Unknown Person

Parker here...

March 26 2016
Enjolrals here a phased antichronoton beem may collapse the rift. It could also fracture the space time continuum... your call

Welcome back Parker... what did you bring us?
Unknown Person liked this
Edited March 26 2016 by Unknown Person

Arc Quests

March 26 2016
I guess I kinda lucked out and got two quests for daily logins to Neverwinter. All I have to do is open the launcher and it counts. I'll give it a try for now. Its nice that you can remove one quest per day and get a new one.

Those conversion rates are a bit sucky. It'll take a heck of a lot of grinding to earn enough points to even get the 500 zen.
Tsar Agus


Parker here...

March 26 2016

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Shawn Birch


Parker here...

March 26 2016
*A rift rips open in space near to the Sol System. A ship slowly emerges. Thought to have been lost in Terran Space the USS PHANTOM docks at ESD.

After being debriefed Admiral Parker Anderson rejoins the Stonewall Fleet and attempts to catch up to recent events.*
Unknown Person liked this
Ryan Thompson


Updating our Core Documentation

March 26 2016
I am so glad these have been updated. I think the fact that its short and sweet but still maintains the essence of the original charter is perfect. Thank you Nick for taking the time to updates these. Cheers!!!
Unknown Person liked this


Updating our Core Documentation

March 26 2016
You have my total approval of the changes. I think they are short, sweet and to the point. I personally like knowing the mission and vision of any organization I'm a part of.
Unknown Person liked this


Arc Quests

March 25 2016
As nico says you only need to download the game and launch it, you dont need to even play it.

Although one of today's game is Elsword but it wont allow me to download it as it'a not available in my region...
Iain Smith


Arc Quests

March 25 2016
You need 5000 Quest points for 500 zen 30000 points for 3000 zen so its gonna take a while to get anywhere if you only play a specific game. So the only way you end up getting point are either on quests for your specific game or quest that are for logging in daily.

I'm only up to level 2 with 600 points.

If you want to earn big amounts of points the only way to do that is to play the other games titles.


Which Andoiran ship is best?

March 25 2016
When I played the Andorian ships, I remember liking the Kumari tactical version.


Arc Quests

March 25 2016
I dropped off their missions pretty quickly... I have one true love, and that is a Starfleet uniform.

Unknown Person

A complete list of all current patrols

March 25 2016
Just discovered a map on the wiki with a grid designation layout similar to what I described, so that makes it even easier...there's no need to grid it out from scratch! B)

Check it out:

2 people liked this


Introduction post...

March 25 2016
Welcome! :cheer:
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Lars Zandor


Updating our Core Documentation

March 25 2016
I'm liking it. The COC and CG are more compact, so there is a bigger chance more people will read it.
I like the tiny bit of history about SGN in the charter at the top. It shows that this is more than just a random fleet or guild.
Unknown Person liked this
Lars Zandor


A complete list of all current patrols

March 25 2016
Quote by nivagni
Thanks Lars, you dont need to create an account to download it :-)

Quote by Lars1091
I have uploaded a downloadable version of the list for those that want it:

You do need to make an account on that website to be able to download it, but it's all free.

Oh, didn't know about that. I thought Nexus introduced that a while ago. Thanks for pointing that.

Quote by Teknomancer
What I'd like to see is this list integrated with a marked-up quadrant/sector map so you can actually plan a route. The system names honestly don't convey a lot of useful info. I'm thinking assign each sector an XY coordinate, and add the patrol system's sector coordinate info as a cell in the spreadsheet.

Mini-example with the BETA Quadrant grid:


So this means the Vulcan Sector would be located at BETA-X1Y3, Qo'noS Sector would be at BETA-X4Y6, Azure Sector (New Romulus) would be at BETA-X4Y4 and so forth. The same method would apply to the Alpha (shorter & wider) and Delta (single column) maps.

That way, you could sort the list by the sector coordinate column in the spreadsheet and plan a route: "I want to patrol in the Beta Quadrant from X1Y1 to X6Y1, then drop down and backtrack from X6Y2 to X1Y2" or whatever quadrant/routing is wanted.

