

Star Citizen (Space Simulation returns!)

January 09 2016
Currently I believe there are some stability issues (in general) but more so for Intel processors, as I have two AMD processor pcs (which seem to not have as many issues) and one Intel processor pc which has been giving me a hell-ova-time trying to login with the 2.0 LIVE and 2.1.0 PTU build. But stability issues are very common in an alpha. Just the other day the producers announced that they have, “all hands on deck” working on the stability of the game.
Edited January 09 2016 by Sail


T6 dreadnaught vs t6 battle cruiser

January 09 2016
thanks for your thoughts on it
Joseph Leyland


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 08 2016
I wish I could join. Alas I plan to be rather drunk. I may make it to some Sunday events though!
Jamie O'Connell


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 08 2016


T6 dreadnaught vs t6 battle cruiser

January 07 2016
Both are very good ship

what it comes down to is what is more important to you the utility and tankiness that comes with the dreadnaught cruiser as it has the hanger and more hull.

The arbiter is more focussed on deeps with the 5 forward facing weapons more tac consoles and the cruiser command that lower weapon power drain, it also has a lt cmdr universal station making it a bit more flexible in that regard.

So it is mostly trying to work out what kind of character you want to be, like most ships in the game one isnt better than another they are just aimed at different things.
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January 06 2016
Ive done some work on this, not quite done yet though.
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Lars Zandor


Chronicles of the House of Lar

January 06 2016
Tal Shiar Resurrection
Chapter 1

Alpha Quadrant, Terran Battlezone
17 June 2410

General Lar

'Fire disruptors at will.' This deep, but calm voice belonged to Lar, son of a spineless weakling and an unnamed whore, and General in the Klingon Defence Force, commanding the Bortesqu' class ship I.K.S. Metal Church. Not a very Klingon shipname you say? You haven't listened to 'Direct hit to multiple core systems, sir. Terran Nebula class ship is destroyed. No survivors,' Lieutenant Mmorogum rejoiced. Not bad for a Nausicaan, thought Lar.
'We should set course to Deep Space Nine. The men have earned their downtime.' A remarkably beautiful Klingon woman stood beside Lar, her uniform not that much different from his.
'Be'nal, tIqwIjDaq taj, we've only been here for three wee,-'

'Sir, multiple ships just decloaked right in front of us. All Tal Shiar and they're locking weapons!' Toy'wl'a interrupted. An Orion girl, she was a slave for some of Lar and Be'nal's non-PG13 hobbies. Also quite at home in several scientific fields, she is allowed on the bridge as a science officer.
'I guess DS9 will have to wait. Fire at will, torpedo spread, standby tactical teams,' the General ordered.
Four Romulan ships got destroyed in the first attack run, several more were heavily damaged. It wasn't long before this magnificent battle attracted attention and before long a huge a spacebattle was going on.

'Terran ships engaging both Tal Shiar and Klingon ships, sir. The U.S.S. Trinity's ETA is two minutes,' Lieutenant Morad announced.
'A Bortesqu' and an Odyssey fighting side by side? Today is a good day to die!' Lieutenant-Commander N'Kuran expressed enthusiastically.
'It will be grand indeed, N'Kuran. But lets see how many of them we can destroy before Admiral Faulkner arrives here.' As the Metal Church blew up ship after ship, Admiral Faulkner on the U.S.S. Trinity, Subadmiral Dilara on the R.R.W Kartal and Legate Kerim on the Lucadia all joined the fight. Within several minutes not a single Tal Shiar or Terran ship was left.

