Unknown Person

Tickets Sold Out

February 17 2016
I'm not sure but I think they'll also be selling tickets at the door each day as well.


Tickets Sold Out

February 17 2016
I was checking out some possible travel plans to make it to the convention in Vegas and when I got to the Creation page, it said that now even the Copper Packages are sold out. What a bummer! They have as of February 11, 2015 but I think they mean 2016. There is mention that if they can add more seats they will, but who knows. I'll keep checking just in case because I really wanted to try and get to the convention this year to meet up with everybody. This is worse than soggy bacon for sure. :-(

Unknown Person

Sherman's Legacy by @Tekn0mancer

February 17 2016
Title: Sherman's Legacy 3/5
Author: @Tekn0mancer
Faction: Klingon
Level Requirement: 31+
Author Notes: The third segment of the story is now available, where you start seeing the various threads of this mission starting to come together. With a little bit of historical background thrown in, it will start to become clear just what's going on. This segment is intended for a small ship like a fighter or shuttle, and because of that there's a relatively challenging space combat sequence.

Make sure the loadout on your shuttle/fighter is set up the way you want before going in! :evil:
Lars Zandor


Feudal Wars

February 17 2016
Don't know if anyone here has heard about it, but I just came across this game that is still in development:


It's basically a browser version of Age of Empires as far as I can tell (with some extra features + somewhat more focused on online gameplay).

Since AoE was my favourite RTS game in the past, I'm quite curious what the finished product will be.
2 people liked this
Brian Klotz


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Leveling Event!

February 17 2016
I plan on attending, even thought all four toons are at 60. I can't bear the thought of leveling another toon...
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


I'll be hosting a trekkie radio programme!

February 16 2016
This is awesome, Finka. Take care with what you say about the Romulans though. ;)
Jamie O'Connell


Beta Testers Needed

February 16 2016
Sign me up, Nick. I've been called, by some, the most active user in the forums. If you want testing, then I am your girl!

Beta Testers Needed

February 15 2016
Quote by Lars1091
I'm willing to help. I don't have any IT skills, but I can test it through using it.

No technical knowledge needed! You'll just be using the forums normally and making sure everything works and looks right.
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Leveling Event!

February 15 2016
This post is reserved for info on either cancelled, moved or special leveling events and for vids of every weeks stream.

Nothing cancelled or moved at the moment.

Vids of previous events:


05-03-2016 (lost internet connection for a minute halfway through, so two vids for this week):

12-03-2016 (wasn't paying attention and streamed my music into the vid too, so Youtube as muted the audio):




2 people liked this
Edited April 27 2016 by Lars_Zandor


I'll be hosting a trekkie radio programme!

February 15 2016
Just a friendly reminder our programme will be on air in five and a half hours :)
You can listen here: http://imiradio.pl/play.html
The page imiradio.pl will provide news on the show for those who don't use Facebook :)
I'll be very glad to have you as our audience
2 people liked this
Daniela Smith


[EVENT] Valentines Costume Dance Party

February 15 2016
Anyone got a Terran Empire uniform set????
:kiss: ;)

Just an idea.
Lars Zandor


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Levelling Event!

February 14 2016

Are you a big fan of making new toons? Have a low level toon that you haven't played in a while, but don't want to delete? Tired of your incompetent boffs? Or do you just like some company whilst playing all those missions again?

Well, wait no more! Each Saturday we will be doing a weekly levelling event!
Join up and get a participation prize every month!

When will we level which faction and where will we meet up?

To make it easy to remember, but still have some diversity, we will level each faction on the same day each month. If there is another fleet event going on at that time, we will most likely cancel that week's leveling event.

Federation: First and Third (and fifth) Saturday of the month on Vulcan, near Spock's monument.
Klingon Defence Force: Second Saturday of the month on Qo'nos, near Worf.
Romulan Republic: Fourth Saturday of the month on New Romulus Command, on the balcony.

The times for each week will stay the same, which can be found in your timezone here.

This will of course change if it so happens we will get another playable faction.

We will also meet up on Teamspeak! You're not required to come on here, but it does make discussing stuff easier. Even if we don't talk about the game or the missions, we can still have a lot of fun on there!
You also don't need to have a microphone to be on there. You can answer to what we're saying by using teamchat ingame. We do recommend that you use TS though, since it makes communication a lot easier, even if you don't have a mic.
I will also have my DJ playing, but those that don't feel like my music can mute him.
If you don't have Teamspeak installed or set up, you can look here for info on how to set it up.

What are we going to do and how are we going to do it?

Once everyone has teamed, the lowest level toon will be made squad leader and everyone else will match levels with them. That way no one is underpowered and everyone has fun.
After that we start with the mission which the lowest level toon has queued up. This way we are sure we play missions everyone is able to play.

During the missions we will also try to do all the career objectives and get all the accolades.


Almost none. Everyone who wants to join will be welcome, no matter what level you are. That means level 50+ toons are also welcome, even though this event is mainly meant for lower level toons. Are there more people than that fit in a team? No problem, we just make another team.

The only prerequisite is for the Romulan faction. Because of how the Romulan faction has been set up, we can only team with Romulans in the same allied faction. The Romulans that have not chosen an alliance yet cannot team with those that have. This happens at the end of the first story-arc (usually around level 10). That means for Romulan leveling, that you need to have completed that arc already.
However, if it so happens we have multiple players that are not that far yet, we may be able to make a team of un-allied Romulans. I can make no promises about this though.


