Andrea Maria


R&D information

December 26 2015
@Fimon (Jeff)

I agree with most of what you´ve written in your post, but I don´t agree with "the R&D system is kind of worthless in the long run".

You still can make money with schools on level 15 by crafting superior tech upgrades. That´s what I´m doing. There will be always a market for superior tech upgrades. There´s a R&D weekend coming up, and I´m expecting increasing prices for superior tech upgrades.
3 people liked this
Daniela Smith


R&D information

December 25 2015
Thank you both very much. I'll definitely use this info.
And I don't mind links, I just have too much difficulty searching for stuff on my own. Too much confusion for me. :S
Also, most of the info I find is also confusing. It's a little TL;DR, but that's also my ADHD.

How helpful is the upgrade system?

I did not notice that you could do the same school multiple times. Coolness.


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 25 2015
Blitzen, Comet, Donner, Cupit, Vixen, Pranced, Dasher, Dancer.

Answer: Pere Noel, Papai Noel, Viejo Pascuero (“Old Man Christmas”), Dun Che Lao Ren (“Christmas Old Man”), Kerstman, Joulupukki, Weihnachtsmann (“Christmas Man”), Mikulas (St. Nicholas), Kanakaloka, Babbo Natale, . Hoteiosho (a god or priest who bears gifts), Julenissen (“Christmas gnome”), Swiety Mikolaj (St. Nicholas), Ded Moroz (“Grandfather Frost”), Jultomten (“Christmas brownie”), Kris Kringle, Santa Clause and Old Saint Nick :)


R&D information

December 25 2015
Items wise the system is too random for my liking, to level up just queue 3 of the 20 hour research projects in the area of interest.

The traits however are very valuable, beams and science especially. You earn a trait at level 15 in each r&d school so I would look up what each of the traits do and prioritise the order you want to get them in.
2 people liked this


R&D information

December 25 2015
Ok, so first, there's the copout answer, here's a guide: :laugh:

Now that that's out of the way, it really depends on what you're wanting to accomplish. Honestly the R&D system is kind of worthless in the long run, it was really awesome when it came out as it dumped some new items into the economy, made RCS and Particle Generator consoles useful by creating special new versions, and made many weapons more accessible. Now, the only real useful thing it does is provide upgrade fodder, and/or make mk xii gear easier to obtain than in the past.

If you're wanting to make R&D useful for creating stuff for your ship/crew, then focus on what you want, and put everything in to building up those appropriate schools (you can queue up to 3 of the 6000 XP missions on the same school in a single day). And then craft the stuff that you want. Something to note here, if you are crafting the Mk XII stuff, you'll need purple components, don't craft them, it is such a dilithium sink, and given how many R&D packs have flooded the market between the Sheshar and Strike Ship promos, plus they drop from lockboxes, buying the purple components outright off the exchange is just a much smarter move economically.

If you're wanting to use R&D to make money... good luck? You can make some major bank, but it takes a lot of patience, and a lot of frustration as you have to junk a ridiculously massive amount of items. There are only a few things that are worth like anything that pop out of the system, and the ones that are worth the most also have the biggest risk associated with them:

The Conductive RCS and Exotic Particle Field Exciter: most of these are worthless, even at ultra rare. If they have the [EPS] modifier, you'll make a killing, if they have other moderately useful modifiers like [turn] [shhp] [prtg] or [resall] they can be worth between 3-20 million. Everything else sells for less than the materials you put in to them, so it's a big gamble (and not worth attempting until you're at level 20 in that school anyways)

Weapons! If you grind, you can keep pumping out mk ii (yes 2) beams, looking for either [dmg]x3 or [crtd]x3 as the modifier on the weapon, and they will sell for 2-8 million EC. It's a guaranteed way to make money, you'll never spend more than you make. You'll also go absolutely crazy and hate the game.

Honestly, the best thing to do with them is wait until the upgrade weekend, then open them, and sell the upgrade accelerators contained within. The prices on them will spike as everyone tries to upgrade stuff during the bonus period. That, and then use the parts inside to craft SUPERIOR upgrades and sell them too. At this point, the R&D system has outlived a large part of its usefulness for the majority of the playerbase. If you're not wanting to grind, then chop those puppies up and sell the pieces. If you are wanting to grind, let me know and I'll give you the tips necessary to do it, I've spent plenty of time doing it myself, but I know that's generally something most people aren't excited about :)

Good luck!
3 people liked this


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 24 2015
Why it's good St Nicholas(john16) aka Santa Claus!

