Ben Ekdahl


Hos do I get added in to the guild?

January 13 2016
I am hoping to be added in to the SWToR fleet. Please let me know what I need to do to be added., I can't find the info. The Ebon Hawk/Republic/Baynjamyn
Ryan Thompson


[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 13 2016
Thanks you robin, and congrats on your well deserved gift.

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[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 13 2016
Congrats Robin! Thank you Robin for everything! :woohoo:
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T6 dreadnaught vs t6 battle cruiser

January 13 2016
yeah i guess i feel that my eng should fly a propper cruiser but that stupid yamato i cant not put on a cannon becaues it has those cannon stickyout bits. however its waaaaaaaaay too slow turning for cannons.


mayba ineed to make a toon specifically to fly a beam oil tanker
Dave (Voleron)


[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 13 2016
Thanks Robin for all of your generosity! Events are so much more exciting with cool loot to be won and I'm sure you've filled the prize vault several times over with all that you've selflessly given! Thanks for everything you've donated, and enjoy your well earned voucher!

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[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 13 2016
this is an outstanding gesture on behalf of the admiralty. i'm very proud to be a member of a community which recognizes these kinds of achievements and bestows such a unique and worthy award like this to a member for achievement that goes above and beyond. further, it's not every day you meet people like robin who have demonstrated the kind of dedication, generosity, and passion for STO that sometimes we all take for granted.

hip hip hooray! :-) this is worthy of a limerick.

If ever there was a chance,
I could pick someone with which to dance,
Robin it would be,
Because of his generosity,
Thanks for listening to all my rants.
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Gareth GXV3


[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 13 2016

Stonewall Fleet members, Please acknowledge this post and take time to read what is written within.
Within the STO wide community there are 1000's of fleets, with millions of members, but only one... ONE fleet shows such community spirit, such an online family bond such as this one.. what strengthens this online bond is its members.
We are lucky to have such great, helpful, spirited and generous members that help out and take part in events, or helping new members adjust into this family.

But the reason for this post, is to call forward one member who truly stands out.. and is in danger of going unnoticed by his fellow fleet members as he is rather humble in not accepting acknowledgment for his work.. and his donations.

@Robin74.. in the last 4 months has not only given his personal time, to aid new members in this fleet through his work as a Fleet Captain in our Memberships Department.. but has also donated a rather generous, and quite outstanding 4,048,120,185 (4 billion EC) worth of items, including ultra rare ships, from x2 bug ships.. to x3 Elachi She'shars and many many more items.. including some that have gone unnoticed.
Including Buying EVERYONE in the fleet a raffle ticket or 2 during last Treksgiving raffle event.
All of his donations are still yet to be handed out at Event days within the fleet.. and some of you have been lucky to win his donated items.

With that said.. having ran out of awards to give @Robin74..
The Admirals of this fleet would like Robin to accept a small token of our gratitude for Robin to enjoy solely for himself, away from STO.

Thank you very very much Robin, for all that you do.. and have done.

Please accept this ££Voucher from ALL the admirals to be spent at (my personal favorite geeky/gadget website)

Stonewall Fleet members.. Please take some time out and join the Admirals in thanking Robin on this thread, for his truly amazing generosity, in ensuring that you all have a great time playing in our events and taking part to win his great donations
15 people liked this
Edited January 13 2016 by GXV3


[EVENT] Dilithium Bonus Weekend of Greed! (Part VI)

January 13 2016
...I have no idea what you mean *whistles*
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Dave (Voleron)


[EVENT] Dilithium Bonus Weekend of Greed! (Part VI)

January 13 2016
Hmm, this post looks oddly familiar, lol.

Guess I should open up a few lockboxes and get some VIP mining claims in preparation
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[EVENT] Dilithium Bonus Weekend of Greed! (Part VI)

January 13 2016

D O U B L E · D I L I T H I U M · B O N U S · W E E K E N D

F L E E T · E V E N T S !

On Saturday, January 16th and Sunday, January 17th, the Fleet Resources Department and the Membership Management Department will be hosting a series of fleet events, to coincide with the bonus dilithium rewards weekend in Star Trek Online.

In the spirit of the bonus dilithium weekend, we here in the Resources and Memberships Departments feel that this weekend should be ALL about lining your Captain's pockets with dilithium and prizes, in a toast to the quadrant's greediest Ferengi and traders!  To that end, we'll be hosting a number of dilithium related events over the weekend, and encourage you all to come out for the fun!

E V E N T · T R A I L E R !


(This video BEST viewed at 1080p resoluion and in full-screen mode site)

D A I L Y · G R O U P · M I N I N G · E V E N T S

Does mining at the Vlugta asteroid and at the Fleet Dilithium Mine bore you to tears?  Not this weekend!  Save your dilithium dailies and join us on Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern as we round up as MANY fleeties as we can and crowd Stonewall Fleet's dilithium mine, to see if we can beat the record for LARGEST number of consecutive miners on the map!  Once finished at the fleet mine, we'll venture over to the Vlugta mine for more mining!  

Let's all go as a group!  We'll be meeting up in-game and on TeamSpeak to collect our DOUBLE mining rewards!  We'll also have some fantastic mining tunes lined up for you on TeamSpeak, to make your mining adventure a little less dull and a lot more entertaining!

D I L I T H I U M · T Y C O O N · C O N T E S T !


