Tsar Agus


On weapons modifiers

March 30 2016
See your Boff abilities should also be dependent on your energy type. Polaron is an energy draining Energy Type, mix it with the Plasmonic Leech Console or even a Tykens Rift and Drain energy, you can shut down and lock down an enemy ship.

With 11.5 Tertyon will lose usefulness yet again, 11.5 will have a skill that will give a flat penetrate shields %, when tetryon's main proc is to drain shields but it's going straight to hull the prog might as well not be there.

Disruptors and Attack Pattern Beta is a killer combination, especially if every one else on your team is using disruptors as well. Disruptors have a proc that reduces resistance to disruptors, Attack Pattern Beta debuffs anyone who is hit by energy weapons. Combine the two, especially if the entire team is using disruptors, will just demolish a target.

And I can list many other killer energy type/BOFF combos

And finally while we appreciate that you like to fly builds for thematic/lore reasons the game can be quite punishing with regards to rewards at times and if a PvE or battlezone instance has multiple people flying unoptimised builds it can impact the success of the whole group.

To make your PvE life easier consider a secondary build that is likely to carry you through the tough content when it is needed. Tt is surprisingly cheap to put one together with reputation and fleet gear and we are of course happy to advise on this topic.
James DGr


Trove - A building MMO with RPG elements

March 30 2016
I've played around in Trove a bit and found it a fun alternative to STO. Reminds me of being a kid with Legos and trying to construct starships and bridges and towers, all set within a dungeon buster game. Next time I'm there I'll try looking to join your personal club.

Anyone else play Trove?
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Lars Zandor


Character Biography

March 30 2016
Allied Command Personal Dossier FED.SOL.E20160311


Name: Fairchild, Audrey Elizabeth (deceased)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: London, Great Britain, Europe, Earth, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant
Date of Birth (Stardate): 56823.40604388628
Date of Birth (Human calender): 28th of October, 2379 (age 31)
Spouse: Nordskov, Irene (not married) (Allied Command Personal Dossier FED.BETAZ.B19911025)
Rank: Fleet Admiral (Starfleet)
Ship: U.S.S. Aphrodite (T6 Star Cruiser)

The Fairchild-family is well known within Starfleet. Several admirals, ambassadors and high ranking scientists and engineers wearing the Fairchild name have held Starfleet and Federation positions through the centuries. Audrey Elizabeth Fairchild showed quite a lot of promise too. A high level of intelligence and trained by several of her family members in different skills (both common and uncommon skills under Starfleet officers), she had the eye of a Starfleet Academy instructor from a young age.
However, when Fairchild reached her teens and puberty set in, she became rebellious. Having had such a good training from her family members on a broad variety of subjects, she was able to hide her whereabouts when skipping school in several ways. Audrey's parents had been trying to find out where she went when she was skipping school, but that only made the situation worse. It escalated when Audrey run away from home at age fifteen and was unable to be found for a full three months. It turned out she had stolen several pieces of technology from a nearby factory, had laid claim to small, finished, easy to miss room on a construction site and turned it into her own holodeck with a replicator. She wasn't playing games or watching holonovels other kids her age watched though. She was reading books about advanced mathematics and delved into historically correct holonovels. Fairchild had increased her Vulcan to near perfection (she actually managed to impress a Vulcan teacher at Starfleet Academy in her first week). Basically, normal school was too boring for Fairchild.
Six months after Fairchild was found, Captain S'Nera, a Caitian teacher at Starfleet Academy, looked up Fairchild. According to him Fairchild was "bored out of her mind and going crazy with the general, uninteresting subjects teached at her school". S'Nera managed to convince the Academy's Director to let Fairchild enroll early. With her parent's blessing, Fairchild jumped onto this chance.

Once out of the Academy, Fairchild jumped through the ranks fairly fast. During her second month as Lieutenant, she was serving on the U.S.S. Pilgrim, an NX-class escort, on a patrol mission in the Alpha Quadrant. A distress call was received from a Ferengi freighter in Maxia Zeta system. Although the distress call was genuine, it was an ambush set by rogue Jem'Hadar. With all senior officers dead within minutes of the attack and the only high ranking officer left in a state of total shock, only Fairchild and couple of other Lieutenants were left. Fairchild took command and under her guidance a group of seven Lieutenants managed to survive for seven hours against several dozens Jem'Hadar.
The R.R.W V'Haal had also received the distress call from the Ferengi Freighter, but were unable to help earlier. When they arrived in the system and had dispatched of the Jem'Hadar vessels, they were surprised Fairchild and her team were still all alive. Fairchild received a temporarily field promotion (see Allied Command Cross-Factional Rank Guidelines, entrance 394 for clarification - interpret broadly) to Captain and was escorted to Deep Space Nine, where her Field Promotion was changed to a permanent promotion to Commander by Admiral Quinn.

