[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who
I see Picard, Riker, Janeway, Nurse such and such from TOS, and the black tar pit from TNG that killed Tasha.
As for the bonus question: You take 3 items of value from the bank, sell them off and run to Risa to burn through the profit befor anyone catches on. Then you return back to to the bank and put 1 tribble, 1 food item, and 1 item of common quality back into the back and make it look like nothing happened. Oh, and you realize that purple item never existed due to your "extra curricular" habits. ~Fin
As for the bonus question: You take 3 items of value from the bank, sell them off and run to Risa to burn through the profit befor anyone catches on. Then you return back to to the bank and put 1 tribble, 1 food item, and 1 item of common quality back into the back and make it look like nothing happened. Oh, and you realize that purple item never existed due to your "extra curricular" habits. ~Fin