

Crashes and a virus

February 27 2016
I went and uninstalled both the game and arc again. Anything that seemed to have a browser window would pull up those multiple pages of junk.

Thanks for the info about bypassing things. Once I get things back to normal I am sure to give that a try. I had a crash ingame that I was getting that msg about needing to scan the game files every time I launched the game. So I reinstalled and that seems like when the virus problem rose up.

Unknown Person

Star Trek: Horizon - The Romulan War

February 27 2016
Well worth watching. Very professional, excellent story, acting and FX are top-notch. It's hard to believe it's "just" a fan film.

I just wonder how long it will be before Paramount sues. :dry:
Iain Smith


Star Trek: Horizon - The Romulan War

February 27 2016
Two days early but here you go The full movie

4 people liked this



February 26 2016
The vast majority of games that aikune picks for this event will be F2P games.
Cheshire McCaster


Star Trek Horizon

February 26 2016
found this today, pretty good fan film truly worth a watch.

3 people liked this



February 26 2016
Nice idea, but for the games, what will be?? Another MMO?

I don't have so many but could be nice to post few choise and see how many people play them or used to play, share information about them.

Cheshire McCaster



February 26 2016
Are we still doing this event?
Unknown Person liked this


[ARMADA NEWS] Stonewall Welcomes New Arrivals

February 26 2016
Quote by xochild
Gareth, I may need some help, I still don't seem to understand Armadas properly. I think I need more pictures, drawings, infographics, and an interpretive dance to better understand it. Also, do they come with autopilot? :silly:

You would be amazed how many people don't know how the Armada system works or that it even exists. I think this post is fantastic in helping those people out, but not only that, but helping those that think they know how it works!

...If you feel a better post could be made, feel free to do one...!

Unknown Person

Crashes and a virus

February 26 2016
If you're taking the PC for service, they should be able to handle your virus issue.

Once that's done if you want to bypass the Arc launcher and just start STO without it, that's easy enough. It doesn't need to be running to start the game at all. If you ever get any bonuses/freebies from Arc that apply in-game though, you will need to start the game from the launcher one time in order to claim them (for example: the Khan off-duty costume).

The launcher is an unstable resources hog that (best I can tell) has several memory addressing conflicts with the STO client, plus it's an always-on Internet app so it's using up some of your bandwidth too. It used to crash the game on me all the time so I always bypass it. Here's how:

Look for the folder named "Star Trek Online_en" which should be inside your "Program Files (x86)\Arc" folder. You should see "Star Trek Online.exe" in there, so just right-drag a shortcut from that to your desktop, or right-click it and you can pin to either the Windows start menu or the taskbar.

At that point you can either ignore or delete your original Arc shortcut, and just use your new one to start the game without the launcher fighting with STO for system resources.
2 people liked this


Crashes and a virus

February 26 2016
Hi Fleeters.

Looks like I was stupid and picked up a virus from the you tube downloader. It has seriously messed up my computer. I've tried many things and it's still there. It pulls up multiple windows of junk web pages and crashes Arc and The game itself.

Open to suggestions if anyone has any. Also feel bad as I am not helping out with the fleets. It's been about a week. I hope to get things fixed asap.

Pretty sure I will be taking the computer in tomorrow. But I also seem to remember there were sometimes problems with the game crashing from the launcher. Guidance on that? I've put in a bunch of cryptic tickets when the crash happens. Haven't heard anything or been able to see if I've had any reply to those tickets.

Sorry for the ramble there. Lol
Unknown Person liked this


[ARMADA NEWS] Stonewall Welcomes New Arrivals

February 26 2016
Quote by kontxesi
W00t! I so excited to finally get this set up. As the official envoy from the Pirates/Redshirts/Prime Directive group, I just wanted to say that we are VERY excited to be joining such a large, established group of players.

We were called "established"...I think I may start to cry.

Welcome aboard Armadamates! xD

Gareth, I may need some help, I still don't seem to understand Armadas properly. I think I need more pictures, drawings, infographics, and an interpretive dance to better understand it. Also, do they come with autopilot? :silly:

Unknown Person liked this


Any one else....

February 26 2016
Quote by KnightChucky
Nope, no email. Though it's probably US centric so I wouldn't expect one.

It almost always is, which leaves the other 95%+ of the world's population left out.

*eats Jaffa cake*
Lars Zandor


Any one else....

February 25 2016
I didn't get anything either. Now that it apparently is legit, I'm sad (although that might also have something to do with the fact I got home at 3.15 AM yesterday and woke up at 12.30 pm with a slight headache, lol)

Unknown Person

Any one else....

February 25 2016
Pics of the swag or it didn't happen! :silly:


Any one else....

February 25 2016
Aye. We are the poor partners!
Joseph Leyland


Any one else....

February 25 2016
Nope, no email. Though it's probably US centric so I wouldn't expect one.
Brian Klotz


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Levelling Event!

February 25 2016
Be sure to announce that levelers should use any XP boosts that they may have earned/won (yes, they're mostly useless but every bit helps) AND to have everyone that's able to to choose their COMMAND Specialization as it has good stacking team bonuses for ground and space!

my 2cents
Unknown Person liked this
Edited February 25 2016 by DrTheopolis

Unknown Person

Sherman's Legacy by @Tekn0mancer

February 25 2016
OK folks, I'm begging. Part 1 only has 3 reviews, the other 2 only have 1 review each! :(

Please go review at least part 1 so it goes public!
Tsar Agus


Any one else....

February 25 2016
get this e-mail?


It had better not be tribbles!