Jamie O'Connell


[Accepting Applications] Chief of Fleet Morale

March 25 2016
I vote we find and resurrect Voleron from the grave and make him Chief. It worked out last time, lol. ;)
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

A complete list of all current patrols

March 25 2016
What I'd like to see is this list integrated with a marked-up quadrant/sector map so you can actually plan a route. The system names honestly don't convey a lot of useful info. I'm thinking assign each sector an XY coordinate, and add the patrol system's sector coordinate info as a cell in the spreadsheet.

Mini-example with the BETA Quadrant grid:


So this means the Vulcan Sector would be located at BETA-X1Y3, Qo'noS Sector would be at BETA-X4Y6, Azure Sector (New Romulus) would be at BETA-X4Y4 and so forth. The same method would apply to the Alpha (shorter & wider) and Delta (single column) maps.

That way, you could sort the list by the sector coordinate column in the spreadsheet and plan a route: "I want to patrol in the Beta Quadrant from X1Y1 to X6Y1, then drop down and backtrack from X6Y2 to X1Y2" or whatever quadrant/routing is wanted.
Edited March 25 2016 by Unknown Person

Updating our Core Documentation

March 25 2016
Quote by Teknomancer
Point One: I think you typo'd your own handle in the charter. :P

I don't know how I managed that and how it went without notice until this point. Thanks for pointing it out.

Quote by Teknomancer
Point Two: This came up recently in fleet chat and while I can kind of see both sides of it, there seems to be a bit of a conflict. Someone (don't remember who) was annoyed at having a casual discussion of drag being shut down in chat as inappropriate. The (accurate) point was made that the Stonewall Riots were largely started by a group of drag queens and trans folks, so why was it an off-limits topic in a fleet bearing that name? IMO an LGBT fleet is going to be by definition at least semi-adult oriented.

Granted it's off-topic since it's not game-related, and unnecessary/gratuitous discussion of directly sexual topics is both unnecessary and inappropriate in an online gaming context, but any LGBT group shutting down discussion of a gender-fluid segment of the LGBT community (representing a big part of its history and culture) seems overzealous and wrong-headed.

To prevent such misunderstandings, maybe put in something about in-game chat being expected to be mostly game-related? Or to keep that kind of discussion primarily in the off-topic areas of the forums? I don't know what an equitable compromise on that sort of thing looks like, but I think there really should be one.

There's no issue with off-topic or non-game related topics in Fleet Chat. It's good for us to converse about non-game stuff, as well! We all know that STO or GW2 all have their slow periods and its important that we as a community have other topics to talk about than just those.

Drag isn't sexual. It's for entertainment and comedic purposes. I, personally, agree that such gender bending topics like trans issues or drag should be able to be talked about freely in a glbta community. (Albeit, we'd still need to stay clear of Transvestism.) This almost seems more like an opportunity to educate our community on gender than a need for moderation. This is also a great example of why we need to standardize and clarify our Community Guidelines.
3 people liked this
Edited March 25 2016 by nicholasjohn16

Unknown Person

Updating our Core Documentation

March 25 2016
Point One: I think you typo'd your own handle in the charter. :P

Point Two: This came up recently in fleet chat and while I can kind of see both sides of it, there seems to be a bit of a conflict. Someone (don't remember who) was annoyed at having a casual discussion of drag being shut down in chat as inappropriate. The (accurate) point was made that the Stonewall Riots were largely started by a group of drag queens and trans folks, so why was it an off-limits topic in a fleet bearing that name? IMO an LGBT fleet is going to be by definition at least semi-adult oriented.

Granted it's off-topic since it's not game-related, and unnecessary/gratuitous discussion of directly sexual topics is both unnecessary and inappropriate in an online gaming context, but any LGBT group shutting down discussion of a gender-fluid segment of the LGBT community (representing a big part of its history and culture) seems overzealous and wrong-headed.

