


March 02 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall community :)


[Processed] GW2-Hello

March 02 2016
Oh, hi there. Whew, stay calm Kieran, it's just an introduction thread...

I'm Kieran, 21, Transgender. I hail from Arizona, where it is definitely possible to fry an egg on the sidewalk in the middle of the summer. I'm a total fanboy and I love playing MMOs. I split my time between GW2 and ESO, and I was super excited to come across this guild.

I currently run only one level 80, a Thief, but I prefer not to talk about her. (She's a little...badly built.) So for the purposes of getting back into the swing of things, my main is a Ranger, (currently lv. 25) who loves to run around PvP and sic his companion, Mittens, on any poor soul that gets in his way.

Anyway, I look forward to getting involved with you guys.

Edited May 07 2016 by nicholasjohn16
Sej @Ereiid


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 02 2016
I'm 60% certain I made this year.
Unknown Person liked this


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 01 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16

I'm running a bit late this year on issuing our the Pride Ribbons for the previous Pride Weekend, but I figured better late than never! Always, reply below if you attended any events during the Sixth Annual Pride Weekend to receive your ribbon!

me want ribbon...long time.
Unknown Person liked this


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 01 2016
Think I was there.... I can just about remember what day it is sometimes :whistle:
Tsar Agus


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 01 2016
I was there
Cheshire McCaster


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 01 2016
I believe I was there, pretty sure I was there.
Joseph Leyland


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 01 2016
I was there!
Lars Zandor


Socialising on other Platforms

March 01 2016
Steam: either Lord Zandor or lars1091, I'm not 100% sure.
Origin: ZandorLord

I also have a PSN somewhere, but I don't use that anymore since I sold my PS4.
2 people liked this


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 01 2016
It was a fun weekend :)

Unknown Person

Socialising on other Platforms

March 01 2016
I'm branching out with my gaming:

Add me on Xbox Live: caijamin

'cos I'm shameless, you can also find me on PSN: caijamin

And occasionally I like to play stuff on Steam: caijamin

Then there's that thing called Origin which seems to be totally rubbish, but add me anyways: caijamin

Feel free to share your usernames here and add me :)

- Cai
3 people liked this
Whittier Strong


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 01 2016
Um, best I remember I was there?

Unknown Person

[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 01 2016
seems my ribbon's missing for 2015 :)


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 01 2016
I just hope you won't make us recall which events in particular we participated in :)
Yes, I was there. It was fun as always, thanks to the fleet management for all the hard work.

[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 01 2016

I'm running a bit late this year on issuing our the Pride Ribbons for the previous Pride Weekend, but I figured better late than never! Always, reply below if you attended any events during the Sixth Annual Pride Weekend to receive your ribbon!
Unknown Person liked this


[Fleet Mail] Here

March 01 2016
I thought Admiral Nick is summoning us to gather in some place and was wondering where "here" is :)
Unknown Person liked this


[Fleet Mail] Here

March 01 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Just a short time ago, I some how managed to send a fleet mail out instead of mailing some crafting materials to an alt. So if you see a message in game from me with the title and body as "here", know it was a mistake.


and here i thought he was taking attendance, like we used to do in school. "here!"
Unknown Person liked this


[Fleet Mail] Here

February 29 2016
It's all good!

Unknown Person

[Fleet Mail] Here

February 29 2016
I wondered what that was... :P

[Fleet Mail] Here

February 29 2016
Just a short time ago, I some how managed to send a fleet mail out instead of mailing some crafting materials to an alt. So if you see a message in game from me with the title and body as "here", know it was a mistake.

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