

Game Changer

February 19 2016
Quote by WhiteOnmyoji
Tactical Readiness is now recruiting for the Positions of Test Gophers and test Guinea Pigs

ooh what's the diff between a Goph and a GP? :dry:


Game Changer

February 19 2016
Quote by Kasandaro

Question: Traits got split, so you don't have to stifle one at the other. Now skills. I wonder if they're looking on bringing a focus back to ground in some way.

given there's a 46/10 space/ground split...and you can't fill them all, I'm guessing not
Sej @Ereiid


Game Changer

February 19 2016
Quote by Gravity
I am waiting to see the full skill trees before worrying/getting excited. Though I am hoping for some build diversity with this change

Part of what's led me to my position being that the post describes specific changes to the one place there remained build diversity in the game - in the Science trees.

Specifically, the revamp effectively collapses certain coordinate skills into a single marker - Cotnrol, Drain, you get the drift.

I admit - some of Bort's discussion at Reddit seems to at least somewhat acknowledge the possibility they may be trying to incentivize or clear away skillsets that go underutilized. Threat and maybe even Stealth/Detection mechanics most notably.


Game Changer

February 19 2016
I am waiting to see the full skill trees before worrying/getting excited. Though I am hoping for some build diversity with this change


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Leveling Event!

February 19 2016
I'll plan to attend for sure.
My main T'Lola is almost 60, but I have another toon really low and one at 50.

Thanks for the event guys, see u online
Unknown Person liked this


Beta Testers Needed

February 19 2016
I'll help out too if you still need more helpers!
Sej @Ereiid


Game Changer

February 19 2016
I'm of the opinion that this is actually going to change very little for most long-time players.

The skilltree system has been (at least since its last major overhaul) an incredibly narrow buildspace. Most decent builds look remarkably similar to each other - there's very little meaningful room to vary builds - the most significant exception being Science.

By the looks of it - the point of the overhaul is to limit the wasted space, that people weren't really using anyways.

There's even the outside possibility that this might be an opportunity for Cryptic to use the revamp as a backend nerf for the steady escalation of player power.


Game Changer

February 19 2016
Wow. These changes are really significant. Will definitely change how the game is played for sure.
CJ Record


Game Changer

February 19 2016
I made such the unholy noise, even at the screenshots.

Question: Traits got split, so you don't have to stifle one at the other. Now skills. I wonder if they're looking on bringing a focus back to ground in some way.
Tony Calabrese


Game Changer

February 19 2016
Reddit is on fire with this news. They did confirm a free respec when the changes are released. Most of the comments are very positive. I'm so proud of our community right now; in almost every MMO I've played their communities hate change, but here is a vocal majority who are happy to see the evolution of STO.

Reddit thread

ARC forum thread
Unknown Person liked this


Game Changer

February 19 2016
they will need to give everyone a free respec as this is being changed from the ground up
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

Game Changer

February 19 2016
For those of us "Silver" F2P non-subscribers who don't get a free respec token at every level, I wonder whether the existing skill trees will be wiped clean when this goes live so we can adjust to the new system, or whether it will be a flat conversion.

Enquiring minds and all that.
Tsar Agus


Game Changer

February 19 2016
Tactical readiness will keep a close eye on the changes and we will report back our findings as soon as we can.

Also Tactical Readiness is now recruiting for the Positions of Test Gophers and test Guinea Pigs to join us on Tribble so we can test out these changes as they are put up on Tribble.
6 people liked this
Edited February 19 2016 by WhiteOnmyoji


Move Flagship for WC Feb 23

February 18 2016

Lords of Stonewall...

Can a guild leader please move the guild ship as soon after next weeek's conquest begins? And apologies if this is already known or planned!

Conquest: Death Mark (link)
Commences: Tuesday Feb 23 at 7AM EST (US)

Suggested action:
• Move Guildship to tattooine
• Open Conquest tab, click the dropdown to choose tattooine, and click "Invade Planet" or similar.

Why? This cuts down on the amount of time to achieve personal conquest goals significantly (by a huge amount!), as many of the objectives will have x2 multipliers for Tattooine being invaded.

Cheers and thanks!
Unknown Person liked this
Edited February 18 2016 by Taosin


Beta Testers Needed

February 18 2016
Hey there,

Conut me in (if this relates to SW:TOR and Lords of Stonewall.)


