On weapons modifiers
See your Boff abilities should also be dependent on your energy type. Polaron is an energy draining Energy Type, mix it with the Plasmonic Leech Console or even a Tykens Rift and Drain energy, you can shut down and lock down an enemy ship.
With 11.5 Tertyon will lose usefulness yet again, 11.5 will have a skill that will give a flat penetrate shields %, when tetryon's main proc is to drain shields but it's going straight to hull the prog might as well not be there.
Disruptors and Attack Pattern Beta is a killer combination, especially if every one else on your team is using disruptors as well. Disruptors have a proc that reduces resistance to disruptors, Attack Pattern Beta debuffs anyone who is hit by energy weapons. Combine the two, especially if the entire team is using disruptors, will just demolish a target.
And I can list many other killer energy type/BOFF combos
And finally while we appreciate that you like to fly builds for thematic/lore reasons the game can be quite punishing with regards to rewards at times and if a PvE or battlezone instance has multiple people flying unoptimised builds it can impact the success of the whole group.
To make your PvE life easier consider a secondary build that is likely to carry you through the tough content when it is needed. Tt is surprisingly cheap to put one together with reputation and fleet gear and we are of course happy to advise on this topic.
With 11.5 Tertyon will lose usefulness yet again, 11.5 will have a skill that will give a flat penetrate shields %, when tetryon's main proc is to drain shields but it's going straight to hull the prog might as well not be there.
Disruptors and Attack Pattern Beta is a killer combination, especially if every one else on your team is using disruptors as well. Disruptors have a proc that reduces resistance to disruptors, Attack Pattern Beta debuffs anyone who is hit by energy weapons. Combine the two, especially if the entire team is using disruptors, will just demolish a target.
And I can list many other killer energy type/BOFF combos
And finally while we appreciate that you like to fly builds for thematic/lore reasons the game can be quite punishing with regards to rewards at times and if a PvE or battlezone instance has multiple people flying unoptimised builds it can impact the success of the whole group.
To make your PvE life easier consider a secondary build that is likely to carry you through the tough content when it is needed. Tt is surprisingly cheap to put one together with reputation and fleet gear and we are of course happy to advise on this topic.