Brian Klotz


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
Body: Slave Leia
Face: Picard
Hair: Janeway
Badge: Scully/Xfiles?
Pokemon: Topegi

Food is not allowed in Fleet Bank


How do we seperate sexual orientaton from fetishisms?

December 17 2015
Quote by NicholasJohn16
This has always been something that I've seen as clear separations that I don't think other people see as such. Most people see that sexual orientation as interchangeable with sexuality, but personally I don't feel that it is.

To me, my sexuality is directly related to what I like sexually. That it happens to directed toward someone of the same sex as opposed to someone of the opposite is only a very tiny aspect. My sexuality encompass all of my personal turn ons or a person's fetishes and such.

I think I might disagree with how you characterise sexuality. I think sexuality may include how you feel about your body, how confident (either positively or negatively) you are in your body, in your sense of style, in your (physical) fluidity, and in your rhythm.

All of that said, without being linked to sex, of course.


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

December 17 2015
Looks like fun, too bad I won't be able to be there.

But, what about all the people that don't live in places that have "white" winters?! Sure, snow is great, unless you're stuck at home because a metre and a half of fresh (worst of all, wet) snow just fell, and it's 48 below without wind chill.

I'm dreaming of a green Christmas, just like the ones I used to know.

3 people liked this
Edited December 17 2015 by xochild


The Salvation Army

December 17 2015
Personally I don't give to charities at all. There's a little old lady down the street struggling financially, I buy her an occasional bag of groceries or invite her to dinner every so often.

Sooooo many of these "charities" keep a large portion of donations for administrative costs. Some are really bad with most of the money never even getting to the needy, I read some keep more than half of donated money to pay executives. Even gay charities aren't immune to this trend.

Moral of the story is to not only check for anti-gay stances but also to where your donation might be going BEFORE you give anything. Giving that neighbor down the street direct help can sometimes be much easier than giving to a place like the Salvation Army.

Lastly, remember that many of the volunteers or bell ringers are people who honestly only want to help people and don't necessarily like the Army's stance on gays. Don't be an ass, treat them with some measure of respect.
Unknown Person liked this
Sej @Ereiid


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
Day 2:

Janeway's (later season) hair on Picard's head, atop Leia's pleasure slave body, with Dana Scully's ID, kicking Togepi for a goal.

Food items shouldn't be in the bank.
Tsar Agus


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
Janeway, Picard, Leia, (Scully's Badge) and Togepi

NO FOOD IN THE BANKS EVER!!!! (They'll rot and stink up the place) I mean it's bad enough we let Klingons in...
Dave (Voleron)


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

December 16 2015
Wow, looks amazing! Working on both days, arrgghh! Maybe I'll be able to sneak away for a bit to join the fun.
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

December 16 2015
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: center in size

Annual White Winter Whirl 2016!


Greetings Fleeties!
In these dark and dreary months, after weeks of doing Q's bidding in his Winter Wonderland, we have a exciting weekend planned to brighten up your Winter.

It gives me great pleasure to announce the Morale Department's Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl!

Featuring some amazing competitions with a chance to win a couple of small prizes like an Elahchi Cruiser! a Plasmonic leach or two, a handful of EC, superior traits, and whatever else we have at the back of the cargo bay!

This year will also see the launch of the First Ever Accolade Hunters' Club.

Join us as we take on the galaxy.

12:00 PM Opening Ceremonies
(09:00 am PDT. 12:00 pm EST, & 5:00 pm GMT)
Location: Q's Winter Wonderland

It's that time of year again, come and gather at Q's Winter Wonderland for a spot of fleetie festive fun! Bring your best party outfit for a boogie to kick off the first day of the White Winter Whirl.

12:30 PM Q’s Winter Wonderland

We'll team up and take on Q's Winter Wonderland together. Let's run his little quests for our amusement:
- Thirty minute past, rush to the start of the race “The Fast and the Flurrious”!
- Forty-five minutes past, snowball fight against evil snowmen all across the Wonderland!
- On the hour, help the gingerbread people fight off the snowmen in “Cones of Conduct”.
- Fifteen after the hour, head to the snow valley to fight off waves of snow Borg in “Tide of Ice”.
- Half past the hour, it is time to launch into "Winter Invasion" PvE and help the Gingerbread men.