In this new take on an old favourite, we'll be running the Dilithium Tycoon contest once again, this weekend.  Simply screenshot your BEST dilithium mining mini-game score by typing /screenshot_ui_jpg and post your screenshot to this thread, any time between Friday, January 15th and Sunday, January 17th, for your chance to win 10 Master Keys!  

Get ready to mine like you've never mined before, if you want to add some additional dilithium to the amount you collect this weekend!

D O O R · P R I Z E S !

Every attendee of our daily dilithium group mining event, will be automatically entered to win being some door prizes!  You don't need to do anything but show up to be registered to win!  We'll hand out the door prizes at the end of the daily group mining run!

P R I Z E S !

Various exciting prizes are on offer and are too good to be missed!

V O T H · B A T T L E Z O N E · R U N S

In an effort to provide fleet members with even more dilithium, the membership management department will be running an hour-long group Battlezone run, Saturday AND Sunday, through the Voth zones on the Solanae Dyson Sphere.  The runs will be after the hour-long group mining event each day, so be sure to join us on both Saturday and Sunday for two hours of group dilithium earning fun!

E V E N T · S C H E D U L E*All Times Listed Are in Pacific Time


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Edited June 18 2017 by Voleron


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 13 2016
so just to be clear, if a Canadian ovine decides to travel to a neutron star to retrieve a hypersonic screwdriver, it can only do that if it listens to Beethoven's 4th symphony at the top of Olympus Mons on Mars.
3 people liked this
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 12 2016
Yay! Thank you, guys for coming! And big thank you to Cai, Scott, and the awesome people who helped out with the event! Had a blast! *big hugs squeeze* !!
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Dave (Voleron)


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 12 2016
Truly, a lot of effort obviously went into this from all of the work that went into the forum post, to the two full days of unique back to back events. Even though I could only show up for two events, they were amazing fun! Thanks Cai, Eurrsk, Scotty and everyone who came together to make it happen! Things like this are what make our community amazing!

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[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 12 2016
I was only able to attend Saturday's festivities but had a blast...especially the Pub Quiz. From ovines to goats to neutron stars to William Shatner's Canadian heritage, it was a blast. The quizzes are by far my favorite because fleeties can directly interact with other fleeties. Not often we can do that in large numbers.
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Whittier Strong


My responses to in-game catchphrases

January 12 2016
So this one is complicated. There was an NBA player named Wally Szczerbiak (who I thought was very cute). And I would set his name to the Animaniacs theme song: "His name is Wally Szczerbiak/He's a hottie to the max." So, what this means now is that when I see a dolyak in game, I sing, "His name is Wally Dolyak."
Edited January 12 2016 by SiranNataan


My responses to in-game catchphrases

January 11 2016
This makes me think about the skill "Prayer to Lyssa."

I LOVE how it works... If a human player uses this skill, all humans on the map will hear it and may shout "May Lyssa Confound you!"
Whittier Strong


My responses to in-game catchphrases

January 11 2016
There are certain bits of dialogue in-game that I can't help but respond to. I'm weird, but maybe some of you do the same?

"For the Tamini!" "For the tahini! And the tzatziki!"
"It's a soldier's life for me." "Deedly-dee"

I've got more but I'm not thinking about them at the moment.
Tsar Agus



January 11 2016


“Admiral, we are getting strange communications from the rift”

The modified Vonph commandeered as a war trophy by Admiral Marojin at the end of the Iconian war hovered close to a portal that was opening in the devron system, no ships could pass through and all probes launched have been lost.

A few weeks ago shortly after the last Mirror Invasion incursion rifts started opening up all over the galaxy. These rifts are determined to be rifts to other planes of existences like the mirror universe, while some have been terrifying like the first that opened on Qo’Nos where the KDF described as hordes of grotesquely disfigured anthomorphic animals, flooded First City. They said they were from a realm called psychedelic relam and their leader’s head a creature is now mounted outside the High Council’s Chamber. Lore singers are now writing songs of their victory over the creature called Hello Kitty and her grotesque horde.

Others have been a proven to be collaborative, the rift that opened on New Romulus and a group that called themselves super villains flooded through wreaking havoc on the young colony. A group calling themselves “Champions” assisted the Romulan Republic in capturing these villains and bringing them back to their own realm.

This rift hasn’t opened and the Mother Monster was joined with Admiral Greendale’s ship The Darkest Timeline and both are deciding to either figure out a way to open or close the rift. Both knew the potential for both research and damage to the Federation was extremely high.

“Patch the transmission through”

Static came on the intercom but every once in a while the crew is able to make out random words

Bzzzzzrrrzzzzz….black soulst….zzzzzzzrrrzzzzzz…..ueen of blad…..zzzzzbbbrrbrrrzzzz….ich King…..rrrzzzzzzz

Then static.
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[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 11 2016
Thank you everyone who attend our White Winter Whirl!! hope you all had a flurrie of a time haha! Thank you Eurrsk and Cai for being awesome teamates and everyone else who had helped out in the events :D
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Daniela Smith


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 11 2016
Thanks for the awesome fun!!

And now I get to take a break from STO missions. I have shoulder surgery on Thursday, on my dominant arm. So I won't be doing many missions, but I will still be doing all the other fun stuff. Gotta keep getting R&D and doff stuff of course. Arm has to be in a sling most of the time for at least a couple weeks.
Can't wait for it to be done though. It's a tendon tear that has been bothering me for 6 years now. Will finally be able to participate in activities, and drumming. B)
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