

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 24 2015
I ordered my ticket today, they confirmed the order but nothing more yet hopefully its all sorted.
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Unknown Person

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 23 2015
Please join me in thanking Voleron for the Epic poster! Muchas gracias, Dave! Can't wait to see you guys! And for all those not going this year, there's always next year year and the year after that and the year after that ;)
2 people liked this
Daniela Smith


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 23 2015
Argonian? What? How could you not recognize that Predator body? Ugh.


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 23 2015
Species 8472 head from voyager
Alien body from Alien movies

A terminator head from terminator series
Argonian body from Elder Scrolls series
Little gun on shoulder

Snow epohh and bow epohh

Question: 9 ladies dancing
Dave (Voleron)


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 23 2015
Creature #1
Species 8472 head
Alien body

Creature #2
Terminator head
Predator body

Creatures #3,4
Winter Epohhs

Answer: "9 ladies dancing"
Daniela Smith


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 23 2015
Thank you very much.

Time for greedy smartass bitch attitude:
I so rule at this game!! All ya'all are just slackers and posers!! Peace out. (mic drop)

Back to normal:
I'm having a lot of fun with this. It's a nice fun competition. Now I just need to work harder on R&D. I'm building up my schools. Is there a good primer on what is the best way to use R&D?

BTW, you keep putting my name wrong. It's Daniela76MN, not 75.
Edited December 23 2015 by Daniela76MN
Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 23 2015
Madonna Dog! shame on you Voleron.. and your an 80s music fan!

ANSWER: Borg Queen / Geordi's visor/ Darth Vader / the bat belt / Marty McFly's NIKE shoes / Pokeball / Madonna Dog / Back to the Future 2 hoverboard.
Q: How can I find the fleet bank rules on this site..??

ANSWER: Click the welcome center OR go to the forums> Briefing room> Admirals offices> Department of fleet resources and click on "fleet bank.. there are 2 options on where its located!




You were the First to answer correctly

You win a KDF Shuttle and x2 R&D packs which will be sent ingame mail.

Daniela76MN, as per the rules, you cannot enter tomorrows competition (23rd Dec), after that, you are free to enter again

Unknown Person liked this
Edited December 23 2015 by GXV3
Zander Hawk


Re:The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 23 2015
Most of us will be there Monday to Sunday, the bulk of it is really spending time as a group and having a great time. It's a very unique experience to be with like-minded people enjoying Star Trek of all things. :)

Sent from my LG G3 mobile phone using Tapatalk.
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Lars Zandor


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 23 2015
Quote by williamjaneway
As much as I would love to join you all, I am not in a financial place to jet across the Atlantic, get hotels and also tickets in, but I am sure it is a blast for all the regulars :) Have a fun safe trip :D

Same here, sadly :( I'm still hoping to win a big amount of money before then, but that's probably not gonna happen.
To anyone who is going though: have fun and be naughty :p
Unknown Person liked this


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 23 2015
As much as I would love to join you all, I am not in a financial place to jet across the Atlantic, get hotels and also tickets in, but I am sure it is a blast for all the regulars :) Have a fun safe trip :D
Unknown Person liked this



December 23 2015
why would anybody take 90 ? LOL. it's solid construction and speed traps. i'd rather take algonquin all the least you stay moving and no tolls!

network specialist sounds nifty. did you have to obtain any Cisco certifications in order to graduate? i always wanted to go back and get something like that...but it's not really worth it since i don't want a career in it. just fun to know how that stuff works. if i break anything though, you have to promise to help me fix it. maybe we can ping attack and crash some servers together.

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Unknown Person

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 23 2015
you can probably get a refund and get the general admission packages if you want, just email them. Not sure if it gave you a choice at the time as you are 3 hours ahead of me.
Dave (Voleron)


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 23 2015
Quote by Jacien
Quote by Voleron
Poster is incoming later tonight! We got the copper package too (ouch on the price) :(

when did you get the copper package?

Just tonight :\
Incidentally, the group rate for rooms at the Rio is sold out. We're paying an arm and a leg for the room under their normal rate.

