
What he said lol
Edited December 15 2015 by GXV3
Dave (Voleron)


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 15 2015
Quark, Worf, Troi, Spot
Edit: Seven of Nine too!

I think this is a trick question: odd numbered Mark items are not allowed in the bank. However, you could sell the item and donate the proceeds to the fleet bank or (had this been an even numbered Mark item), it could've been donated to any other fleet bank (Deep Space Stonewall, Stonewall Legion, HNR).

I better have gotten that right or my resources cred is going to be seriously damaged, lol.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited December 15 2015 by Voleron
Gareth GXV3


Fallout 4

December 15 2015
(Merged the two fallout Threads together)
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Lars Zandor


Character Biography

December 15 2015
About a decade after the Dominion War, Cardassia and Bajor were more accepting of each other. Rascism towards the other was looked down upon among themselves and as time went by the Cardassians and Bajorans who together more often. Deep Space Nine became a hub not only for traffic in or from the Wormhole, but also for Cardassians who wanted to trade with the Beta Quadrant, just as well as Bajorans and other Alpha Quadrant races.
Mavek Senior was a Cardassian living on DS9 and was eventually appointed to handle any problems with Cardassian freighter captains that might arrive. Erzu Pati was a Bajoran Starfleet security officer posted on DS9. The two would eventually fall in love and conceive a child. The first Cardassain/Bajoran child not born out of shameful acts during the Occupation, but out of love between two equals. Arken Mavek embodied everything both Bajor and Cardassia were eventually striving for.

When Mavek turned 16 he decided he wanted to join Starfleet and did just so. Now fresh out of the academy, his career is about to begin.

Unknown Person liked this



December 15 2015
Though the description of your potential state resulting from the mentioned affliction is a bit off-putting, as a person who is aware of the Fallout 1 and 2 patiently waiting on my hard drive until I have some free time to give them my undivided attention, I must admit I can relate.


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
There's action, there's eye candy, there's humour... Where's Star Trek? :dry:
Unknown Person liked this


Elder Scrolls Online Free Weekend

December 15 2015
Unfortunately, I didn't catch the bug. Took me forever to create a character (so typical...) and stopped just after the introductory mission. Maybe when all my toons in GW2 are lvl 80 I'll come back B)

Unknown Person

Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
I'm not one of the trekkies that is Anti-JJ or the JJ-Verse and I will defend Star Trek 2009 with every fibre because I actually think that's a pretty awesome Star Trek Movie (there's flaws in it, but they don't detract from the over-all quality of it).

Into Darkness I struggle to watch because It's just so horribly written and just makes a mockery of Star Trek. The thing is that Into Darkness had awesome trailers and I was confident the film would live up to that, obviously I was wrong.

Trailers are trailers are trailers are trailers and they often prove to me misleading and it's impossible to judge the quality of the final movie based on a trailer.

That said I think it's pretty obvious that they are trying to go with a Guardians of The Galaxy style more "fun" movie this time round and it actually looks like it could be good and if it didn't have a Star Trek skin we might all much more positive about it.

The movies are always going to be a more action-packed popcorn throw-away commodities and my advice would simply be to enjoy the JJ-verse for what it is and save judgement for the real Trek which belongs on the small screen and hopefully we'll see return in 2017.

I also don't buy into this ideal that the JJ-verse Star Trek is dying or is unsuccessful. Despite poor reviews Star Trek Into Darkness made over 400 million dollars world-wide at the box office, over double it's budget. That's an amazing success and nobody should be under any illusions on the subject.

I think some of us older-time Star Trek fans need to realise that we have no god-given right to be the only people in the world to decide if something is good enough to be Star Trek. The new generation of Star Trek fans I imagine will love the JJ-Verse and wouldn't be able to sit through an episode of TNG without their eyes flicking to their nearest handheld device.

I'm excited for what the future holds for Star Trek. I just hope the writing is more 2009 and less Into Darkness.

Also Chris Pine is hawt, he has a new funky hair cut.
Edited December 15 2015 by Unknown Person

Unknown Person

Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
I find our lack of disagreement on this disturbing. Lol yeah it's really awful.
Unknown Person liked this


any way to aquire this ship?

December 15 2015
ahh well thats all what i expected. i didnt think it was get able anymore but i had gotthe idea in my head to do an Andorian toon, the idea being he only flies Andorian ships but presently there arent any until T5 (unless ive missed something) thats why i was so after that ship.

seems stupid not to make it available id certainly pay 500 zen for one. sigh. sad face.

thanks though all for your inputs even though they wernt the answers i was hoping for.
Andrea Maria


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 15 2015
Thank you all for the Christmas wishes! That´s very sweet of you! :)

And Merry Christmas to you all, too!
2 people liked this
Kiera Skylar


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 15 2015
To borrow from the bigger franchise...

Seriously? The plot is ripped out of Gilligan's island?
(No ship, no crew, no motorcars, not a single luxury...)
3 people liked this
Edited December 15 2015 by LoonShy


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 15 2015
That was very kind of you all, thank you.
2 people liked this


any way to aquire this ship?

December 15 2015
It came with a specific neverwinter founders pack. I don't believe it is available any more so neither is the ship.
There are only the T5 versions of the ships.
Unknown Person liked this

A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 15 2015
Thanks everyone! That was very nice of you all. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!
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