

I'll be hosting a trekkie radio programme!

March 24 2016
We had four shows so far and it's getting better every time :D
We also have recordings of our broadcast here:
The last show was about women in sci-fi and ST - quite interesting :)
I'd be very happy if you left us any comment or insight or suggestions! :)
2 people liked this
Tsar Agus


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights

March 23 2016

I have updated the initial post with the date and time of the livestream.
Edited March 23 2016 by WhiteOnmyoji


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights

March 23 2016
I know that there is no immediate date, though, based on the success of the last live stream I hope that you all are able to join us. It will be fun, caddy, and interesting. And at one point Aikune will make me his whipping boy, by making me an offer that I will willingly refuse, but grudgingly do.

So enjoy the show.


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 23 2016
At this point I cannot confirm, nor deny that I was there... though I am pretty sure I was.
Unknown Person liked this


Introduction post...

March 23 2016
Welcome to the Fleet!
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Levelling Event!

March 23 2016
No problem, that happens :)
Lars Zandor


A complete list of all current patrols

March 23 2016
If you want to add to it, go ahead.


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Levelling Event!

March 23 2016
I just wanted to day sorry but last time I wanted to take part in the event I got a major DC and just couldn't run the game so I dropped out in the middle of combat :( Sorry!
Unknown Person liked this


A complete list of all current patrols

March 23 2016
Now this is amazing.
Thank you so much!
Are you open to any suggestions?
I've been looking for some patrols to complete accolades but it was hard to find any information on what kind of enemy there is to fight - I could add that info in my spare time if I happen to know it.
And there is also some acco info I could add, ie. for the Deferi sattelite mission :)
Anyway, the list is extremely helpful and I admire all the work!
Zander Hawk


Re:[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 23 2016
I may have dropped by but I can't recall :(


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 22 2016
This is the first pride i was in :)


Introduction post...

March 22 2016
Welcome to the Fleet :)
Unknown Person liked this

Awesome Idea!

March 22 2016
Tiny problem...

I went to add Voleron's videos to the page and I realized I was actually on a different youtube page. I assumed that Stonewall Fleet's youtube page was associated with Stonewall Fleet's gmail account, but I'm wrong. That account is actually
I can't seem to remember what email account /users/stonewallfleet is associated with. It was 7 years ago after all. I'll keep trying to figure it out.

EDIT: It's a legacy YouTube account that isn't associated with a Google Account. I can't remember the password currently, but I'm sure I can figure it out.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited March 22 2016 by nicholasjohn16


Introduction post...

March 22 2016
Hiyas there Tess, and welcome to the fleet :]
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:Introduction post...

March 22 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us.  Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.

In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct, our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions, and Fleet Bank Rules.

If you have questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct or any anything else please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!
Unknown Person liked this


[Processed] Introduction post...

March 22 2016

I'm new (obviously) and this is my intro post...

I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to be part of your fleet. I feel it is an honor and I will do my best to be a valuable member.

About me: My real name is Tessa. I am 43 years old, married (to my wife of 14+ years), lesbian female. We have twin boys (13). I work as a graphic designer/CNC programmer for a sign company in South Florida. Oh, and I am transgender (male to female). I have been on hormone therapy for slightly over 3 years. :)

I'm a full blown Trekkie and have been since I can remember. I used to watch ST:TOS almost every day growing up (it was in syndication and on every day around 5PM or so for years). I fell in love with the series and the moral/ethical lessons it contained. You could say I am a true-believer in the ideals that the Federation has always championed: Honesty, acting for the greater good and benefit of all humanity (or aliens as the case may be), saying no to greed, and generally being a good person who helps others. I can honestly say that I am the person I am today because of Star Trek.

I have seen every episode of every ST series at least 3 times - including the movies. I love Trek. My favorite ST series is Voyager and my favorite ST movie is First Contact. I particularly like Borg story lines.

I have been playing Star Trek Online since it was in Beta a tad over 6 years ago. I'm a lifer (bought my lifetime sub in beta). I used to play the game all the time with my best friend who passed away about a year ago. I just recently started playing again after a year long hiatus. I have about a half a dozen alts, most of which are Federation Engineers, but I do have a couple of low level Klingons and a Romulan that I haven't even tried yet (I made it to see what the costume options were for that faction).

My primary character is a liberated Borg: Niko Kitagawa, federation Engineer. Her rank is Fleet Admiral and her ship is a Jupiter Class Carrier: the U.S.S. Galactica. (I am a HUGE fan of the Battlestar Galactica reboot too and it just seemed appropriate for a carrier).

I'm an all around Sci-fi nerdy type of woman. I tend to look to the future, instead of dwelling on the past. My hobbies include ST:O, computer graphics and science (especially physics and cosmology). Other interests include medicine (specifically endocrinology), automation technology (robotics, CNC, etc), Astronomy, engineering, electronics and paintball (mil-sim only, not arena style games).

Some of the other games I play are: Minecraft, Diablo 3, Forza, Soul Caliber, Gears of War and Quake (3 being my all time favorite FPS). My @handle in ST:O is @deadrevenant, feel free to send me a friend request. My Xbox Live handle is Dead.Revenant (again, feel free to send me a friend request).

Again, thank you for letting me be a part of the group. :)

- Tess
Edited May 07 2016 by nicholasjohn16


[Pride 2015 Ribbon] I was there!

March 22 2016
I think i was there? I joined Stonewall right before the event :)


Pastrychef.1792 (GW2)

March 22 2016
Welcome! :woohoo:
Dave (Voleron)


Re:Awesome Idea!

March 22 2016
Feel free to add the three videos in this post to a playlist:
Tsar Agus


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights

March 21 2016
We've relaunching the livestreams (yet again) learning from the mistakes (mine mostly) of the past (like doing a livestream where my mic was muted THE ENTIRE FIRST HALF!) as well as listening your feedback (like turn on your mic!). We've reformatted the livestream and we're really excited about it.

The official launch date will be 4/16/2016 the Saturday after Season 11.5 is released. But we have been all over Tribble, mining, experimenting and doing all sorts of very rude things to the Borg in Ker'rat, especially to their rear flank.

During the livestream we'll cover two main topics relating to the episode and we'll also do a ship build during the livestream. So Stay Tuned for information but in the mean time here's some details about our first episode

Shooting Ships With the Shipwright
Episode 1: 11.WHAT THE SKILL TREE?!

When: 4/16/2016 at 2 PM Eastern/6 PM UTC

Hosted by:

Topic 1 – Skill Tree and Ultimate Active Abilities
Topic 2 – Strategist Secondary Specialization
Live Build – The Khopesh

We have set up a new Twitch Channel where we'll be streaming from. it's now So please update your subscriptions. And our videos will be posted to the Stonewall Fleet Youtube Channel.

Finally: The Shipwrights are looking for a new Shipwright! Those “???” aren’t there just for decorations.

We are looking to add a member to our team! If you are interested in helping the fleet with ship builds and helping out during the livestream we are interested in you!

What we’re looking for:
  • An understanding of class abilities and BOFF abilities
  • An understanding of the DOFF system
  • An understanding of the different special space sets
  • At least 3 crafting schools at level 15
  • Knowledge of different ship classes and categories
  • Knowledge of the skill trees, active ability
  • Ability to participate with tests on Tribble (gold/lifetime membership required)
  • Able to participate in Livestreams (usually on Saturday afternoons, at 2PM eastern)

If you are interested in joining our ranks, send a message to WhiteOnmyoji and we'll be in touch!
4 people liked this
Edited March 23 2016 by WhiteOnmyoji