2:00 PM Missing Admiral
(11:00 pm PDT, 2:00 pm EST, 7:00 pm GMT)
Starting Location: Delta Quadrant Command.

OH NO! Your Chief of Fleet Morale was sent on an errand by Neelix to find some ingredients for his latest holiday concoction (something about basting a turkey with Kazon hair grease). He was last seen at Delta Quadrant Command where he made contact with Neelix's slightly-shifty, not so liberated Borg contact. Embark on an epic quest, following a trail across three quadrants, to discover what happened to him (Level 50 Federation or Federation-Aligned Character required). May the fastest humanoid win.

3:30 PM The Big PvE Queues
(12:30 pm PDT, 3:30 pm EST, & 8:30 pm GMT)

Grab your shovels and prepare to beam down with 19 of your fellow fleeties. It's time to do those massive queues, the Big Dig and to Breaking the Planet. Then load your torpedo bays, we're flying into space to save Starbase 24 and Slow the Klingon Expeditionary Force, save the fleet's Starbase, and finally kill that big floaty crystal thing.

5:00 PM The Big Winter Quiz
(2:00 pm PDT, 5:00 pm EST, & 10:00 pm GMT)

oin us on Teamspeak for the Big Winter Quiz. Test your holiday (and general) knowledge against your fleeties. Which team will be victorious and claim the big prize?

6:30 PM Accolade Hunters
(3:30 pm PDT, 6:30 pm EST, 11:30 pm GMT)
Location: Nimbus !

It's finally here. The Morale Department's brand new, exclusive, open-to-everyone Accolade Hunters Club. Watch this space and we'll announce the location very soon. After this, we'll be holding regular happenings where we'll work together to polish off your accolade collection, on all your toons. Gotta get them all!

7:30 PM White Winter Wind Down
(4:30 pm PDT, 7:30 pm EST, 00:30 pm GMT)
Location: Risa

Dress in White and head on over to Risa at maximum warp. Its time to dance away until the wee hours. Bring along your worst chat-up lines and show off your best moves for some random spot prizes!

11:00 PM Q’s Wonderland
(08:00 am PDT. 11:00 pm EST, & 4:00 pm GMT)
Location: Q's Winter Wonderland

Day Two, and the festivities kick off with a rerun of Q's Winter Wonderland! We'll help you get the pieces for that snazzy little Winter getup you want:
- Fifteen after the hour, head to the snow valley to fight off waves of snow Borg in “Tide of Ice”.
- Thirty minute past, rush to the start of the race “The Fast and the Flurrious”!
- Forty-five minutes past, snowball fight against evil snowmen all across the Wonderland!
- On the hour, help the gingerbread people fight off the snowmen in “Cones of Conduct”.
- Fifteen past the hour, it is time to launch "Winter Invasion" and help the Gingerbread men, Again.

12:30 PM To Hell in a Shuttlecraft PvP & PvE
(09:30 am PDT. 12:30 pm EST, & 5:30 pm GMT)

You've probably heard of Shuttle vs Carrier. This year, we're doing "Shuttles versus Science Dreadnoughts". Will your tiny little runabout get completely destroyed by a Gravity Well? Can the swarm of Shuttles take down our best Science Captains? Join us and find out.
Then when the dust settles, and the holes in subspace close, we'll launch into Shuttle PvEs.

2:00 PM Winter Costume Contests
(11:00 pm PDT, 2:00 pm EST, 7:00 pm GMT)
Location: Bajor

Head on over to Bajor with your best outfit for out Winter Costume Contests. This year will be our Biggest Ever Winter Fashion show with three categories for you to enter:
- The Holiday Look
- The Alternative Winter Outfit
- [Team Entry] The Holiday Ensemble
As usual we're giving you creative leeway to interpret the categories however you like. Will it be something stunning, or traditional, or unforgettable?