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder and Blixem with special bussard collector equipped Rudolph!
Daniela Smith


R&D information

December 24 2015
Hello all.

As I've won a bunch of r&d packs in the contest, I need to figure out what to do with them. And no, I'm not giving them away.
Where's a good place to find info on r&d advancement and what to use the stuff on.
I am already building up 4 schools, and am at lvl 10 on a couple now.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Joseph Leyland


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 24 2015
Santa Claus, father Christma and Saint nick

Dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, comet, cupid, donner and blitzen
Daniela Smith


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 24 2015
Well I'm pretty sure that is Santa Claus. And he does seem to look similar to William Shatner. Because he's also fat. :woohoo:

And the reindeer are:
Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner Blitzen
But don't forget the most famous reindeer of all. Rudolph!

Also, aaaauuggh and noooooo! All my skill for naught. I rarely have luck with drawings..
Edited December 24 2015 by Daniela76MN
Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 24 2015
Im about 8 hours ahead of you :D but all the rules are out of the window today....

TODAY on the last day, I will pick RANDOMLY the winning answer!
Edited December 24 2015 by GXV3



December 24 2015
More than my pleasure!
Happy hunting out there!


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

December 24 2015
This is the one big event that I look forward to every year (trust me every one we do is so much fun, but I really love this one), It is always such a blast!
I look forward to seeing everyone for the event! :cheer:
Unknown Person liked this


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 24 2015
OH DAVE!!!!!

Everyone, this is so sweet... it made my Christmas! :cheer:
Unknown Person liked this
Brandon Felczer


A Holiday Gift for Stonewall's Admirals & Fleet Captains!

December 24 2015
This is so sweet. Thanks so much, everyone
Unknown Person liked this
Brandon Felczer


Re:The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 24 2015
Really excited to see those of you who can make it there -- I was devastated by the fact that I had to pull out from attending and miss seeing my friends, but I had to take a stand for what was right. I'm glad creation listened to the community :)


Brandon =/\=
Daniela Smith


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 24 2015
So I wanted to ask when the 24th starts for you, as in how far ahead of US time.
Also, can you tell us your time frame for posting? Just perhaps the earliest time you would consider doing it?
So I can make sure and pay attention and hopefully beat Voleron and Frozenlily to 3 wins. If anyone else wins tomorrow I'll be fine, but you two rat-bastards better not get in my way or I'll flatten ya! Of course, may the best man win. Or woman, as it should be. Mwahahaha! :evil:
Edited December 24 2015 by Daniela76MN
Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 24 2015
ANSWER: Alien / Predator / 8472 / Terminator / Epohhs!
Q: In the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, 'my true love brought to me nine......' what?

ANSWER: 9 Ladies dancing




You were the First to answer correctly

You win a Gift Package sent straight to your ingame mail box.



Sir Voleron, AS is Christmas.. and AS its the LAST 10 guess whos before Christmas.. the rules are thrown out of the Christmas window!! you CAN take part in tomorrows Guess!! yay!! so its basically just you 3 LOL!

2 people liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 24 2015
Quote by Jacien
Quote by Gravity
I ordered my ticket today, they confirmed the order but nothing more yet hopefully its all sorted.

It'll take like a day for you to get your confirmation email.

That's right. I ordered my tickets last night and I just received my etickets a few minutes ago. It usually takes one or two days tops.

Sent from my LG G3 mobile phone using Tapatalk.

Unknown Person

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 24 2015
Quote by Gravity
I ordered my ticket today, they confirmed the order but nothing more yet hopefully its all sorted.

It'll take like a day for you to get your confirmation email.


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

December 24 2015
Quote by Lars1091
Quote by williamjaneway
As much as I would love to join you all, I am not in a financial place to jet across the Atlantic, get hotels and also tickets in, but I am sure it is a blast for all the regulars :) Have a fun safe trip :D

Same here, sadly :( I'm still hoping to win a big amount of money before then, but that's probably not gonna happen.
To anyone who is going though: have fun and be naughty :p

we'll be here having our own anniversary partay! :woohoo: