Tsar Agus



December 30 2015




Lucky Draw - TBA
Tsar Agus



December 30 2015


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Edited December 30 2015 by WhiteOnmyoji
Tsar Agus



December 30 2015
O T H E R - P L A N E S - O F - E X I S T E N C E - 2 0 1 6



T H E - S T O R Y




The Mirror Universe is only one of many planes that exist in parallel to our own. Very little is know about these other planes of existences. However the heavy incursion of the Mirror Universe into our own have weaken the planar barriers between all planes of existence. Gateways to these other planes have been discovered in our universe allowing a select team to explore these other planes of existence.

E V E N T - I N F O R M A T I O N


While we love Star Trek Online there are plenty of other games out there and a lot of our members play a large number of other games. In that spirit we are holding this event to facilitate Stonewall Gaming Network members the same safe, affirming and fun environment that is available to SGN members in STO

Each month, we will host a weekend where we play another game, we will try to stay with a game that is expansive but free-to-play or have a low start up cost. We want to encourage a fun and exciting event and we also want to encourage as many people as possible to participate. In that spirit we will be awarding two prizes each month during the event. The first will be a random draw for participating. The second will be an MVP award for the top performer during the weekend.

At the end of the year there will be 2 more prizes the first will be another random draw and the more weekend you participated in then more entries you get. The 2nd will be the Event's MVP, the overall top performer all year long.

The first game will be announced VERY SOON
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Re:Hi Everyone!

December 30 2015
anything mr zander says is fine by me. :-)
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Zander Hawk


Re:Hi Everyone!

December 29 2015
Quote by Pinkscarab
Have I done something wrong or have a bad reputation or something? When I try to chat I get the ice treatment. Is it me you don't like or is this how the fleet works? If this is how the fleet works then I will be starting to look for another fleet. I am a social person and play this game a lot for the chat and fun you can have with other fleet member. I won't deal with a minefield of clicks that wont even give you the courtesy of a Hi. Sheesh...the last fleet I was in was super fun until they found out I was trans. Anyway if you guys don't want me to be here let me know and I will shuffle along. No hard feelings, I just don't want to beat my head against a brick. Life is too short.

Merry Christmas


Online communication can be a complex subject to address. Addressing a chat room can be like telling a freeway of speeding traffic that you're there to chat and stuff -there's a lot going on with each user at the same time. Stonewall is a global gaming community with different time zones, different people, and different and unique social customes.

There are no chat requirements that compel people to chat, many are inclined to engross themselves in the game itself while others are more casual and engage in chatting when available.

I enjoy chatting but sometimes I do not catch conversations because I'm getting fired at or I'm desperately attempting to prevent my ship from blowing up :)

Please do read Voleron's Guide to Happy Fleet Interaction. It's a definitive guide that will eventually become included in our Welcome Center (unless it's there already and I haven't noticed). Happy reading!


Sent from my LG G3 mobile phone using Tapatalk.
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Michael Sawyer


Hi Everyone!

December 29 2015
It's the holidays as well. I have hosted thanksgiving, friends giving, a company holiday party, a christmas party for friends, christmas dinner for family, a christmas dinner fundraiser for LGBT homeless youth. I do not think I have even logged in once the past two months. Lots of people are traveling, out of town, drunk, wishing they were drunk, drunk and wishing they weren't drunk, wishing the tree would catch on fire and fall on the racist cousin (or is that just me), etc.

Things will pick back up.


Salt Truck

December 29 2015
i'm watching the snow plows outside my windows. nice living in a townhome community where they do all that for you. was sleeting and snowing all day. roads are gonna be icy tomorrow morning...thankfully i work from home. heard the people in michigan on the other side of the lake got hit pretty hard. :-)

Unknown Person

Salt Truck

December 29 2015
I'm in central New Mexico... We got about 6 inches half our annual snow.


Salt Truck

December 29 2015
SaintPlazma, where is that at?!?! I'll take some more snow, I don't want to work tomorrow :)

Unknown Person

Salt Truck

December 29 2015
Quote by Lars1091
You have snow? I'm more than a little bit jealous now...

You can have some of mine Lars

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Lars Zandor


Salt Truck

December 29 2015
You have snow? I'm more than a little bit jealous now...
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Salt Truck

December 29 2015
Our condo maintenance man does not have a salt dispenser on his truck :(. So he's having someone drive his truck around the parking lot and he's sitting on the back dragging a salt dispensing cart behind it lol. Crafty......