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Leveling Event!

February 18 2016
Of course they changed it to a bonus marks weekend. :/ I'll try to still come, depends on how dedicated to fleet marks I'm feeling.
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

Feudal Wars

February 18 2016
I used to be an RTS nut but not so much anymore. It looks pretty cool, but...browser-based. I suppose that raises the question of which browsers, compatibility and so forth.

As a support tech, I'd rank the top 3 "I need help" calls, in order:

  1. Password/login
  2. Email
  3. Browser apps

Again, it looks great but I just wonder if he's not going to end up limiting it to say, Firefox & Chrome, or if he'll try to make it functional on MS-Edge, etc.
Unknown Person liked this
Tony Calabrese


Re:How to set up keybinds

February 18 2016
Here's one I use every time I get a new ship... It clears your powers of the trays so you can set it up just the way you want it.

Pageup "trayelemdestroy 0 0 $$ trayelemdestroy 0 1 $$ trayelemdestroy 0 2 $$ trayelemdestroy 0 3 $$ trayelemdestroy 0 4 $$ trayelemdestroy 0 5 $$ trayelemdestroy 0 6 $$ trayelemdestroy 0 7 $$ trayelemdestroy 0 8 $$ trayelemdestroy 0 9 $$ trayelemdestroy 1 0 $$ trayelemdestroy 1 1 $$ trayelemdestroy 1 2 $$ trayelemdestroy 1 3 $$ trayelemdestroy 1 4 $$ trayelemdestroy 1 5 $$ trayelemdestroy 1 6 $$ trayelemdestroy 1 7 $$ trayelemdestroy 1 8 $$ trayelemdestroy 1 9 $$ trayelemdestroy 2 0 $$ trayelemdestroy 2 1 $$ trayelemdestroy 2 2 $$ trayelemdestroy 2 3 $$ trayelemdestroy 2 4 $$ trayelemdestroy 2 5 $$ trayelemdestroy 2 6 $$ trayelemdestroy 2 7 $$ trayelemdestroy 2 8 $$ trayelemdestroy 2 9 $$ trayelemdestroy 3 0 $$ trayelemdestroy 3 1 $$ trayelemdestroy 3 2 $$ trayelemdestroy 3 3 $$ trayelemdestroy 3 4 $$ trayelemdestroy 3 5 $$ trayelemdestroy 3 6 $$ trayelemdestroy 3 7 $$ trayelemdestroy 3 8 $$ trayelemdestroy 3 9 $$ trayelemdestroy 4 0 $$ trayelemdestroy 4 1 $$ trayelemdestroy 4 2 $$ trayelemdestroy 4 3 $$ trayelemdestroy 4 4 $$ trayelemdestroy 4 5 $$ trayelemdestroy 4 6 $$ trayelemdestroy 4 7 $$ trayelemdestroy 4 8 $$ trayelemdestroy 4 9 $$ trayelemdestroy 5 0 $$ trayelemdestroy 5 1 $$ trayelemdestroy 5 2 $$ trayelemdestroy 5 3 $$ trayelemdestroy 5 4 $$ trayelemdestroy 5 5 $$ trayelemdestroy 5 6 $$ trayelemdestroy 5 7 $$ trayelemdestroy 5 8 $$ trayelemdestroy 5 9"

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
3 people liked this
Edited February 18 2016 by coverfyre


Tickets Sold Out

February 17 2016
There was mention on the website that if no tickets were available on the website, then none would be available at the door. It's kind of still early...they might add in another package deal. Plenty of metals left on the period table...Gold, Silver, Copper, ... , maybe a Platinum Package or they'll switch to gems and do a Diamond Package. Still a few months to go and as the date approaches, I'm keeping lookout for more tickets. I reserved the time off work so I'm good there. I might reserve a room anyway and just cancel it if I don't go. Was thinking of the Gold Coast or the Palms. The Palms lets you 72 hours in advance. We'll see.

But, if they do offer some at the door, they'll probably make mention of it at some point shortly. I should've just bought my stuff last weekend but I am a huge procrastinator.

Thanks, Jacien.

Lars Zandor


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Leveling Event!

February 17 2016
Only four? *quickly hides 15 toons to make it seem I have a decent number of toons* :P
Edited February 17 2016 by Lars_Zandor