


February 06 2016
if i was just looking for some doff assistance, what info would be required to enable someone to suggest what would be good for me slot into active duty?

atm im basicaly not using any.

toon is a 60 eng, t6 fleet arbiter (the fed battle cruiser) phaser beam arays with 1 torp.


[EVENT] ACCOLADE HUNTING (& Voth Battlezone)

February 06 2016
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V O T H .. B A T T L E Z O N E

Join us one hour before the Accolade Hunting on the Voth Battlezone to enhance your Dilithium bank balance with this double Dil weekend!

6 people liked this


Foundry "How-To" resources

February 06 2016
+1 for kirkfat. those were the ones i kept coming across during my searches too...when i made the Bacon Wars saga foundry missions. :-)
Unknown Person liked this
Edited February 06 2016 by tuvak


On weapons modifiers

February 06 2016
I switched almost all of my Science ships over to tetryon-based weapons because of the synergy between the OP science abilities and destroying shields.

I've found plasma to work well with my engineers too, polaron as well. It's also just so colourful ;)
Dave (Voleron)


Foundry "How-To" resources

February 06 2016
YouTube has a good set of video tutorials by Kirkfat. Just search STO Foundry Tutorials and his should come up. Once you click on one, his entire library should be accessible through his channel. Watched his myself when I was learning :)
Unknown Person liked this


STO to cease on MAC

February 05 2016
Isn't/wasn't the official Mac client already just running in a Cedega wrapper?

I don't know yet if my irritation with how Cryptic/PWE has handled this will outway my desire to play the game.
Whittier Strong


Foundry "How-To" resources

February 05 2016
It would take a dig, but someone here once posted a step-by-step list that looked promising. I find most of the videos out there are just cursors flying around screens with no explanation of what they're doing.
Unknown Person liked this
Whittier Strong


STO to cease on MAC

February 05 2016
I find it interesting that a developer is recommending Wine and similar software. I would think the developers would be disinclined to vocally support nonstandard software.
Unknown Person liked this


STO to cease on MAC

February 05 2016
Well this seriously sucks. I really enjoyed this game. Looks like I'll now have more space on my hard drive.

Unknown Person

Foundry "How-To" resources

February 05 2016
I'm working on a generic/cross-faction storyline that I'd like to translate into a Foundry mission, but the thing itself isn't very intuitive and I'm just not sure where to start. Of course, I won't even try mission creation until I have the story more filled out, because without that why even bother?

My question is this: what are some good learning links for Foundry mission creation? Stuff that covers the basics of the UI, triggers, usable elements and so forth. What I'm looking for is basically a series of links that could be used as a sort of "Foundry for Dummies" (as was mentioned in an old thread here). Does anyone have any good resources like that for the Foundry in its current state?

Unknown Person

STO to cease on MAC

February 05 2016
Well this is bad news for me.

I'll have to reinstall windows again on my Mac and dual boot for a while. Hopefully it won't close down before I get a chance to do that!

Unknown Person liked this
Iain Smith


STO to cease on MAC

February 05 2016
If you are unaware STO is to cease on the MAC client as of 02/05. Here is important info. if you are a MAC user.

Hi Captains,

We wanted to come back to follow up on where we currently are with the Mac version of Star Trek Online. As some of you are aware, we had issues in the recent past that affected our players from launching the client and playing Star Trek Online. We were able to work with our partners to bring the game back up and deliver all the previously available promotions that were unattainable by those players.

Following these issues, we looked at our Mac support overall and determined that we cannot promise to deliver an experience on Mac that meets our expectations of quality. After heavy consideration, we have decided to end support for the Mac version of Star Trek Online on February 5th. No other version of Star Trek Online is impacted.