For smoother teamwork (and general respect towards your teammates) I have decided on some rules for those joining the event. These rules will also be explained at the start of the event each week.

1) Keep an eye on teamchat. A variety of stuff may be said about the mission that may require your response. Also, set the channel you're speaking in to "Team" to avoid misstypes in other channels. If you have the tendency to often misstype to the wrong channel, setting up a separate chat-tab for teamchat is also a possibility. If you are unsure on how to do these things, feel free to ask.

2) Stick together. If the objectives for each mission doesn't entirely sync for everyone, discuss who is furthest and work towards that point.
If someone is AFK, wait until they are back (and keep their toon from getting killed). If someone gets disconnected, wait a couple of minutes (three minutes is reasonable) before deciding they're not coming back and continuing.
If you notice the rest of the team is moving ahead of you, say something so that the rest of the team knows what's going on.
Yes, this might mean that you have to wait for several minutes sometimes, but that happens when you're in a team. ;)

If we all follow this basic team etiquette, players both new and experienced can work together in the spirit of cooperation and the event will stay fun for everyone involved :)

Hope to see you all next Saturday and don't forget to regularly check this thread for any changes!
7 people liked this
Edited April 11 2016 by Lars_Zandor

Unknown Person

Beta Testers Needed

February 14 2016
Happy to help :)
Lars Zandor


Beta Testers Needed

February 14 2016
I'm willing to help. I don't have any IT skills, but I can test it through using it.

Unknown Person

Sherman's Legacy by @Tekn0mancer

February 14 2016
Title: Sherman's Legacy 1/5
Title: Sherman's Legacy 2/5
Author: @Tekn0mancer
Faction: Klingon
Level Requirement: 16+
Author Notes: Yes, not just one but the first two episodes are now published from this (planned) five-part series!

Part 1 was originally published under a different title, but since it's part of a single story arc I withdrew and renamed it. Since it has a different title now, I figured I should start a new, dedicated thread for the entire series, rather than making a separate thread for each new segment.

As I've mentioned in a few other threads, I'm basically a total n00b when it comes to the Foundry. These are my first Foundry projects, so mechanically they may seem a bit basic to some of you veterans. However, I am not new to writing an interesting story and dialogue. I'm also a trained computer tech with scripting and programming experience under my belt, so I'm picking up on how to use this buggy kludge of an authoring tool reasonably fast. As the storyline evolves, you'll see my mechanics usage evolve as well.

I'm not going to give anything away about the plot, other than to say its basic hook comes from a TOS episode, with some references to the official STO early-episode storylines as well. My story outline is essentially finished, so at this point it's just a matter of translating it into Foundry usage. There won't be any time-travel or other such complicated nonsense, but if you've watched classic TOS and played through the game's early story episodes you should pick up on the connections.

I'm using canon and non-canon sources to flesh out some of the details, but the story hasn't quite gotten to that stage yet. That should all come into view in Parts 3 and 4. Some of the dialogue and so forth employs ST universe language resources for flavor (as of this writing there is plenty of Klingon, with dashes of Ferengi and Romulan). You don't have to know what the words mean since most of what I don't outright translate can be deduced from the context. If not don't worry, because it's not crucial to the story...it's just there to add flavor. There are also several pop-culture "easter eggs" sprinkled around in the dialogue, so have fun discovering those.

I'd like for lots of StonewallFleet members to go review and rate my episodes! Then feel free to come back here and let me know what you think (remembering to save any spoilers for PM, please). Also! I hate bad grammar and typos with a passion, so if you find any, tell me exactly where they are so I can go fix them. I tried to eliminate them, but you know how it is when you look at the same text over & over...you're bound to miss something that someone else will notice.

Please review and rate, and let me know what you think so far! :)
Nicolas J. Artley


Star Trek Bridge Commander 2 Crowdfunding Project

February 14 2016
Well, I would be glad, if the game would be available on Steam or available to grab legally from somewhere. DidnĀ“t play it when it came out years ago ...
Nicolas J. Artley


Beta Testers Needed

February 14 2016
Count me in and drop me a msg - always on for an IT task ...

I promise not to go to much into deep probing with tools or "ion cannon" :p

(I pressume, that last comment is more directed to ICT professionals ^_^)
Unknown Person liked this
Edited February 14 2016 by Khazaan

Beta Testers Needed

February 14 2016
Quote by xochild
If you still need beta testers, I'll help out.

Yup, still need more testers! Thanks.


Beta Testers Needed

February 14 2016
If you still need beta testers, I'll help out.


Beta Testers Needed

February 14 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16
As some of you may know, I've been working on a new website for the community for some time. I've just gotten the new forums feature complete and they're ready for a beta. There's plenty of aspects that needed tested, investigated and searched.

I could really use some dedicated beta testers to sniff out the bugs and test the new functionality. If you're interested and up for the challenge, please let me know in a reply below or send me a message directly. I'll add you to the list. The beta test won't be open for everyone so be sure to get in quick. :P


Yay Nick. LOL. You've been trying to find a suitable replacement for the website since I was an Admiral. Good luck!