Dave (Voleron)


[EVENT] Valentines Costume Dance Party

February 11 2016
Ooo, sexy!
2 people liked this
Iain Smith


Star Trek: Horizon - The Romulan War

February 11 2016
Star Trek:Horizon - The Romulan War The crowd funded Star Trek fan film premieres on February 28th on YouTube

9 people liked this
Edited February 11 2016 by eazzie79


[EVENT] Valentines Costume Dance Party

February 11 2016
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F L E E T · E V E N T !
On Sunday, February 14th, Stonewall Fleet will host a romantic getaway on Risa.

Fleeties are invited to come dance away the evening and show off their best off duty outfit whilst enjoying a relaxed environment.

Music will be streamed on Teamspeak throughout the evening.

D O O R · P R I Z E S !
Every attendee of Valentine costume event, will be automatically entered to win some door prizes! You don't need to do anything but show up to be registered to win! We'll hand out the door prizes at the end of the event!

Various exciting prizes are on offer and are too good to be missed!

E V E N T · S C H E D U L E

*All Times Listed Are in Pacific Time
10 people liked this
Edited February 11 2016 by williamjaneway

Unknown Person

Foundry "How-To" resources

February 11 2016
Since I've already published it (please go try it out and rate me!), this might be kind of a moot point, but there are a couple of minor details nagging at me:

  • Is there some variable to make the dialogs swap in your actual boffs' names? "Tactical Officer," "Engineer" etc. works I guess, but if a variable for boff names is available, I'd like to use it (for clarity if nothing else).
  • Is there a "red alert" environmental effect somewhere for interior use? Or even just one of those alarm pillars like you see in the Romulan base on Nimbus?
Like I said, they're just minor details, but if those options exist I'd like to use them. Do they?

Unknown Person

Free Advice is Seldom Cheap by @Tekn0mancer

February 10 2016
Well, I got my first review (4-star, yay) with a suggestion for "more action interspersed throughout the mission." Story-wise it doesn't really make sense to have "more action" anywhere but where it already is, so instead I pumped up the main dramatic scene to be more intense and immersive.

Objectively speaking, the presentation at that point actually was pretty underwhelming considering what's supposed to be going on. Honestly, it just wasn't believable. Overall I'm pleased with the result of my tweaks, so give it a run-through and let me know what you think!
Edited February 11 2016 by Unknown Person


On weapons modifiers

February 10 2016
Good advice. I've a couple of consoles overdue for an upgrade.


On weapons modifiers

February 10 2016
Eh then stick with those weapons. Piloting, consoles, stacking boff abilities, etc., all do a lot more for DPS numbers than weapons mods. So push the number up with the weapons you have and then, down the line, worry about the weapons themselves.

Yeah, extra acc goes to crtd and crth but one full acc mod becomes 1/4 of crth and crtd, so you lose like half a mod there. Acc overflow works on the main target with FAW, so 1/2 of your shots will benefit from it when FAW is up and all of your shots when FAW isn't up. This is because the extra shots from FAW bypass the accuracy mechanic because they always hit.
Unknown Person liked this
Sej @Ereiid


OFFICIAL: New Star Trek series premieres January 2017

February 10 2016
Bryan Fuller, everyone.



If anyone haas any doubts about his bona fides, remember that Bryan got his start writing for DS9 and Voyager. (IMDB)

Moreover, as showrunner and head writer for the dearly late, lamented Hannibal - one of the most gorgeous shows ever shot for broadcast television.

This is huge - and about as best-case scenario as could be for the new series.
4 people liked this
Edited February 10 2016 by Ereiid


On weapons modifiers

February 09 2016
Somehow last night I managed to top the ISE dps tables with my ops command ship so I don't even know any more. Looking at that reddit, it seems (if not spending millions on [pen] mods) crtd/dmg more slightly more sensible than crtd/acc? I understand fire at will doesn't rely on this "accuracy to crit chance overflow".

That said, I've already spent all that dil on [crtd]x2 [acc] radiant AP's so my skin crawls at the thought of replacing them. And I haven't even touched on torpedoes!
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Free Advice is Seldom Cheap by @Tekn0mancer

February 09 2016
Oh good this is normal, I thought the damn thing bugged out on me again. :pinch:


Free Advice is Seldom Cheap by @Tekn0mancer

February 09 2016
If I'm not mistaken, you need 5 people to review and rate your project before it goes public. Any user can sign up as a reviewer on the foundry tab. I'm out of town til tomorrow, but I'd be happy to give you a review when I get home. I always love a good foundry mission! =)
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Free Advice is Seldom Cheap by @Tekn0mancer

February 09 2016
PS the project ID is ST-HO77CF73G, if that's useful. The Foundry shows it as published, but I'm not actually seeing it. Does it take a while to show up in searches?

Unknown Person

Free Advice is Seldom Cheap by @Tekn0mancer

February 09 2016
Title: Free Advice is Seldom Cheap
Author: @Tekn0mancer
Faction: Klingon
Level Requirement: 16+
Author Notes: This is my maiden voyage with the Foundry tool. Feel free to pick it apart looking for the bugs that almost certainly exist, the Foundry UI drove me nuts for days.

This is episode 1 of what will be a 2-part (I think) mission arc. It's very much story-driven; the (space) combat that does exist is largely optional, but you can opt-in to quite a bit if you want to. There is only one encounter that by design you can't really avoid, but even that can be dodged if you try hard enough.