4:00 PM Mystery STF Queues - Cross-Faction
(1:00 pm PDT, 4:00 pm EST, & 9:00 pm GMT)

Grab your coffee cup and get your snacks at the ready. We've got 100 whole minutes of Mystery PvE queues. Do you have the stamina for this marathon? Set yourself up for all-purpose ground and space, as you won't know what's coming till we hit the start button.

6:00 PM Winter Ball and Closing Ceremonies
(3:00 pm PDT, 6:00 pm EST, 11:00 pm GMT)
Location: Q's Winter Wonderland

Like every good event. All good things must come to an end... Bring a partner or a group of friends to Q's Winter Wonderland for the final dance.
17 people liked this
Edited January 09 2016 by Unknown Person

New Indicator

December 16 2015
Do any of you use any forum software that doesn't include the new indicator like we have on our forums?

How many of you use it to see what posts need to be read?
Cheshire McCaster


Star Trek Beyond Trailer

December 16 2015 An interview with Justin Lin the movies director over the trailer that was released.
Jamie O'Connell


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 16 2015
Hehehe, nothing wrong with a little misdirection is there?

On a serious note, I actually saw something in there that looked like something odd. It's like a purplish hair piece below Quark's ear on Worf's hair. Idk what that is tbh.

Also, how does Voleron keep winning things?! Didn't you kill him off already. :P
Brian Klotz


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 16 2015
Hear, hear!

This is such a great, welcoming and fun place to game. No wonder this game hasn't worn off on me. There are so many friendly Fleeties, I'm happy to come on daily* and spend time with such supportive and funny people across the globe.

THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO, Admirals and Captains! I've been touched by your kindness and generousity in one way or another and want to let you know that it is appreciated.


*almost every day, truth be told
2 people liked this
Edited December 16 2015 by DrTheopolis
Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 16 2015
Quote by medgirl1025
FYI: There is something in the picture that I see that as of this point not one of you has mentioned as to what it could be. It sticks out like a sore thumb to me and frankly, I have no idea what it is... but, it IS there!

What do you see? .. my talent perhaps


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 16 2015
Thank you so very much for the card :) I feel really touched.
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 16 2015
Yay! Thanks much! :D
Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 16 2015
ANSWER: Troi, Worf, Quark, Spot, 7of9.

Q: You have a very rare phaser beam array mark XIII that you wish to donate to the fleet, but there is no more space for it under the "Space weapons" section of the fleet bank... but you really want to give back to the fleet, what do you do?

ANSWER: when you see the columns are full, Sell the item, and donate the EC to the bank instead (Main, DeepSpace Stonewall, HNR or Legion) So as to not give the Resource hassle by sorting it out every few hours



You win x2 Lock box keys and a R&D pack which will be sent ingame mail.

Voleron, as per the rules, you cannot enter tomorrows competition (16th Dec), after that, you are free to enter again


4 people liked this
Sej @Ereiid


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 16 2015
1) Seven's implants on Quark's head with Worf's ridges and hair on Deanna's body.

With Dr. Franken-Spot proudly showing off his evil creation.

2) Sell the Mark XIII, donate proceeds.
Jamie O'Connell


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 16 2015
FYI: There is something in the picture that I see that as of this point not one of you has mentioned as to what it could be. It sticks out like a sore thumb to me and frankly, I have no idea what it is... but, it IS there!
Cheshire McCaster


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 16 2015
Spot, Seven of Nine' hand and borg tech eyebrow piece, Deanna Troi' body minus head and one hand, Worf's head ridges and hair, Quark's face, one TNG combadge and Q's flash.

For the item, if not room sell it in the exchange and donate the ec to the fleet bank.
Edited December 16 2015 by Niko
Jamie O'Connell


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 16 2015
This is a very heartfelt and warming gift. I really cannot begin to explain what this means to me (even if all of us are just nerdy gamers). This really touched me and I want to cry...

(I know I know)

...I wont do it because I'm half Klingon and honor is more important. However, I wish to convey my gratitude.

Thank you, each and every one of you. This helps fill a part of my life that would have remained empty otherwise. Thank you for your kindness.


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