Dave (Voleron)


[EVENT] Dilithium Bonus Weekend of Greed! (Part VI)

January 17 2016
Here's my entry for the Dilithium Tycoon contest! My highest mining score for the day! Sorry, Jamie!!

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January 16 2016
I think my Eclipse Intel Cruiser needs a lil help. I used to be at 4k dmg, now I'm about 9-10k dmg, but I feel it still needs review. It's tetryon based and very situational. I usually have to get in rear arc and fire off all the stuff I can. Think you're up to the challenge Mister Shipwright?

PS - Trying to build up my template on STO Academy, but after I registered, it started hating me, lol.

PSS - Yay! My current build Note that there is a Polymorphic Probe Array in the last Engineering slot, the builder didn't have it in the options.
Edited January 16 2016 by Aio


Swampland Fractal Guide - New Youtube video from SWVG!

January 16 2016
I just published my second video for the fractal guide series. This time, I took a closer look at the swampland and will show you the ins and outs of this fractal. I hope you guys enjoy! :)

Edited January 16 2016 by Elquin


[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 16 2016
Congras and THANK YOU so much for all your donations and Fleet Support :lol:
Unknown Person liked this


Chronicles of the House of Lar

January 16 2016
just for the record, at my screen resolution this post shows on the forum page as "Chronicles of the Ho". :-)
3 people liked this


[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 16 2016
You are an inspiration and a hero!

Thank you for all you do! :woohoo:
2 people liked this


[EVENT] Dilithium Bonus Weekend of Greed! (Part VI)

January 16 2016
Yeah... gonna get me all the dilithium!
Unknown Person liked this


[EVENT] Dilithium Bonus Weekend of Greed! (Part VI)

January 15 2016
Don't forget to attend our Weekend of Greed event!

For those that have never been to the Battlezone, a quick guide can be found here!

We will be teaming up and if we can get a full map of 15 players we will blitz all the Omega Points and this should turn the map pretty quick, allowing us to repeat the process several times within the hour slot :D
2 people liked this
Edited January 15 2016 by williamjaneway


[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 15 2016
Ha, ha. And what do you know - once you guys left and didn't stand there staring at me, I did all the jumping just fine and crawled to the end of edge to get the accolade :) So I'll need help with some other accolades then :)

But really, I honestly appreciate it very much that you and Eurrsk stayed there to help me.
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor


Chronicles of the House of Lar

January 15 2016
Tal Shiar Resurrection
Chapter 2

Centurion Tovata beamed over and Lar welcomed her:
'Welcome to the I.K.S. Metal Church, Tovata. I have been ordered to murder you.' Tovata, a young, Romulan women with short black hair and dressed in a red-blue intelligence uniform, immediately reached for her weapon. Before she was able to properly aim however, Lar had taken it from her hands and threw it away. Before the weapons had hit the ground, she went ducked and tried to kick Lar's legs, with as goal to make him fall. Lar however, was a seasoned warrior, head of a Klingon House, at least eight decades older than her and stood quite sturdy on his legs. Instead he kicked Tovata in her stomach, used her momentarily disorientation to pick her up by her neck and threw her against the wall without breaking a sweat.
'You have spirit. You will fit right in on this ship. Walk with me,' Lar ordered, not checking if she was okay before leaving the transporter room.

Tovata catched up with Lar after several seconds.
'So you are not going to murder me?' she wondered out loud. Lar answered:
'No. I told I was ordered to, not that I was going to do it. I do not murder those under my command unless they have given me sufficient reason. If I would kill and murder at the slightest whim, I would have to spend all my time cleaning my bat'leth. My wife won't do it for me.' He added after a couple of silent seconds.
'Being Romulan is reason enough for some Klingons to kill me. Guess you're not all as bad as you smell,' Tovata joked.
'Get used to it, princess. Now, your quarters are here. You will eat with the crew and you will follow your duty. Understand?' Tovata confirmed she did. Lar continued: 'Come to the bridge when you have settled in. We're about to reach the Rolor Nebula and battle the Tal Shiar.'

Several minutes later the Metal Church indeed reached the Rolor Nebula. As Lar walked towards his chair, he asked for a report.
'One medium sized starbase with a couple of empty drydocks, a dozen ships, two of them D'deridex class cruisers, three Mogais and the rest are all T'Varos. It seems they have been rather thinned out recently. There is also a lot of debris from Romulan, Cardassian and Jem'Hadar ships,' the Gorn T'Yisheh reported.
'The True Way. Always showing up unannounced. At least they're gone already. activate the cloak and place us right in the middle of all these ships,' Lar ordered.

Once in position, Lar ordered to deactivate the cloak and fire at will. With exception of the D'deridex ships, all ships were destroyed in the first attack. One D'deridex engaged the Metal Church, but the other one flew away, long gone by the time Lar could order an intercept course.
'What is the status of the Starbase, Tovata?' Be'nal asked. Tovata, who had only just arrived on the bridge, sat down and reported:
'Uhh, one moment, ma'am. My Klingon is a bit rusty. Oke, I have it. Minimal defences, eightythree lifesigns. One of them is Jem'Hadar and one is Cardassian. You can guess the rest.'
'Good. Beam Kheldas and an away team over. Let them carve a way to the Jem'Hadar and the Cardassian and get them out,' Lar decided.
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[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 14 2016
im rather new to the fleet, but i enjoy the short time so far. Thanks from me as well for all your time and effort :)

and in time im sure we get you that accolade on nimbus too! :P
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Andrea Maria


Referral Code

January 14 2016
In case you´ll want to start playing SW:Tor, here´s my referral code:

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[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 14 2016
Quote by Lars1091
Dude, get a life :P

I just might :)
Really guys. I appreciate it all a lot, and it's a big surprise for me. I've been with the fleet for several years, I've always felt at home here, and once I figured how to make tons of EC in game, it felt only natural to share some of those profits with you. You guys do so much to make it an attractive place to be, investing so much time in preparing and running events, and I appreciate it even more since I was promoted to fleet captain and can see first-hand how much work is done behind the scenes. So if I can contribute the way I know how to, of course I do, so that the events can be made even more attractive.
But this madness has to stop at some point :) Gareth was thinking of more and more inventive ways to show the appreciation for my contributions, and now I'm really deeply touched for the Admirals' gesture, chipping in to get me something tangible, contributing real money :) Now I will keep contributing stuff and you just won't be able to top it at some point.
Thank you. Thank you again. I love you so, guys and gals :)
8 people liked this

Unknown Person

Hos do I get added in to the guild?

January 14 2016
Hi there, our guild is only on the Harbinger server so you'd have to transfer or create a new character on that server in order to be a part of the guild. You can join the server-specific channel "KoS" and request an invite once you've done so.
Cheshire McCaster


Something interesting

January 14 2016
i twitched when the weeping angels flashed.
Gareth GXV3


Something interesting

January 14 2016
all I can think of while watching this, is how much dusting she has to do on that messy shelving unit
Cheshire McCaster


Something interesting

January 14 2016
Lars Zandor


[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 13 2016
Dude, get a life :P
Just kidding, thank you for all the hard work and donating it to the fleet! Enjoy the vouchers, you deserve nothing less.
Unknown Person liked this


[Fleet Acknowledgement] Member: @ROBIN74

January 13 2016
OMG guys, you made me blush. Thank you so much. I'm really speechless :)
8 people liked this


[Event] Fourth Annual White Winter Whirl

January 13 2016
Wonderful event. :woohoo: