Tsar Agus


Fresh From Tribble: Stratetigst Specialization

March 16 2016
I tested it out on Tribble last night and I was wasn't maxed out. There was a few other in Kerrat with me, I happened to jokingly mention, Any one else feeling OP. And The answers were: "Good God yes", "I can do Elites Again!" and my personal favorite "POWER OVERWHELMING!"
Unknown Person liked this


Fresh From Tribble: Stratetigst Specialization

March 16 2016
This looks interesting for sure.
Tsar Agus


Fresh From Tribble: Stratetigst Specialization

March 16 2016
Looks like it is only a secondary specialization and here's the tree and the nitty gritty (I'm only showing the highest tier level version of the skill)








3 people liked this



March 16 2016
Welcome! :woohoo:


Hi! [TOR]

March 15 2016
Hi there and welcome to the Stonewall family!

If you haven't already, you might want to check out the Knights of Stonewall Welcome Center. It has a lot of good info to get you started.

Again, welcome to Stonewall!


[Processed] Hi! [TOR]

March 15 2016
Hi! I'm Shane and I'm looking to join your guild. I'm not particularly good at describing myself and what not, but I'm a pretty laid back and social kind of person. I've just recently (in the past week) gotten back into SWTOR, I'm not currently a subscriber, but plan to resub. My main interests are warzones and pvp and stuff. I hope you guys will consider me. :)
Edited May 07 2016 by nicholasjohn16


Awesome Idea!

March 15 2016
Running the Guild Wars youtube channel, I know it takes a lot of work to produce the videos. It might be easier if you were to take videos from Twitch, but I never got into streaming and don't plan on it. The type of content I put out for the guild is usually more informative and took days/weeks to put together. I'm just not sure how viable it would be to have one Stonewall Channel. Maybe for periodic videos/announcements/highlights.

I think Lars has the right idea about keeping an updated list of youtubers who feature guild related content on their channels.
Unknown Person liked this



March 15 2016
Quote by Teknomancer
And before anyone says anything, yes I know the D'Kyr isn't generally considered a good boat, and yes I know it doesn't have boff specialist seats, but I love it anyway and will continue to fly it until I have the modules to buy a Fleet Scryer Intel.

If you're only looking at min/maxing then that's probably true, if you fly a specific ship because you love it, there's absolutely nothing wrong with flying it :)

Unknown Person liked this


Awesome Idea!

March 15 2016
I think it would be a good idea to have dedicated Stonewall channel, even if it's not uploading videos every day or week, I think it would be good to have all Stonewall-related videos in one place.
Unknown Person liked this


Stonewall League of Legends Club!

March 15 2016
Hallo Leaguers!

With the introduction of Clubs into the public builds of League of Legends, I thought I'd make one (on NA) for those of us that unfortunately sign our souls away by playing it :P

It's called "Stonewall Leaguers! so be sure to look for it when you next visit the Rift, or add me as a friend (Xochild on NA) and remind me when you see me online or with the little mobile status!

A reminder, this is on the NA server of League, because I believe the majority of Stonewall Leaguers play on NA. I'll make one on EUW or EUNE if it turns out more of us play over there than I thought.

See you on the Rift!
Unknown Person liked this


Socialising on other Platforms

March 15 2016
@Lars1091, I couldn't find you on Steam, so you may have to add me on it :P


Socialising on other Platforms

March 15 2016
Added people, my info is:

Steam: Xochild
PSN: Xochild
Origin: Xochild
Xbox (though I only use it on my PC as I don't Xbox): Xochild

I run a Discord server in case anyone wants to join it at any time, I'll leave a permanent link to it here: https://discord.gg/0lpg1QlYxLOZiNtA

I also stream on my own channel every once in a while and on a project I do with a mate called OperationTenno, which is obviously dedicated exclusively to Warframe :silly:

In case you didn't figure it out, it's always Xochild though...
Edited March 15 2016 by xochild
Lars Zandor


Awesome Idea!

March 15 2016
I don't know if setting up one Youtube channel for the whole of Stonewall is such a good idea. My vids for example, get uploaded to my youtube directly from Twitch, so I personally don't have anything on my pc to send to someone else. Linking the fleet Youtube-account to my Twitch is not a great idea either, because not all my vids is Stonewall-stuff. Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't possible to link more than one Twitch account to one Youtube account.
It is a nice idea though. Maybe it would be more usefull to make a list of Youtube accounts that regularly upload fleet & other Stonewall-stuff?



March 15 2016
Hi Orlando, welcome to the fleet! ;)



March 15 2016
Welcome to the Fleet :)
Zander Hawk



March 15 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, we are happy that you have joined the family. Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.

In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct, our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions, and Fleet Bank Rules.

If you have questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct or any anything else please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!
Edited March 15 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Alexa Boyer


Awesome Idea!

March 15 2016
Sorry for late reply guys I just got home. And yes Zander_Hawlk I have what I need. However I will have to postpone my project until the start of June as that is when i will graduate. However if i could keep in touch with you guys that would be great? Just send me a message or talk to me on teamspeak. My name on teamspeak is Vraibak (Just call me Bryon though).

By the way sorry about my spelling or grammar I was in a rush. B)


[Processed] Greetings

March 15 2016
Thank you for letting me register an account. My name is Orlando my game name is Cyics@logos575. I've been playing for about 2 months and I enjoy the game. I would like to join your fleet to help me delve further into the game. I have played many online games but not STO. It's a fresh change of pace from hacking and slashing, heh! Thank you!
Edited May 07 2016 by nicholasjohn16


Trove - A building MMO with RPG elements

March 14 2016
So... I spend most of my downtime from GW2 in Trove. At the moment, I have a personal club world where I host my creations, but was wondering if anyone else would like to join me in Trove. I can open up parts of the club world for other members to build and it would be nice to be able to adventure together and eventually tackle endgame content. So far, a couple of friends have joined me including Mal. Looking to keep it a small & friendly community.

I'll post a video showcasing the club world:

Just to point out how crazy in the head I am... that dragon took me 8 months to build.

I'm not really looking to open it up as a Stonewall chapter and won't be requesting anything like that since I believe our numbers will remain low, but it would be fun gaming/building with others. :cheer:

So... tell me your thoughts or let me know if you'd like an invite.
2 people liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:Awesome Idea!

March 14 2016
So as you can see, we have various people involved in a variety of youtube channel videos -is this along the lines of what you had in mind? :)