

T6 dreadnaught vs t6 battle cruiser

January 04 2016
so, the t6 dreadnaught galaxy x / yamato thing vs the t6 avenger / arbiter?

i have both and i cant really settle on over the other so can anyone give me pointers, pros and cons, err i dont know really, i dont think i know enough to know what questions to be asking you guys.

oh, toon is 60 engineer.

err yeah i dont know what else to add thats relevent, thoughts please if you have any.
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Dave (Voleron)


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 02 2016
Quote by SaintPlazma
The BF and I talked about it and we'll be there this year.

Cool! Excited to see you there!!
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 02 2016
The BF and I talked about it and we'll be there this year. Anyone want to split a room?


Salt Truck

January 02 2016
I am in Dallas now, and grew up in Chicago.
I feel like I don't know what snow looks like any more. :cheer:


Hi there!

January 02 2016
Hey all. I am currently playing on the EU server but cannot find a good guild so I decided to search for an LGBT one. My search led me here. I was wondering if the guild is active and if you have people playing in my UK time frame? If so, I will restart playing on the US server.


Ric :)
Iain Smith


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

January 01 2016
The lawsuit in its entirety can be read here .....
Sej @Ereiid


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

January 01 2016
I've been coming across discussion of this elsewhere.

The scuttlebutt - and these, I should point out are unsubstantiated, so please take them with a grain of salt or disregard them as outright rumormongering, if you'd prefer - reads thusly:

Axanar Productions did so well with their Kickstarter campaign, that they purchased camera, sound, lighting, and editing equipment, and studio space - capital investments that readily breach the not-for-profit threshold that CBS/Paramount have used in the past to tolerate fan productions.

Beyond that, there have been additional (again, unsubstantiated) rumors of general hubris and unprofessional arrogance from the filmmakers.

Such much so that what is known is that Tony Todd, who features heavily in Prelude to Axanar, detached himself from the project well before CBS/Paramount threw the hammer down.

Again, is any of this true? Maybe the truth lies somewhere in between.

But it's not likely that Paramount has any concerns that the general viewing audience would watch Axanar instead of Beyond. There simply isn't a broad enough fanbase invested in fan films to make any serious dent in the multimillion dollar returns that Paramount can reasonably expect from Beyond.

And moreover, how many Trekkies - anywhere on the spectrum from casual to hardcore - would you imagine seeing Axanar and not Beyond? Even in spite of the general grumbling from the fanbase about the Bad Robot approach to Trek?

For what it's worth - it's not likely the Axanar filmmakers are going to be for want; at the very least, they have a bloody awesome sizzle reel to shop around for their next gigs.
Edited January 01 2016 by Ereiid
Lars Zandor


Star Citizen (Space Simulation returns!)

January 01 2016
It looks quite interesting and want to try it. Sadly I don't have the money to buy it at the moment, so it'll have to wait. Have bookmarked it for the future though.

Unknown Person

Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

January 01 2016
For me it all depends on (and I'm speaking of my opinion rather than any knowledge of US copyright laws) if the Axanar creators are planning on making any kind of commercial profit from Axanar.

If they are trying to make money then it seems pretty clear that they probably are in violation because you can't do that with an IP you don't have the rights to.

If thats not the case and every penny of the kickstarter and every penny of profit from the eventual distribution of the film stay out of the producers pockets than I don't see why they would bother to take action.

I remember years ago when another game company used the phrase RvR to describe their large scale PvP in the pre-launch advertising and Mythic Entertainment sued to protect their copyright as they owned the phrase RvR.

People hated mythic for it because from a consumer point of view RvR had grown larger than Dark Age and Warhammer and had become something of a common-used phrase like Pritt Stick or Hoover.

Mythic responded saying that HAD to protect their copyright because if you don't actively protect it than you simply lose it. If enough people are using your IP for profit and you haven't acted then a MASSIVE company starts using it and you try and stop them it may be to late because you failed to take action when past-companies did it. A precedent has been set.

So say CBS/Paramount decided not to act against Axanar and they make a nice healthy profit from Star Trek and then Warner Brothers decide to make a 200 million Star Trek movie CBS/Paramount may find their hands are tied because the mistake was made with Axanar.

I'm not saying that any of this is true just that it has happened in the past (not with something as high-profile as Star Trek and it would definitely prompt a massive multi-million pound lawsuit if it did happen) but sometimes you have to do things just to protect your property and a lot of projects are shut down in early stages because of copyright infringement.

With all that said. People have been holding Axanar up as a possible "best fan made evaaaahhh!" and I certainly hope it goes ahead because I liked the prelude and am eager to see more.

I also don't want to see the end of future fan made films because, even though a lot of them are bad, you just never know what fans are capable of.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited January 01 2016 by Unknown Person

Unknown Person

Star Citizen (Space Simulation returns!)

January 01 2016
I have access but haven't been playing. I need to re-download the game because my I changed computers since the hanger & dogfighting modules.

Please tell us how you are getting on with it Sail (and anybody else who is giving it a go). :)

Unknown Person


January 01 2016
I submitted my BOP,

I have no idea how to make a build without space magic and beams....


Star Citizen (Space Simulation returns!)

December 31 2015
We had a member of leadership donate $10,000 to the Kickstarter. I hope the final product looks amazing :)


Star Citizen (Space Simulation returns!)

December 31 2015
I havent been playing around in the alpha but i know some other people have.
Lars Zandor


LGBT In Government

December 31 2015
I think it's positive there are openly gay people in governments. It means the gradual shift to equality between LGBT and non-LGBT people is continuing.
As far as I know there are no openly gay politicians here in the Netherlands, not in high places anyway. But to be fair, I don't really follow politics all that much, so there's a decent change I'm mistaken.
3 people liked this


Star Citizen (Space Simulation returns!)

December 31 2015
Oh wow, last post was 3years, 1month? Well I didn’t find much of any other thread talking about SC, so I thought I’d go ahead and try my luck to see if there are other backers around playing in alpha.


LGBT In Government

December 31 2015
This is almost a year late but better late than never! ;)

In Canada we have 10 Provinces and 3 Territories. Each has a Premier which is the Head of Government in their respective province. For the first time in history Prince Edward Island has it's first openly gay Premier, Wade MacLauchlan. It's a huge deal in PEI since he stepped in for Robert Ghiz who had to... step down before election lol
The first openly gay Premier in Canada was Kathleen Wynne who is the Premier in Ontario.



Do you guys have any thoughts? Do you guys have a member of government who is openly gay?
4 people liked this
Kiera Skylar


Star Trek beyond vs Axanar.

December 31 2015

Well, this is not good, if they want to shut down axanar, then, that makes me think STB is not good enough to stand against it, which is very, very bad for STB.

I hope Axanar survives, it looked awesome.
Unknown Person liked this
Cheshire McCaster



December 30 2015
sounds like fun.
Dave (Voleron)



December 30 2015
Sweet idea! Sounds like fun!
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