That would be do-able, yeah. I'll see if I can add it somewhere next week.
Edited March 25 2016 by Lars_Zandor
Lars Zandor


Arc Quests

March 25 2016
I don't really do them. The only Arc game I play is STO (and often launch that through Steam - I like to know the amount of time I have spend on a game :P ). I have tried Neverwinter in the past, but never really liked it. Not downloading any more games just for those points.
Edited March 25 2016 by Lars_Zandor
Cheshire McCaster


Arc Quests

March 25 2016
I have been giving their quest system a chance... It takes forever to really get anywhere worthwile with it. I think its about 1000arc points translates to 500zen. You don't actually have to play the games to get the points just loading up the launcher from arc works for that. Least for now. Though most of the games that have been thrown at me on it are ones I would have never thought about playing. Only once has sto showed up to get points from, neverwinter my a few times. Their shootergames more than any other, and not very many for their dungeon crawlers. Is it really worth it overall maybe as a side thought once in a while, that is how atleast I feel about it from trying it out.

Arc Quests

March 25 2016
As mentioned here, Arc Quests are little activities you can do within Arc to earn you XP and Rewards within Arc.

Is anyone doing them? What do you think?

It's obvious PWE is pretty adamant they want me to play their other games, but I'm really not interested. :P


Updating our Core Documentation

March 25 2016
They should be reported directly to me. I'll handle the issue and include the rest of the Officers when its appropriate.

That sounds great; I would like to see that included in the document.

I don't want to get that specific with the guidelines for that very reason. There's too many possibilities and loop holes to draw exact examples.

Fair point.

Instead, the next step will be training the leadership on exactly what should and shouldn't be moderated.

I think this is a great idea. Consistency is key to us understanding what to expect.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited March 25 2016 by georgiadawg83

Updating our Core Documentation

March 25 2016
Quote by georgiadawg83
The Charter, under "Conduct and Violations" Section 2, states:

Reported Violations of the Code of Conduct or Community Guidelines will be investigated and processed by the Officers of SGN to determine their validity, extent and necessary penalty.

What policy will govern complaints or reported violations of the officers themselves?

They should be reported directly to me. I'll handle the issue and include the rest of the Officers when its appropriate.

Quote by georgiadawg83
There are also two Section 3s in this area. The second Section 3 seems redundant.

Section 1 contains an incomplete sentence that sounds important: "All Violations of the Code of Conduct or Community Guidelines"

Thanks for point that out. I thought I had finished that sentence. Its mean to define what a Violation is.

Quote by georgiadawg83
The Community Guidelines document needs to be fleshed out more with additional clarifications, in order to minimize the potential for vague statements to be interpreted in different ways. Consider adding examples (with a "these are just examples" disclaimer) to help members understand what's acceptable and what's not. Consider clarifying the drug and alcohol sentence; I think "casual vs. hard drugs" could be quite controversial. Same for "suitable situations" for profanity and "gratuitous discussion of adult activities." While it might not be possible to exactly nail these down, clarifying statements and examples could go a long way towards helping members understand your intent.

I don't want to get that specific with the guidelines for that very reason. There's too many possibilities and loop holes to draw exact examples. Instead, the next step will be training the leadership on exactly what should and shouldn't be moderated.
3 people liked this


Updating our Core Documentation

March 25 2016
The Charter, under "Conduct and Violations" Section 2, states:

Reported Violations of the Code of Conduct or Community Guidelines will be investigated and processed by the Officers of SGN to determine their validity, extent and necessary penalty.

What policy will govern complaints or reported violations of the officers themselves?

There are also two Section 3s in this area. The second Section 3 seems redundant.

Section 1 contains an incomplete sentence that sounds important: "All Violations of the Code of Conduct or Community Guidelines"

The Code of Conduct seems pretty good to me.

The Community Guidelines document needs to be fleshed out more with additional clarifications, in order to minimize the potential for vague statements to be interpreted in different ways. Consider adding examples (with a "these are just examples" disclaimer) to help members understand what's acceptable and what's not. Consider clarifying the drug and alcohol sentence; I think "casual vs. hard drugs" could be quite controversial. Same for "suitable situations" for profanity and "gratuitous discussion of adult activities." While it might not be possible to exactly nail these down, clarifying statements and examples could go a long way towards helping members understand your intent.
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