Unknown Person

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 23 2015
Quote by Voleron
Poster is incoming later tonight! We got the copper package too (ouch on the price) :(

when did you get the copper package?
Dave (Voleron)


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 23 2015
Poster is incoming later tonight! We got the copper package too (ouch on the price) :(
Unknown Person liked this
Edited December 23 2015 by Voleron

Unknown Person

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 23 2015

Qa'pla, Jolan'tru and LLAP Fleetie Darlings!

Normally we have a snazzy poster to go along with this particular post but the information I need to get to you is too urgent to wait given recent developments..
As many of you are aware, members of Stonewall Fleet have been meeting at the annual Creation Las Vegas Star Trek Convention at The Rio All Suite Hotel and Casino since 2009.

This wonderful tradition was started by our own dear @Capn_BranFlakes the better part of a decade ago, we in Stonewall have kept it going each year. Over the years we've had Fleeties attend from all over the globe for 4 days on non-stop Trek Heaven and our little group has grown and grown with each year being even more fun and epic than the last.

It's been by duty for the last 5 years to post the information about this convention and I normally do it in January as that is when most of the ticket packages go on sale. This year, however, Creation Entertainment decided to release their general admission tickets early, yesterday to be exact. Those tickets were $250 for all 5 days of the convention, their justification being that they added an extra day to the con and it is of course the 50th anniversary of Star Trek.

As of this morning those packages had sold out and not 10 minutes after I bit the Bat'leth and bought the $540 Copper Weekend Package, Creation Entertainment released more General Admission 5-day packages at a whopping $350 a pop. To me and most others it appeared to be shameless ticket price gouging and no one was more upset than Capn_BranFlakes who, though he'd bought his general admission package yesterday, was completely incensed by Creation's shady business practices.

He mobilized his twitter mobilizing his 1,000+ followers including his contacts at CBS, Cryptic and STO to condemn Creation's actions along with others. He demanded a refund of his ticket (purchased at the original price) if others weren't given the same opportunity. As of this afternoon, Creation had this posted on their website: "$250* Limited availability.
Please order as soon as possible. Our last group of tickets sold out within a day or two.

*For those that paid a higher price for General Admission Weekend
your money is being refunded within the next few days."

And I got an email from Gary Berman, co-founder of Creation Entertainment, himself willing to refund my Copper weekend package or give me 2 general admission seats. Never underestimate the power of social media or the Social Media Dynamo that is Brandon. I STRONGLY recommend that if you do want to go to all 5 days of the con, you buy your tickets soon by clicking on this link. At last count they only had 600 seats left and if yesterday's feeding frenzy was any indicator, they're going to go fast. But hey, it's the 50th anniversary of Star Trek and there's going to be more guests than you've ever seen at any Star Trek convention ever!

I recommend booking at either The Rio, Goldcoast or The Palms Hotel and Casinos as soon as you can! Also, I should point out that individual day admission tickets will go on sale sometime in the near future so be sure to subscribe to Creation's newsletter and act fast once they become available. Also check groupon, individual days became available on there last year but I don't know if they will this year given that it's the 50th. We have a great time each and every year and there's so much fun to be had. I hope to see you there this August 3rd though the 7th.
4 people liked this
Edited December 23 2015 by Unknown Person


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

December 23 2015
Awesome! I work both days but hope to be able to catch some of the later events :)
Unknown Person liked this



December 23 2015
Network Specialist :)

Need a little more training on the hardware end of things though....

Motherboard - Check
Power supply - Check
Hard disk - Check
Computer Case - .....?

Even though I forgot the case, in my defense its still functional. .......Just requires a screwdriver strategically placed on the motherboard to jump-start it :cheer:

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Michael Sawyer


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 23 2015
Voleron is the greatest
Unknown Person liked this
Michael Sawyer



December 23 2015
I have 8 on each side, but on Ebonhawk (rp'er here). I am trying to decide if I want to make one on Harbinger or remake one of mine on Ebonhawk.

Grr, the choices in life