

How to grind dilithium

January 22 2016
There's a security officer on the fleet starbase (tactical level), too.

Personally, I mostly do 6 and 7, setting up doff and admiralty missions takes me about 5 minutes per toon, doing it twice a day with carefully choosing missions which grant dilithium and making Klingon 10/10 a priority (the whole cycle takes me about 15-16 days), I now manage to average about 8000 a day.
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How to grind dilithium

January 22 2016
Read this first. Grinding dilithium is most likely a waste of time. Opening your wallet, buying Zen, and exchanging it for dilithium is the fastest way to get the dilithium you need for upgrades and fleet projects and reputation and fleet gear. Calculating an hourly wage based on the dil-zen exchange rate for your dilithium grinding activities will just make you sad because it'll likely be under $1/hour. Even the Voth BZ only rewards around $0.70/hour at the current exchange rate (assuming dailies and 2 decent runs in 1 hour).

If you make a daily routine of some things, across several characters and farming alts, a couple minutes here and a couple minutes there, the time adds up and pretty soon you're not playing the game anymore (at least not the game you signed up to play). There's nothing wrong with paying real-world money for dilithium; you're just paying for your entertainment, the same as when you buy a theater ticket or an album.

Of course, I don't follow this advice very well and that's how I learned all the stuff below.


Getting dilithium in-game is 2 separate processes: 1) obtaining unrefined dilithium and 2) refining it (maximum 8000 dil/day). I divided this guide into those 2 parts.

Obtaining unrefined dilithium

1) Turning in contraband. Buy contraband on the exchange or earn it through doff projects, mostly marauding projects for KDF characters or "Confiscate contraband" and a few rarer projects for Feds. Turn it in at the security officer at Earth Space Dock, First City on Qonos, Ganalda, DSK7, SB39, or DS9 (there is no security officer at New Romulus). Get 2000 dilithium for several seconds of work if you park a character in front of a security officer and visit that character no more than once every 4 hours while you play other characters.

2) Turning in VIP dilithium claims (especially on a dilithium weekend). Get up to 5000 (10,000 on a dil weekend) for one of these, depending on your skill at the mining mini-game. These claims come from opening lockboxes and are bound-to-account, so you can't get them from the exchange.

3) The Voth Battlezone. This gives enormous amounts of dilithium compared to pretty much everything else in the game. I calculate on the linked thread that a good-but-not-great run will get you over 11,000 dilithium for 20-30 minutes of playing the game if it's your first run of the day. If you think the Voth BZ is hard, read the linked walk-through.

4) Mining dilithium - You get 5 sites/day at the Ferengi's Vlugta asteroid and 11 at the fleet's mining asteroid a day. 735 points or more gives 200 dilithium at normal mining sites and 480 at the Rich Dilithium site at the Fleet Mine, and getting over 735 does not give any more dilithium. You can earn up to 2480 for 20 to 30 minutes of mining, depending on your skill at the mini-game.

5) Going through elite ground missions (NTTE, DRSE, BHE, UIE, BOTSE, NSDTE). 6 elite ground PVE queues that aren't too hard if you have good ground gear and know the missions. You can try to put a tour together in the ground DPS channels (if you parse over 200 DPS in NTTE) or in the PublicEliteSTF channel or in the fleet's channel, or you can pug the first 5 listed above and usually succeed (NSDTE is harder). A good tour takes about an hour and will get you 8640 dilithium and a bunch of marks and elite marks (borg neural processors, etc) that you can exchange for more dilithium.

6) Admiralty - Admiralty projects can give up to 500 dilithium and events attached to those projects give 500, 1000, or 2000 dilithium. Look for these projects and skip/send shuttles on others if you want to grind dilithium this way. KDF Tour of Duty 10/10 gives 30,000 dilithium, is available to all factions, and is repeatable if you get through 1/10 to 9/10 again.

