Unknown Person

Hi Everyone!

December 18 2015
The joys of the chat bug .... I had that bug for ages until very recently when I had to re-install a fresh copy of windows 10 (wiping hard drive) and re-installing game it seems to be sorted and now I see everyone.

Im not saying thats a fix for everyone but possibly removing game and deleting every trace of it on your system (including registry) MIGHT fix any chat bugs.

Hope that was of some help other than that different time zones and all that.
You can normally see myself, Andrea who is lovely, Medgirl who you will want to hug in 5 minutes on teamspeak again dependent on time zones so feel free to say hi
Dave (Voleron)


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 18 2015
Quote by SaintPlazma
I'm not sure what to say, other then I'm truly touched... After a week of hell this is what I needed. Thank you and Happy holidays to everyone. Dave I only hope I can live up to your example of kindness, wisdom, and compassion.

Awe, glad that we could bring some cheer to your week! :D The weekend is in sight and the long week is just about over!

Unknown Person

A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 18 2015
I'm not sure what to say, other then I'm truly touched... After a week of hell this is what I needed. Thank you and Happy holidays to everyone. Dave I only hope I can live up to your example of kindness, wisdom, and compassion.
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person


December 18 2015
Yes, if your character is republic, type "/cjoin kos and Imperial is /cjoin los, ask for an invite to the guild. What are your character(s) name(s) and which faction are they? You can also download our propietary chat app as it works cross-faction.
Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 18 2015
ANSWER: Seska (bajoran version), Riker, Sela, Guinan and Frodo Baggins

Q: What Quality items should only be placed within the fleet bank??

ANSWER: No commons, but anything above are welcome




You were the First to answer correctly

You win and Admiral Mirror Leeta BOFF and a R&D pack which will be sent ingame mail.

Frozenlily, as per the rules, you cannot enter tomorrows competition (18th Dec), after that, you are free to enter again


Unknown Person liked this
Edited December 18 2015 by GXV3


New Indicator

December 18 2015
Quote by medgirl1025

EDIT: I do like what we have at present. I forgot to add that. The only confusion I ever had is the new member intro page, EVERYTHING is always green so it's very difficult to know what I've seen/commented on without really looking or even going into the post.

Whenever you look at any of the forum sections, you will see a small flag beside the topic name. That indicates what posts you've posted on :)
Jamie O'Connell


New Indicator

December 17 2015
Whatever comes standard when random joe shmoe comes here is what I use. Does that help?

EDIT: I do like what we have at present. I forgot to add that. The only confusion I ever had is the new member intro page, EVERYTHING is always green so it's very difficult to know what I've seen/commented on without really looking or even going into the post.
Edited December 17 2015 by medgirl1025
Michael Sawyer



December 17 2015
Is there another website or process for joining?


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
Seska's Bajoran disguise, Riker, Frodo Baggins, Sela and Guinan

No commons, but above and beyond rarity is welcome
Edited December 17 2015 by Frozenlily

Unknown Person

New Indicator

December 17 2015
Are you talking about the little green (1 new) next to the thread title? or the image that changes to green on the forum index page? Or something else?

Because I use both those things.
Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
One Incorrect... your all soooo close,
You can do it! get in there.. take a Voyager into the picture and spy spy on what you see,
Daniela Smith


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
Guinan, Kira, Sela, Riker, and Frodo.

No common items allowed. Only uncommon or better.
Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
ooo so close! still no winner yet, all the correct names have come up though
Sej @Ereiid


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
Guinan's hat, Sela's hair, Seska's eyes, Riker's beard, on Samwise Gangee's chubby hob-bod.
Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
oh no... :pinch: no winners yet
Dave (Voleron)


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
Wow, the transporter must really have malfunctioned today! I kind of feel like we might have to force this monstrosity back into the transporter beam Tuvix style, for it's own good, of course. Get Janeway over here to do the dirty work!

Items of uncommon rarity or better (rare, very rare, ultra rare, epic, etc) are allowed in the fleet bank.

Here's my guess for today:

Guinan's purple hat

Stefan DeSeve's blond Romulan hair and eyes

Ensign Ro's wrinkle nose

Riker's BIG BUSHY beard!

Frodo's BIG BUSHY leg beard?
Unknown Person liked this
Edited December 17 2015 by Voleron


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
Guinan, Riker, Frodo Baggins, Sela, Seska's nose and eyes

Question: No commons allowed!
Edited December 17 2015 by Frozenlily
Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
ANSWER: Janeway, Princess Liea, Capt Picard. Agent Scully, Topegi

Q: Last night during His Fleet Bank Checks.. @Andystan had to take out x3 winter food items that he saw in there... why did he have to take them out of the fleet bank??

ANSWER: NO food items are allowed within the fleet banks



You were the First to answer correctly

You win x2 R&D packs and a Lock Box Key which will be sent ingame mail.

Whiteonmyoj, as per the rules, you cannot enter tomorrows competition (17th Dec), after that, you are free to enter again


Edited December 17 2015 by GXV3
Jamie O'Connell


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
My guess for today is:

A soft boiled egg on the ground
The cigarette smoking man hair
The Rodian Han shot first body
The doctor from voyager face
Legolas' legs

As for food question: The answer is simple. The food was accidentally left there because the work fridge was full. Maybe if the "other" members of the leadership would clean out the fridge once in awhile instead of waiting for everyone to have to do battle with the leftovers we wouldn't have to worry about it going into the bank in a special cooler. No names. You know who you are. (Glares at you) :)
Jamie O'Connell


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 17 2015
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
I mean it's bad enough we let Klingons in...

(raises a brow) (In Scarface accent) You gots sumtin you wanna say to me, say it.
Edited December 17 2015 by medgirl1025