[Accepting Applications] Chief of Fleet Morale
I vote we find and resurrect Voleron from the grave and make him Chief. It worked out last time, lol. ;)
Point One: I think you typo'd your own handle in the charter. :P
Point Two: This came up recently in fleet chat and while I can kind of see both sides of it, there seems to be a bit of a conflict. Someone (don't remember who) was annoyed at having a casual discussion of drag being shut down in chat as inappropriate. The (accurate) point was made that the Stonewall Riots were largely started by a group of drag queens and trans folks, so why was it an off-limits topic in a fleet bearing that name? IMO an LGBT fleet is going to be by definition at least semi-adult oriented.
Granted it's off-topic since it's not game-related, and unnecessary/gratuitous discussion of directly sexual topics is both unnecessary and inappropriate in an online gaming context, but any LGBT group shutting down discussion of a gender-fluid segment of the LGBT community (representing a big part of its history and culture) seems overzealous and wrong-headed.
To prevent such misunderstandings, maybe put in something about in-game chat being expected to be mostly game-related? Or to keep that kind of discussion primarily in the off-topic areas of the forums? I don't know what an equitable compromise on that sort of thing looks like, but I think there really should be one.
I have uploaded a downloadable version of the list for those that want it:
You do need to make an account on that website to be able to download it, but it's all free.
Higher wages needed, imo
I will pay you 1 EC/hour.