Here are some important notes as we shut down Mac support:
The Mac client will be unavailable for download starting on February 5th.
Anyone with an existing Mac client will be able to play, but the game will become permanently unavailable via our mac client by Spring of this year.
We will be shutting off C-Store for all Mac users to prevent players from continuing to make purchases before it permanently shuts down.
We will be processing reimbursements and refunds over the next few weeks.
We will be canceling and refunding any active recurring subscriptions purchased between October 1, 2015 and today, including Lifetime Subscriptions. If a payment was made other than a credit card or Paypal, the value of the subscription will be reimbursed to your Arc Account Balance.
We will be reimbursing any Zen that was purchased through Arc or Steam between October 1, 2015 and today to your Arc Account Balance.
We will be reimbursing the value of any Packs purchased through Arc or Steam between October 1, 2015 and today to your Arc Account Balance.

For those looking ton continue to play our game after we shut down the Mac client, we would recommend using any of the popular programs to simulate a windows environment on your Mac, including the free software Wine.

We appreciate all the Mac Captains who have flown through the galaxy with us since 2014.

Perfect World Entertainment

If you have any questions regarding your accounts or subscriptions, please contact our support team through

STO forum link:
2 people liked this
Edited February 05 2016 by eazzie79
Iain Smith


Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 05 2016
Quote by CapnBranFlakes
I may be able to make this one, actually. Stay tuned!


Brandon =/\=

Unknown Person liked this
Brandon Felczer


Destination Star Trek Brum!

February 05 2016
I may be able to make this one, actually. Stay tuned!


Brandon =/\=
Unknown Person liked this
Tsar Agus


On weapons modifiers

February 05 2016
Energy weapon type actually is very important, and one reason AP is popular amongst min maxer is that other than the energy weapon skills it does scale of any other skills. other energy type PROCS scale off different skills.

Phaser and Disruptors scale of Subspace Decompiler
Tetryon and Polaron scale of Flow Capacitor
Plasma scale of Particle Generators

In General Tertyon and Plasma are the redheaded bastard stepchildren of Energy Weapon Types. There's a lot of abilities that bypass shields which makes Tetryon absolutely useless. And the Proc from plasma can we cleared off by hazard emitters. When you want to put the hurt on an enemy ship you want your procs to count.
Unknown Person liked this


On weapons modifiers

February 05 2016
Lawson, I hear ya about the sound antiproton weapons make......

Unknown Person

The Accolade Hunters Club

February 04 2016
I don't really know what this means, but I'm up for some group activities assuming I'm far enough along in-game to "qualify" for them...? I've run into a few rank-gated spots here and there so not sure if this is one of them. There's a lot to this game about which I have no clue just because I've only been playing for a couple months. My toon ranks range from 48-55, if that's relevant.

Unknown Person

On weapons modifiers

February 04 2016
I've been kind of working on pumping up my DPS too...there's a thread on here somewhere that has some pretty good tips. Using tac weapon skills, attack patterns, emergency power to weps etc before you open fire gives you some substantial DPS boosts.

I'm not so sure the energy type actually matters too terribly much, as long as you're not mixing it up (pha+dis+pla+ap etc). I was doing that thinking it would be more versatile in dealing with resistances no matter what I was up against, but then you can't really go all-in on your tac consoles.

My main (SCI) has been switched over to an all tetryon shield-ripper style which works nicely in combination with the exotic damage skills. My Romulan (ENG) is so far chewing through just about everything with an all plasma beams/consoles build, and flying the Ha'apax warbird (probably the tankiest ship I've had so far) has helped. It's insanely slow, but can just shrug off an enormous amount of punishment. I chose it because of the 125th Rule of Acquisition: You can't make a deal if you're dead.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited February 04 2016 by Unknown Person


On weapons modifiers

February 04 2016
Thanks folks. I'll try not to get too hung up on it, I'm doing a respectable output with my mk XIV's but grinding out mk II's is a good idea. I got a bunch of cheap mk ii agony phasers off the exchange so let's see what happens with those.

Re:Star Trek Timelines and Stonewall Fleet

February 04 2016
Not that I'm aware of either. Don't mind at all. Have fun!