Unknown Person

LGBTA Guild Video

January 25 2016
Interesting topic
Why did you join an LGBTA guild?
Stonewall is a diverse group, all levels of leadership work hard make people feel welcome.
In your experiences, what differences have you observed between a guild that advertises as LGBTA and a non-LGBTA guild?
None really, maybe I've been lucky. Still I'm more comfortable talking about my BF in Stonewall
What kind of conversations are normal in an LGBTA guild chat? T
The same as any other guild/fleet chat our latest drop, our new toy or the disaster that was our latest PUG. We talk about the latest content Or the new nerfted weapon or broked content.
Dave (Voleron)


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 25 2016
Would be awesome to see you there, Jamie! Hope you can make it!!


LGBTA Guild Video

January 25 2016
1. I joined an LGBTA guild for a more sensitive, relatable community, and personally so I wouldn't always have to pretend I was a guy or a girl without a mic if I decided to transition.

2. Online gaming guilds/communities often have a particularly offensive/insensitive personality or two, making lame jokes at the expense of others. It can be difficult to find a more open-minded gaming community outside of an LGBTA guild.

3. [strike]Dick jokes[/strike] Chat about the game, [strike]butt jokes[/strike] current events, [strike]hot guys[/strike] etc. In all seriousness, at the end of the day we are a community of gamers too hahah.


Stonewall Lets Play Videos

January 24 2016
Hey Stonewall! I started a new channel a little over a month ago that focuses on GW2 at the moment. I would like to branch out and take a break from the guides I've been making and mix in some other videos... I was thinking lets play videos, but I'm open to requests/suggestions.

What I'm asking the community now is to let me know what you'd like to see or if a Lets Play series would interest you. I have a rather large library of games I can try out (not too many of the newer titles) and if you don't see a game that interest you, I can pick new games up. Keep in mind... I'm a cheap ass gamer and only spend $5 on games anymore... I'm kind of broke. :P

Here's my library to look through: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Elquin
and the youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUANwW2nXN7Xzuiraxn38qA

If anyone would like to co-op over TeamSpeak, that would be cool too! :lol:

Thank you Stonewall!
2 people liked this
Jamie O'Connell


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 24 2016
If my disability pulls through I would have enough owed to come down. I'll stay where ever, but the tickets to get into the con would be the problem.


[EVENT!] "Snow Much Fun" Mini Event Day!

January 24 2016
i still don't understand how dave can keep participating in events and hosting them when he was murdered last year...
3 people liked this


[EVENT!] "Snow Much Fun" Mini Event Day!

January 24 2016
Sounds like a ton of fun!
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 24 2016
Quote by medgirl1025
I was looking forward to coming, but between having to give up my hotel reservation and having to fight disability still it's a no go. Sad, but maybe for the best at this point. Maybe I'll go to Foxwoods that week to simulate being there with all of you.

Saddness there is still a bit of time. We need to prove a Romulan and a Klingon can work together. Lol
Unknown Person liked this


LGBTA Guild Video

January 24 2016
Hey Stonewall! I'm new to the whole youtube thing and an idea popped into my head when I was recruiting in Lions Arch. Some people don't know what LGBTA means and some people can be pretty insensitive to LGBTA members when they don't understand why we feel the need to have an LGBTA guild. So... I would like to answer some of those questions by presenting those questions to guild members.

I would like to start small and show you a list of questions that can be added to and answered. I'm thinking I may ask some members if they'd be interested to submit their answers as audio recordings or I may just post the text questons/answer depending on what everyone thinks. So... here are some of the questions. Please add any you can think of and answer any you are willing to:

Video Idea: LGBTA in GW2

Common questions we get:

  1. What does LGBTA mean?
  2. What does Ally from LGBTA mean?
  3. Why the need for an LGBTA guild anyways?
  4. Why does your sexuality matter in an MMO world?
  5. Do you guys just talk about sex in guild chat?
  6. I’m a guy/woman. Are you going to hit on me?

Questions to members of SWVG:

  1. Why did you join an LGBTA guild?
  2. In your experiences, what differences have you observed between a guild that advertises as LGBTA and a non-LGBTA guild?
  3. What kind of conversations are normal in an LGBTA guild chat?
2 people liked this
Edited January 24 2016 by Elquin
Jamie O'Connell


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 24 2016
Quote by xochild
I won't have the free schedule to fly back to America for the convention, but, I also don't feel safe enough going to the U.S.A. as well. I know it's going to be loads of fun though, and I hope everyone that goes enjoys themselves B)

I guess one of us will have to say it... if you are afraid we'll just give you some protection. Just have to get the guns out first. Would you prefer big, explosive, or purse size? I'm guessing the latter and if all else fails I'll use my teeth to rip any "danger" apart. :)

P.S. The Bat'leth will stay at home for safety reasons. Can't have homicidal immortal Klingon hybrids running amuck in Vegas. Oh wait yes we can. :lol: :silly:
Edited January 24 2016 by medgirl1025
Cheshire McCaster



January 24 2016
I don't know if you had all the games for this event picked out yet, but if not I would like to offer "Path of Exile" as an option. Its an arpg simular in style to the Diablo series and other such games. Free to play easy to get into the skill tree is a little daunting but I have never seen a game that gives the player so many options on how to do things.

Unknown Person

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 24 2016
Quote by xochild
I won't have the free schedule to fly back to America for the convention, but, I also don't feel safe enough going to the U.S.A. as well. I know it's going to be loads of fun though, and I hope everyone that goes enjoys themselves B)

Well the mob no longer controls it, the marauding bands of thugs have been contained... All you have to worry about is the plague, getting lost; and ending up in area 51, sand people, Trump attacks, and giant radioactive ants... Damn you nuclear testing!
3 people liked this


Fractal Guide - Molten Boss

January 24 2016

New video uploaded. I hope you guys enjoy! :)
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 24 2016
Quote by xochild
I won't have the free schedule to fly back to America for the convention, but, I also don't feel safe enough going to the U.S.A. as well. I know it's going to be loads of fun though, and I hope everyone that goes enjoys themselves B)

I'm sorry you wont be making it, it would've been nice to meet you and we all have such a good time each year. But with hypercritical neuroses fueling such an erroneous parti pris, I'd probably fear for my safety as well, lol. :laugh:
2 people liked this
Edited January 24 2016 by Unknown Person
Gareth GXV3


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 24 2016
Quote by xochild
I also don't feel safe enough going to the U.S.A.

Is Las Vegas like the Gaza strip now? :P

or Fallout:New Vegas

I know a load who have gone there, and keep going back its really family friendly
2 people liked this
Jamie O'Connell



January 24 2016
Quote by Ereiid

Yes. This. Exactly.
Jamie O'Connell


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 24 2016
I was looking forward to coming, but between having to give up my hotel reservation and having to fight disability still it's a no go. Sad, but maybe for the best at this point. Maybe I'll go to Foxwoods that week to simulate being there with all of you.
Unknown Person liked this
Cheshire McCaster


[EVENT!] "Snow Much Fun" Mini Event Day!

January 24 2016
sounds fun, i will be there.
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

January 24 2016
Quote by DrTheopolis
do you need to purchase a package (i.e., Copper) in order to get the EMH BOFF? Meaning, do you only get that if you go into a room where there's a panel? Or can you get one if you're just General Admission?

I'd like to go but $550 is steep.

General admission will grant you access to the vendors room where the STO folks will have a booth set up. That's where you can get the EMH Boff on any day of the convention.

Unknown Person

[EVENT!] "Snow Much Fun" Mini Event Day!

January 24 2016
This sounds like great fun, I shall see you all there!
2 people liked this