

Re:Star Trek Timelines and Stonewall Fleet

February 04 2016
Ahh OK well deep space stonewall was created me as homage to our second fleet in sto :) so that will live by stonewall traditions and all that good stuff can't see roster of the other fleet stonewall so who knows

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Unknown Person

Re:Star Trek Timelines and Stonewall Fleet

February 04 2016
Not that we're aware of. Could be members of Stonewall playing in that Fleet or it could not be.


Star Trek Timelines and Stonewall Fleet

February 04 2016
Just started playing star trek timelines, and noticed there was a stonewall fleet, is this officially part of us? in any case i tried to join but couldn't because there is a max limit of 50 per fleet so i created a second stonewall fleet called "Deep SPace Stonewall" and put description as unofficial part of stonewall gaming and put to find out more. Hope you dont mind Nick! If anyone else is playing let me know!

War Games
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Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 04 2016
Quote by LesleyA
Will have to see how the event compared to the first (rather disappointing) fare that we had the first year at London.

indeed! i was kinda put off from


Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 04 2016
Quote by Lars1091
Sad me is unable to go. Birmingham is quite reachable for me (more than Las Vegas anyhow). Sadly, I should reserve the money for higher priority stuff. :(

aww BHX is direct from AMS via KLM! :lol:


Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 04 2016
Quote by williamjaneway
buy me the Admiral package Cal and I'll go with you :)

r u sure u won't leave me outside? :whistle:
Joseph Leyland


Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 04 2016
Can't get the Friday off work but tempted for the weekend (arriving Friday evening straight from work)
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Joseph Leyland


On weapons modifiers

February 03 2016

To be honest unless you're trying to squeeze every last point of DPS out of a build, the weapon modifiers aren't overly important.

Right now the darlings are; CRTD, DMG & PEN, with the ideal being DMGx3 or CRTDx3.

Regarding the sound sadly nothing can be done if you want to use Antiproton (which have the 'best' proc in the game). I would recommend disruptors though as a suitable replacement.

Finally obtaining these things. The best option is to craft yourself. Start with MK II beams. Keep crafting until you get a mod combination you like (this can take dozens of attempts for CRTDx3). Use the Omega Particle Tech Upgrade (requires 3 x Omega Fragment to craft, currently ~1mil ec each) as well as a Major Research boost (currently around 2.4mil ec) and you should have a 40% chance of the first upgrade. This will also get you to around MK VII and is easy to get epic level items. It will then only take a few superior upgrades to get to MKXIV.

Any questions holla at me in game @KnightChucky
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Tsar Agus


On weapons modifiers

February 03 2016
here's a HUGE tip craft them at MK 2, because when you upgrade them between 2-10 there's a possibility they can go UR or even Epic. As far as mods go, I'm perfectly content with CritD x2 and Acc X2 which I think you can find on the fleet store. but anything with CritD x2 is sufficient. And energy type is really based on what your build is. Science drain boat is going to use Polaron and a ship with an inherent Phaser/Disruptor ability like the Phantom or Chimera is going to use that energy type. So if you're wondering what energy type would be good for you, put in a build through the Shipwright and we'll check it out
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On weapons modifiers

February 03 2016
Hi guys, I know there are reams of Reddit threads devoted to this business but i'm hoping some kind Stonewall citizen can break it down.

I'm no Min-Maxer but I would like to up my deepsability somewhat. At the moment most of my beam arrays are [crtd]x2 [acc] but I'm beginning to understand these may not be that great (because something something FAW something).

Does anyone have thoughts on what a more desirable combination would be? I know epic Antiproton-crtdx3-pen-whatevs are the gold standard but I hate the noise they make SO MUCH.

I'm not terribly EC wealthy, so I'd rather use crafted or rep weapons than farm the exchange.
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Unknown Person

Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 03 2016
This might be worth visiting the motherland for!
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Programming with Autohotkey for screenshots

February 03 2016
Code zero zero zero destruct zero.
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Programming with Autohotkey for screenshots

February 03 2016
I'm really bad with coding and I've tried different suggestions from reddit (unhelpful) and stackoverflow (rude and unhelpful) but the script I'm trying to figure out for AutoHotkey isn't working.

It's extremely simple what I want to have done. I just want the right mouse button to be pressed down and drag 1 pixel in the specified direction. This seems to work with the script I'm currently using and will move the screen by 1 pixel to the left or up depending on whether I enter 1 into the X or Y coordinate. If I want to reverse the direction of the X/Y movement and put in -1, the scrip doesn't work at all. The mouse still moves, but it never right clicks and nothing happens. I'm just getting frustrated with this and hope someone can hellp me out.

This is the script I'm using now and again, it will work for moving in one direction either left or down, but will not work once I change the x or y to -1.



    hours := 1.0
    Loop, % hours*720
        Click Down Right
        MouseMove, 0, 1, 0, R
        Send, {PrintScreen}
        Sleep, 2000

This code was the only answer I got in reddit and it just doesn't work at all... :(


capture(xy) {
    static go := 0  ; a way to know the function is still running
    if go
        return  ; loop is already active, get me out of here
    hours := 1  ; no decimal unless you really want fractions
    go := 1
    loop % hours * 720 
        if (go := 0)
        click down right
        if (xy = "up")
            mousmove,, -1, r
        if (xy = "down")
            mousmove,, 1, r
        if (xy = "left")
            mousmove -1,, r
        if (xy = "right")
            mousmove 1,, r
        send {printscreen}
        click up right  ; let go before continuing
        sleep 2000
    go := 0 ; loop has finished

Thank you so much for helping. *fingers crossed*
Edited February 03 2016 by Elquin


Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 03 2016
Ohhh this looks interesting
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Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 03 2016
Definitely tempted here. NEC is about 30 minutes run down the A42 from us so is certainly within reach as we wont need accomodation. Will have to see how the event compared to the first (rather disappointing) fare that we had the first year at London.
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor


Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 03 2016
Sad me is unable to go. Birmingham is quite reachable for me (more than Las Vegas anyhow). Sadly, I should reserve the money for higher priority stuff. :(
Unknown Person liked this


Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 03 2016
buy me the Admiral package Cal and I'll go with you :)
Unknown Person liked this


Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 03 2016
Looks like DST is coming to Birmingham (aka Brum) - home to the British Balti and...horny bulls in a ring :woohoo:

7 - 9 October 2016, NEC Birmingham

3 Day Ticket £49
Weekend Ticket £39
1 Day Ticket (Sat or Sun) £29

Lieutenant Package £145 Package
Commander Package £299 Package
Captain Package £899 Package
Admiral Package (VIP) £2,999 Package

DST website

Anyone going?
Edited February 03 2016 by calx


The 50th Anniversary of Star Trek Las Vegas Convention 7th Annual Stonewall Meetup (IMPORTANT TICKET INFO!)

February 02 2016
I'M GOING!!!!!!!!


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Audio Red



February 01 2016
That was a big help for my tactical officer, so i submitted my science officer's stats as well to get your feedback. Thanks!