7) Turn in marks. Go to the Reputations tab, click on a reputation that you have more than 50 marks for, and find the "upgrade" projects that let you turn in 50 marks for 500 dil, 250 marks for 2500 dil, or 500 marks for 5000 dil. You can also turn in 3 elite marks (Voth Cybernetic Implants, etc.) for 1000 dil.

8) Visit the fleet research lab once a day and go to the development room. An NPC gives you a short R&D project that requires a few common and uncommon R&D materials and will reward you with 1200 dilithium, some rare and very rare materials, and 5000 bonus R&D XP.

9) Finish your reputations. Check in once a day and do the daily project for each reputation (340 dil/day) once your character is at level 50. Most of the reputations give 32,000 dilithium and a bunch of marks when you finish.

10) Just playing the game. There are lots of things that give dilithium (PVE queues, episodes, daily missions, doffing, battlezones...), but nothing else stands out as an efficient use of time to get dilithium. But if you're playing for fun, you can usually get some dilithium for what you're doing and that's nice too. Post other ideas if you know of something particularly efficient or fun that I didn't include.

Refining more than 8000 dilithium/day

1) Go to the fleet mine and talk to the Reman on the other side of the room from where you beam in. You can refine 500 dilithium this way once a day.

2) If you're an 800-day subscriber or have a lifetime subscription, visit the Veteran Miner at either academy to refine another 1000 dil in a 2-day doff project.

3) Play on other characters. You're limited to 8000 dilithium a day per character. I have a few characters that I enjoy playing and I try to lay off the characters that already have a lot of unrefined dilithium and play the ones that have little.

4) Farming alts. Like having more characters to play on, but this is when a character exists as nothing other than a source of dil for your account. Park this character in front of the security officer to turn in contraband, or maybe at the mines or the Voth BZ to run through those when you're bored on your actual characters. Maybe just set up admiralty and doffing every few days.

5) Play the dil-zen exchange. If you think you can predict the market, then buy dilithium with Zen when the exchange rate is high and buy Zen with dilithium when it's low. WARNING: This is a dangerous activity and you could lose a lot if you don't predict correctly where the market is going. Cryptic announces things every week that shake the market and you can't predict what they're going to announce, you can only try to react to it faster than other players. I am not responsible for any resources lost.

Passing dilithium between characters on an account

Go to the character who is giving the dilithium and open the dilithium exchange (Inventory>Assets>Dilithium Exchange). Create an order to buy dilithium. Set the price to something substantially below the current exchange rate but above 25 (the minimum). Enter the amount of dil you want to transfer. Go to the character who is to receive the dil and cancel the order and remove the dilithium from the market.
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Edited January 22 2016 by alex284
Daniela Smith



January 22 2016
A) MOBA's don't sound that fun to me. but

B) I just had shoulder surgery so I can't play anything right now. I'm playing STO just to do the upkeep.

I'll most likely try the next ones coming up though.

That was supposed to be the letter B with a ) after it. Heh heh
Edited January 22 2016 by Daniela76MN
Lars Zandor



January 22 2016
I'm installing the game right now. Expect me to be there tonight.
Don't know if it is in any way usefull to be known, but my BattleTag is Zandor#2337

I assume we're using the Americas region?
Edited January 22 2016 by Lars_Zandor



January 22 2016
Yeah I have to agree with aikune it is incredibly difficult to give a ship build without some sort of vision of how you want to play the character.

You have a wide variety of ships and in many cases they can each be setup in more than one way.

An example would be your pilot escort, I have seen them built for aoe damage using dual beam banks or dual heavy cannons coupled with a gravity well. Or you could spec for single target damage using a single dual beam bank and cannons. These subtle differences in boff/doff layout and equipment massively change how a ship works.

So I hope you can understand how without some specific idea of the type of gameplay you are looking for it is difficult for us to come up with a build.