I asked if they had another one and I could sit on the back and help, it looks sorta fun. They unfortunately only have one :(

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Hi Everyone!

December 28 2015
Hey Mic!

Don't feel bad for people not messaging you back or responding. I talk A LOT in chat and I've always found that sometimes I get responses, and other times I get people talking and boom! No more down period :)

Just don't be afraid to start up convos. Once people have time to chat they will jump right in :D


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 27 2015
Thank you for the wonderful event Gareth!

Was a great build up to the holidays and to be honest if those were children.... They have one unfortunate life ahead of them! Like I don't wanna know how Aikune spawned a ball with but that is a mystery left for another holiday ;)

Thank you to all you challenging rivals out there! Daniela you were my toughest rival and I salute you ;)

Thanks for the wonderful prizes as well! I never even heard of a Mirrror Leeta BOff before this event :D

Edit: Can I refund my two keys? They didn't work... I opened two boxes and all I got was lobo and junk lol you know where to send the the new keys ;)
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Edited December 27 2015 by Frozenlily



December 27 2015
They say 90 is an "expressway", i'm still trying to figure out where the express part comes in.... YES!!!! 62 has been my saving grace, at least theres some scenery along the way to keep one occupied, and you don't have to pay $10.00 to use it.

No Cisco yet, just CompTIA Network + (which seems to be more general networking and non vendor specific).

If you break anything, no worries I promise i'll help you fix it ;).

On the note of ping attacks and server crashing..... check out the following:


Ever seen the movie "Wargames"? :D. I think China has us beat :O
Dave (Voleron)


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 26 2015
It was lots of fun, thanks for the events and prizes, G!
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Daniela Smith


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 26 2015
Thanks so much Gareth!!
For the prizes, the contest setup, and your work on the fleet banks!
Which seems to be to large of a concept for people to grasp. :S

Congrats to my fellow winners too. Especially Scott who was a very worthy nemesis. Grrrr. And all my craziness was in fun. That and frustration with the holiday season and dumbass family members who can't use the proper gender pronouns. (Oh wait, was that out loud? Oh yeah, it WAS!!)
But that's done. A new year is approaching and I see this game continuing to be a great draw for me for quite a while now. I really like being in this fleet and maybe I'll even get on teamspeak more often. :pinch: Stupid voice.

Love to all!!!
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Gareth GXV3


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 26 2015
Thank you one and all who has tried for a guess in this mini competition, that helped us count down the days before Christmas, which in turn, I hope members picked up some knowledge of the rules and etiquette of our fleet banks.. though I fear there is a long road ahead (juging from my bank sort this morning in all 4 fleets)


The WINNER of the last days Guess who.. is...



and a last minute cheeky prize goes too...

Love cats



Congrats all of you... check your mail for prizes!!! Thank you once again for joining in the fun on the count down to Christmas!

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Edited December 26 2015 by GXV3
Nicolas J. Artley


[CHRISTMAS COMPETITION] Resources Dept - 10Days of Guess Who

December 26 2015
That the bloody "Coca Cola" man with his slave deers carrying his overweight by poor Dasher, Tänzer, Prancer, Vixen, Komet, Amor, Tonner, Blixen and supposedly a hidden passenger named Rudolph …
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R&D information

December 26 2015
I totally agree with you on that Andrea, it's definitely a good way to crank out some cash, I mentioned that in my post, but kinda glossed over it. It's a bit grindy, but in a very consistent way. And yeah, with the upgrade weekend coming up, the tech upgrades will fly off the shelves.

And for anyone else trying to make some quick cash on the upgrade weekend, here are some things that will rock up in price:

Major Research Boosts (Right now they're at around 3 mil each, usually they jump up to about 4.5 mil during the upgrade weekend)

Salvaged Technology (if you've been stockpiling this from elite STFs, the upgrade weekend will be the best time to offload them). Because they're part of the experimental upgrades, which are the best non-omega way to quality boost items.

All Superior and experimental upgrade technology. Don't waste your time crafting the green and blue ones, even in bulk they won't make you any money, but if you start crafting superior upgrades right now, you can sell them on the first day of the upgrade weekend and make a killing!

R&D packs are super low priced right now because of the Sheshar promo, they will jump up in price when the weekend comes because they are the only way to get the upgrade boosts.

Good luck and happy money making everyone! :)