I hate some of the lazy storytelling (official and otherwise) in this game so I really put a lot of effort into the story and dialogue, including using online language databases for some Klingon flair. The mission was originally supposed to be cross-faction but when that turned out not to be an option, I went all-in on the KDF side. Given the direction that took the story I doubt I'll bother trying to adapt it to the Feds, so if you don't like playing Klinks, sorry in advance.
You might find it a bit slow going at first, but I was trying to pace it like a standard Trek TV episode...the first bit is mainly setup and backstory. Depending on which dialogue branches you take and how much combat you choose to do, it should take between 25-45 minutes.

Other than that I'll let you judge the story for yourself, because:

Unknown Person liked this


On weapons modifiers

February 09 2016
For mods, it really depends on what you can afford. The advanced fleet dmgx3 crtd weapons are respectable now. If you really want pens, then you can find them on the exchange. (Just because you crafted it yourself doesn't mean it was free....)

As for energy type, the differences aren't that big when it comes to the proc. AP is the best for damage. It gives a 20%*crth cat-2 bonus, which for me is maybe 2% or 3% of that weapon's damage. When non-weapon damage is counted (plasma explosion, kemo, etc.), it's an even smaller percentage of the total. The other procs do less.

Disruptor is not affected by subd (subd buffs subsystem shutdowns and disruptor's proc is a damage resistance debuff) and partg doesn't affect plasma's proc (the devs have said that if it comes from a weapon, then it's not affected by part gens, except for the procs on the gravimetric and PEP torps).

For more on the math behind mods and procs, here's the bible: https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/2yront/the_hard_and_soft_numbers_on_weapon_mods_and_procs/
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Foundry "How-To" resources

February 09 2016
Yeah, the foundry tool is a bit neglected. If you have a chance to play some of the spotlighted or other missions in the library, it might give you an idea of the limitations/possibilities of the editor. Although I'm not new to the foundry, I often learn about new things that it's capable of by playing other people's missions.

If you're trying to build a level that's elevated above the surface of the map, be sure to use the foundation block asset as your ground level rather than the platform asset. This should address the falling through the floor issue, if that's what you're attempting.

I haven't experienced the crashes that you're experiencing, however. It can definitely be a challenging and sometimes frustrating tool to use. Good luck with it! If you have any specific questions that aren't answered in tutorials, feel free to ask them here. There are a few of us like Ali, Midnighttlc, myself and others who have foundry experience and might be able to answer your questions!

Unknown Person

Foundry "How-To" resources

February 08 2016
I've spent all weekend working on a scenario, and at least a third of that time has been spent watching the software crash, reloading the game client and force-verifying, watching the Foundry server sit at the loading prompt, or finally getting into the thing and trying a playtest -- and being either unable to move my character at all, or inexplicably (and helplessly) plummeting to my doom in what should be a zero-gravity environment. WTF?

:angry: If I had known the damn thing was this buggy when I started out, I would have never bothered. But I've got too much effort in it to stop now, so I'll finish the scenario -- if it will let me.
Ali M


Foundry "How-To" resources

February 08 2016
Hi Teknomancer,

A long time ago I started creating single-page, written tutorials for the Foundry. I didn't do many, and rather like me they're a bit old and out of date now - the Foundry toolset has certainly been updated since I wrote the tutorials. But there may be something useful there.


I hear what you're saying about the limitations of the Foundry toolset dashing your story-telling hopes. I've been there many times, but I like to be an optimist and believe that limitation fosters innovation.

Keep at it!



I'll be hosting a trekkie radio programme!

February 07 2016
This is awesome! Any kind of info or page that's not linked to FaceBook someone that doesn't have a FaceBook account can check for updates?
Brian Klotz


[EVENT] ACCOLADE HUNTING (& Voth Battlezone)

February 07 2016
Great fun today! thanks for the Accolade run!
Unknown Person liked this
Edited February 07 2016 by DrTheopolis

Unknown Person

Foundry "How-To" resources

February 06 2016
Thanks guys. I took a look at the kirkfat videos, and they've been reasonably helpful (if a bit outdated). I honestly think there should be better and/or more official resources for the Foundry just in general, though.

Here's a big issue I have...a sector map showing which maps are available for space or ground use and/or which are not would be incredibly handy. I may be an old-school trekkie, but I don't know by heart the names and locations of every single star system in the game. I know roughly where on the star map I want stuff to happen, but I don't know all of the systems/planets/stations by name, and it seems like a lot of them are just plain N/A. If you want A to happen in Klingon space, B to happen in Fed space, C to happen in Romulan space, D to happen in a border area etc., there's not really an easy way to filter that sort of thing from what I can see.

After following along with setting up a basic mission (go to the place, do the thing), I'm kind of disappointed. Looking through the toolkit, a lot of what I wanted to do appears to be impossible in the Foundry context, at least in the way I wanted to do it. Looks like the devs keep all the real goodies for themselves, so that we mere mortals can't use everything the game engine is actually capable of presenting in a mission context. Even some of the locations and options I would have liked to use seem unavailable, because reasons. This is forcing me to rework the story itself to make it fit, which is just plain bad design -- story should always drive process, not the reverse.
Edited February 06 2016 by Unknown Person