*edit* If you left us know how you want to fly/what you want to achieve with this character we can select the ship for you from what you showed and decide on the best build for it.
Edited January 22 2016 by Gravity
Cheshire McCaster



January 22 2016
Hero's of the storm, good game been enjoying it casually for a little while now. I will remove this if its not okay. My hero's of the storm recruit a friend link. Looking forward to playing with who ever joins this weekend.

battlenet tag RavensGhost#1832
Edited January 22 2016 by Niko
Tsar Agus



January 22 2016
see that's an issue. a set for for a command battle cruise can't be translated even on a basic level to another ship. For one it's BOFF setup would not fit with an Intrepid's or pilot ship's setup. Skill allocations, traits and other factor would require a ship by ship and character by character approach. A few of the old livestreams give general ideas on how to set up ships on an extremely general and basic level.

please fill out this form:

and we'll make our recommendations.

Also in my personal opinion a tactical captain should stick with escorts. or if you want to fly a cruiser the only one I would recommend for a Tac captain is the Eclipse Intel escort.



January 22 2016 does not have to be every ship at this very moment...Focus on one of the Command Battle cruisers and next time, I'll figure out the loadouts myself
Tsar Agus



January 22 2016
Hey there,

that's really a lot of ships and gear you have but in order for us to be really effective in providing you a good build we need to focus on one thing.

Can you please not specifically define what kind of playstyle you are hoping to have out of this build. It is possible for the same ship to be flown in more than one way and without some more specific guidance it wouldn't be possible for us to know what specifically you hope to get out of the shipbuild.

Please fill out the form for the captain/ship you want, because we are not equipped to provide a build for every ship in you roster and captain combinations.
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The Accolade Hunters Club

January 22 2016
Quote by caijamin
Ever wondered why it says 'In a State' under Cai's name in game? That's because he's been shot at with a plasma weapon, and received 15 000 damage.

:huh: medic to cai's location, stat!
Unknown Person liked this



January 21 2016
Oh...I forgot I had Spotify on when I was doing the video and the music was captured in the video



January 21 2016

I'm requesting an update as I have different ship classes in my lineup and from my inventory and avatar bank... I took the time to record all of the items in my inventory and avatar bank as well as the ships in my lineup and what's on them right now. but mainly I just swap loadouts from one ship to another; depending on my moods or if I want to enjoy piloting a certain ship...brought on by a certain episode or ST movie.

I posted it on YouTube as It would take too long to do it on the build page...
As for the video you will need the link to see it as it's hidden on YouTube.

My Inventory and ship loadout

It doesn't have to be done all at once; I'm just hoping to find the ideal build that can be applied to my avatars that are Half Tactical and half Enginering. This way I would know what to do for my other avatars and their ship builds. something like an Ideal build for Intrepid class, Defiant class as half the time I just skip over things like Escort and prefer going by ship class...and it's easier for me to remember said ship by class name and not what STO calls it Thanks for the help and assistance.
Rolando Castillo



January 21 2016
It's all good, Pink. :) At least Cryptic realized there were unauthorized attempts on your account and managed to take care of it before the situation got worse.

Congrats on getting your account back! :cheer:
Mic Spicer



January 21 2016
OK I got my account back and everything is good to go, again sorry for all the trouble but better safe than sorry.

Mic :woohoo:
Lars Zandor



January 21 2016
Quote by Pinkscarab
Sorry about this..

No need. Rather safe than sorry.
At least you're getting your account back it seems :D



January 21 2016
don't be sorry, its good that they did that and that you are able to retrieve it :D
Mic Spicer



January 20 2016
OK cryptic got back to me and it turns out that someone did attempt to access my account and they blocked it just in case. I am now in the process of recovering the account provided all the info I gave them was correct. Sorry about this..



January 20 2016
silly question, are you sure you are using the correct email and password ? :)

and at least it means no one has logged in since you lost access :)

do you remember what you were doing the last 24 hours where you may have been given a ban?
Mic Spicer



January 20 2016
I am waiting to hear back from cryptic and then I will update this post asap. Starting to think I might have been banned for reasons unknown to me :( but I am just guessing..
Mic Spicer



January 20 2016
Those log in times are correct, however do what you have to do.