To prevent such misunderstandings, maybe put in something about in-game chat being expected to be mostly game-related? Or to keep that kind of discussion primarily in the off-topic areas of the forums? I don't know what an equitable compromise on that sort of thing looks like, but I think there really should be one.
Unknown Person liked this

Updating our Core Documentation

March 25 2016
Our core documentation has needed an update for some time and I've finally sat down and hammered it out. After being reviewed by the leadership, I'd like to share it with all of the membership for you to review and comment on before making it official.

With this revamp, I wanted to go back to the basics and rebuild the core documentation and rethink its purpose. While it contained important information, the Member's Handbook never had a clear defined purpose. So I've decided to re-envision it as the Charter. The Charter is meant to be the central document, our Constitution, if you will, and the basis of how the community is ran and managed.

I've taken a pass at our Code of Conduct, also. The main changes I've made here are to remove the duplication of rules for the Forums, IRC/Fleet Chat and TeamSpeak and instead combined the rules together. As well, remove outdated or rarely used rules. To make it clearer, I've moved rules, like not withdrawing items from the bank to sell, from the Member's Handbook to the Code of Conduct where it really should be.

Finally, I've written the new Community Guidelines. Before now, we've had the often misunderstood "PG-13 Policy". These rules have never really been written down before. The American-centric term PG-13 made it difficult to understand for our non-American members and even within the US, PG-13 is a bit of a moving target. These new guidelines are meant to standardize what's appropriate for our community and our moderation efforts.

I'd love to hear what you all have to say about these new documents. If you see or have any problems, please feel free to reply below with what section that you think can be improved or what additions you'd like to see!
6 people liked this


A complete list of all current patrols

March 25 2016
Thanks Lars, you dont need to create an account to download it :-)

Quote by Lars1091
I have uploaded a downloadable version of the list for those that want it:

You do need to make an account on that website to be able to download it, but it's all free.
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

Super expen$ive motorized computer tower

March 25 2016
That's pretty neat, but I never got into the Transformers. :P

Personally, I want a Fourth Doctor K-9 PC case.

4 people liked this


A complete list of all current patrols

March 25 2016
As an accolade hunter this information would be very useful...


Which Andoiran ship is best?

March 25 2016
None tactical varient, i recall was the preferred option.
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor


Which Andoiran ship is best?

March 25 2016
Not really if I remember correct. I think it's mainly a difference of the layout of the consoles. Since these are escorts I would go with the one that has the most science console slots, since fleet science consoles from the embassy can increase your resistance to damage and increase the damage that you do (if I remember correct).

@Aikune: Pilot ships might be better, but not everyone is going for the best ships in the game. Some people just like to play particular ships.
2 people liked this
Tsar Agus


Which Andoiran ship is best?

March 25 2016
none of the above, Pilot Ships replaced the andorian ships


Which Andoiran ship is best?

March 25 2016
So i have all three of them for my tactical Andorian, and is there much difference between them, yes i know they have different console slots but i really dont know which if any is the "best" one.

soooo, is there much difference, anything better, err i dunno, what should i be asking taht i dont know enough to be asking?
Dave (Voleron)


[Accepting Applications] Chief of Fleet Morale

March 24 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Quote by Voleron
Higher wages needed, imo

I will pay you 1 EC/hour.

Woot! A raise!
4 people liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:[Accepting Applications] Chief of Fleet Morale

March 24 2016
The position comes with a Dabo table.
3 people liked this

[Accepting Applications] Chief of Fleet Morale

March 24 2016
Quote by Voleron
Higher wages needed, imo

I will pay you 1 EC/hour.
2 people liked this
Lars Zandor


Super expen$ive motorized computer tower

March 24 2016
Oh my, that made my naughty bits tingle :O
Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


Super expen$ive motorized computer tower

March 24 2016
In my never-ending quest to buy a new computer, I came across a $3,500 computer case. That's right... no motherboard, no RAM, no video card... JUST the case. A case with LASERS and motorized transformation!! Anybody else want this beauty? Running out to buy my lottery ticket right now!

Unknown Person liked this
Dave (Voleron)


[Accepting Applications] Chief of Fleet Morale

March 24 2016
Higher wages needed, imo
4 people liked this
Gareth GXV3


I'll be hosting a trekkie radio programme!

March 24 2016
Cheers Finka! im listening to it on youtube now