After the battle, Lar was in his quarters on a call with the Chancellor.
'I am not surprised by this, Lar. Klingon Intelligence has notified me already that the Tal Shiar apparently have a base left in the Rolor Nebula. They have been rebuilding their forces there. You will go there and bring glory to the Empire!' After Lar acknowledged his orders J'mpok continued. 'Before you go however, you will receive a transfer from the R.R.W. Kartal. One of their officers is a bit too much for them to handle, but they think she would fit perfectly on a Klingon ship. So she will be transfered to your ship. Her official task will be to see that the Republic's interests are respected and serves as a liaison between the the KDF on the front and the Republic.' Lar was not happy to hear this. He had his crew running a tight ship, discipline on the Metal Church was some of the highest in the whole fleet. This girl sounded like trouble. 'Unofficially however, she's not to be trusted. The Council wouldn't shed a lot of tears if she mysteriously disappeared.'
'Understood, sir,' Lar said as J'mpok closed the channel. Lar was not happy with this at all. You always had to be extra careful around Romulans, history has made that known a lot of times. But J'mpok basically ordered Lar to outright murder his new officer. As Lar walked towards the transporter room he made up his mind.

When Centurion Tovata had beamed over, Lar welcomed her:
'Welcome to the I.K.S. Metal Church, Tovata. I have been ordered to murder you.'

Author's note: It's been quite a while since I've really written something, so appologies if the writing isn't all that good. I do appreciate constructive criticism though. :)
3 people liked this
Edited January 15 2016 by Lars_Zandor
Zander Hawk


Gene Roddenberry's lost words

January 06 2016
Most of the comments on that article were about how the Roddenberry estate could have done the reading/restoration themselves hahaha. I'm in the same page as you guys, I'm more curious about what they discovered. They gave us nothing!!! -not even a juicy snip of context, or topic. Perhaps in the years to come we will see the posthumous works of the Gene Roddenberry in some form of book or tv show.
Sej @Ereiid


Gene Roddenberry's lost words

January 06 2016
Quote by tuvak
hell yeah! it might actually be some new Trek drinks. might be a twist on a Raktajino.

That may be alternately too much, or not enough credit for Gene's rampaging alcoholism.

Like - two parts bourbon, to one part bourbon, with a splash of bourbon kind of alcoholism.
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Gene Roddenberry's lost words

January 06 2016
hell yeah! it might actually be some new Trek drinks. might be a twist on a Raktajino.
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Jamie O'Connell


Gekli Escort - the lost Gekli accolade

January 05 2016
Have you tried all the spatial planes? X,Y, and Z for the 3km rule and done so with the minimap fully zoomed in and then been within the middle green circle (mission circle)? Have you retried the mission?

Any chance this is a bugged mission? Also, have you tried getting right on top of it or next to it? If bugged you could have to be anywhere for it to work right. :/
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Edited January 05 2016 by medgirl1025
Dave (Voleron)


Gene Roddenberry's lost words

January 05 2016
Quote by Ereiid
If stories about Gene's last few years are to be believed, i assume they're cocktail recipes.

That could still be a worthwhile find!


Gekli Escort - the lost Gekli accolade

January 05 2016
I wouldn't write about it here but I really don't know what to do anymore and it is frustrating as hell!
I'm hunting for accolades and the last one from Viscious Cycle I want to get is the Gekli Escort acco. I approach the bloody little Gekli and... it doesn't follow. I read (yup, did my reserach before) I should remain in a short distance like 3km. I do, but the little brat isn't moving.
Can anyone help me out?
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Sej @Ereiid


Gene Roddenberry's lost words

January 05 2016
If stories about Gene's last few years are to be believed, i assume they're cocktail recipes.
Unknown Person liked this


T6 dreadnaught vs t6 battle cruiser

January 05 2016
bumpity, to make a change from hitting F5
Pnutt Buttah


Gene Roddenberry's lost words

January 05 2016
Quote by tuvak
would be really neat to know what was on the floppies. given the time frame, it could really be anything from lost scripts, to contracts, or even just a personal diary/journal.

I'm thinking same-sex slash fiction with an endless supply of new red shirts :whistle:
3 people liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Gene Roddenberry's lost words

January 05 2016

I WILL find out...!
2 people liked this


Gene Roddenberry's lost words

January 05 2016
would be really neat to know what was on the floppies. given the time frame, it could really be anything from lost scripts, to contracts, or even just a personal diary/journal.


T6 dreadnaught vs t6 battle cruiser

January 04 2016
I have thoughts but its 7am and I am on the bus to work. I'll come back to this tonight when I am awake :)