Armada use of Stonewall TeamSpeak Server?

February 24 2016
Quote by tuvak
i was just curious if our teamspeak server has a max capacity or some kind of throttling it does based on a license we have or whatever? while it does go idle most of the time, we do use it quite a bit for fleet events. if there are capacity limitations, it might hinder our ability to do those if we don't expand it or plan around it. thought i'd ask. :-)

Our Teamspeak server has a limit of 40 users. We've never reached the limit and only come close during some big fleet events. If it starts to become an issue, we can always increase the limit.
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[ARMADA NEWS] Stonewall Welcomes New Arrivals

February 24 2016
Quote by GXV3
Ive merged this Teamspeak question into the Armada thread, as it makes sense.

While talking to the fleets who have joined our Armada, one of their questions was "do we use teamspeak much?" .. and of course we said YES...
We are constantly trying to come up with new ways for members to utilize teamspeak as an important tool during their gaming experience, beyond attending events.. so we welcome the chance to invite other Armada members into TS.

Its a great device.. weather you want to listen to music in the DJ room.. or team up in the co-op rooms, we will encourage everyone in the fleet and visitors to use it.

in my experience its never been a problem to have to many

everything you say and how you say it makes my teeth sweat.
Gareth GXV3


[ARMADA NEWS] Stonewall Welcomes New Arrivals

February 23 2016
Ive merged this Teamspeak question into the Armada thread, as it makes sense.

While talking to the fleets who have joined our Armada, one of their questions was "do we use teamspeak much?" .. and of course we said YES...
We are constantly trying to come up with new ways for members to utilize teamspeak as an important tool during their gaming experience, beyond attending events.. so we welcome the chance to invite other Armada members into TS.

Its a great device.. weather you want to listen to music in the DJ room.. or team up in the co-op rooms, we will encourage everyone in the fleet and visitors to use it.

in my experience its never been a problem to have to many
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Feudal Wars

February 23 2016
Looks pretty interesting, I remember enjoying Age of Empires (II and III) back in the day so I'm also rather curious.
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Armada use of Stonewall TeamSpeak Server?

February 23 2016
Quote by tuvak
i was just curious if our teamspeak server has a max capacity or some kind of throttling it does based on a license we have or whatever? while it does go idle most of the time, we do use it quite a bit for fleet events. if there are capacity limitations, it might hinder our ability to do those if we don't expand it or plan around it. thought i'd ask. :-)

We will address those issues as and when it becomes a concern. As it is for now we have capacity for those that use it :)
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Armada use of Stonewall TeamSpeak Server?

February 23 2016
i was just curious if our teamspeak server has a max capacity or some kind of throttling it does based on a license we have or whatever? while it does go idle most of the time, we do use it quite a bit for fleet events. if there are capacity limitations, it might hinder our ability to do those if we don't expand it or plan around it. thought i'd ask. :-)
Greg Ferguson


Armada use of Stonewall TeamSpeak Server?

February 23 2016
Thanks, William.

We will keep it clean'ish'.
Greg Ferguson


Sherman's Legacy by @Tekn0mancer

February 22 2016
Played through to 3/5, and everything was good. We definitely need to get more plays.

A decently equipped fighter able to summon reinforcements or aid should be fine.

Good job so far.
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Greg Ferguson


Sherman's Legacy by @Tekn0mancer

February 22 2016
Will do, but you have to play Graveyard... I am still working on some bits of that, but have a look..


Armada use of Stonewall TeamSpeak Server?

February 22 2016
I have no objection to Armada members utilising teamspeak, it would be good to see some activity on there however, any member using the server will be subject to the same guidelines and rules that fleet members agree to. Failure to adhere to these rules and guidelines will result in appropriate actions taken by the leadership of Stonewall.

I would recommend that members are invited to read the following before joining the server.

Guide to Etiquette on TeamSpeak
Code of Conduct

Stonewall Fleet Captain's and Admirals will address any immediate causes for concern at the time however, individual fleet leaders may be contacted subsequently to be informed of the actions taken by our leadership to determine whether they have in turn caused an infraction into their own fleets CoC (where any may exist).
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Greg Ferguson


Armada use of Stonewall TeamSpeak Server?

February 22 2016
Morning all,

Can we invite members of other Armada Fleets to join our Team Speak Server?

That's the question,, nice and simple.

Thank you.

Greg aka Gigo


[ARMADA NEWS] Stonewall Welcomes New Arrivals

February 22 2016
This is excellent news! Also, thanks much Gareth for explaining in more detail about the different functions of the Armada tab and chat options!

And to our new arrivals, proudly hailing from Stonewall Legion let me just say... *clears throat*

Jolan tru! AEfvadh u'hwiua nnearh awevh'le sa'daehlen!

(Greetings! Be welcome and take your ease among friends!)
Tsar Agus



February 22 2016
The revamp is a long ways off, I think it'll be mid March early April at the earliest before it'll come around. (counting Lockbox 3 month cycle, October was Season 11 and Herald was released. 3 month later Mirror Lockbox was released with no major update, next lockbox should coincide with 11.5 and that's not due until Mid/Late April)

So I think it's beneficial to do the build so you're not suffering for a month and a half or longer.
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Edited February 22 2016 by WhiteOnmyoji
Lars Zandor



February 22 2016
That's true. Ignore that for now.



February 22 2016
Skills are pointless ATM as they are being changed shortly lars. It's best fielding that one after the update :)
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Lars Zandor



February 22 2016
I have filled out the form and submitted it.

Two additions to my current build on stoacademy ( though:
- The torpedo on front is a Krenim Chroniton Torpedo, but couldn't find that in the list.
- Could you also take a look at my skillbuild? My current skillbuild is absolutely not optimized for the playstyle I mentioned in the form, so I would like some info on how to respec too. Respec-tokens are not a problem, since I'm a lifetimer.


[ARMADA NEWS] Stonewall Welcomes New Arrivals

February 22 2016
yay the circle of life is now complete!

let the games begin! :woohoo:

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[ARMADA NEWS] Stonewall Welcomes New Arrivals

February 21 2016
We're very pleased to have you here too!



[ARMADA NEWS] Stonewall Welcomes New Arrivals

February 21 2016
W00t! I so excited to finally get this set up. As the official envoy from the Pirates/Redshirts/Prime Directive group, I just wanted to say that we are VERY excited to be joining such a large, established group of players.
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[ARMADA NEWS] Stonewall Welcomes New Arrivals

February 21 2016
i took latin in high school and was instantly reminded of it when i saw the inscription on the armada thread. as a joke, some of used to put "semper ubi sub ubi" on stuff which translates to "always wear under wear"... not exactly a direct translation but the words literally translate to that. :-)
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