During the destruction of Earth Space Dock by the Undine, a large number of Admirals were killed, including (at this point Captain) Fairchild's own grandfather. Fairchild was given the opportunity to take her grandfather's place. Although the decision was not easy, she eventually accepted the position.

During the Iconian War, Fleet Admiral Fairchild sacrificed her ship and her life during a retreat to save the bulk of the fleet she was commanding.

Starfleet Command to Admiral Fairchild, commanding the U.S.S. Aphrodite
Admiral Fairchild, respond
Admiral Fairchild not responding
Rest In Peace, Audrey Elizabeth Fairchild

Edited August 11 2016 by Lars_Zandor
Shawn Birch


D'ark in the dark

March 30 2016
Next Chapter coming soon...
2 people liked this


Which Andoiran ship is best?

March 30 2016
Quote by Lars1091
Quote by xochild
I think I remember always having seen the Kumari flying around.

Wait, you are able to differentiate between the different versions out of the ship-tailor? :blink: They always look too similar for me to be able to do that.

Back when a lot of people flew them, you can tell them apart by the "wings" and the "nose". They just have subtle differences you get used to seeing. I can tell the Fed and Rom Dyson ships apart, I don't think I can with the KDF ones though.
Tsar Agus


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights

March 29 2016
REMINDER: We are looking for an additional shipwright to join us during livestreams. Details are listed in the first post.


Which Andoiran ship is best?

March 29 2016
oh yeah they look almost oxactly the same, its really omre about the console layouts as i believe thats the real differentiator between the 3 ships.


Socialising on other Platforms

March 29 2016
i am seannewrock on steam.
Zander Hawk


Re:Updating our Core Documentation

March 29 2016
There you go, terms of this nature are a great example, so you'd reduce ambiguity upfront. The definitions section can be small and easy, it doesn't have to be complex. The section would define terms like PG-13. Example "PG-13" as used in this code of conduct means material not appropriate for people under the age of 13...[insert futher definition language, etc.]
2 people liked this
Edited March 29 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Bren Ohmsford


Re:Re:Updating our Core Documentation

March 29 2016
Quote by Zander_Hawk
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Quote by Zander_Hawk
I suggest that you include a statement of definitions as section 1 of your CoC to define some of the words that you are using in order to provide an established definition. You greatly reduce the potentional of personal interpretation or ambiguity; example people may have their own definition of the words "drugs" or "sexual harassment" -both words are also broad subjects. Meriam Webster Online Dictionary is a great site to help you form the basis of a definition.

This isn't a legal document and doesn't need to be that complex. If people aren't sure what drugs or sexual harassment mean, they can look them up on Meriam Webster's Online Dictionary. :P

Definitions are good way to establish a common understanding between people. Statement of definitions are used in all sorts of types of documents, legal, non-legal, etc. The Code of Conduct may not be a legally binding document but it creates rules for people to follow and a breach of those rules result in consequences. So, if a person is going to be subject to consequences as a result of not following the rules, it's important for them to know how you are using certain words when setting out those rules.

The definitions can be complex or very simple. It's just a suggestion to minimize ambiguity, you've gone this long without one so I'm sure you'll be fine but I figured that since you are making adjustments now, you add it to your CoC.

Stonewall is a multinational guild with a diverse membership. It's very easy for misunderstandings to arise between members who speak English, nevermind members who are not native English speakers. Adding definitions to the Core Documentation will: a) Help make the documentation easier to understand for members at large; b) make it simpler for leadership to interpret when an infringement has taken place.

In my opinion, terms like "drugs" and "adult content" are too vague to be interpreted with consensus by a highly diverse group of people. In some countries, drugs refer to illegal substances only; in others, it refers to all types of medication. Similarly, adult content can be delineated as 17+, 18+ or 21+ in different countries.

The game itself is rated "Teen" by the ESRB, meaning that its content is considered suitable for ages 13 and up. When dealing with a membership base that may include young people of that age, I think it's even more crucial to be specific about definitions in the Core Documentation.
2 people liked this


Updating our Core Documentation

March 29 2016
I really like the new documents, they are short and easy to understand!
Unknown Person liked this


Updating our Core Documentation

March 29 2016
I like it :)
Unknown Person liked this


Parker here...

March 29 2016
Welcome Back! :cheer:
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Greetings all

March 29 2016
Welcome Back! :woohoo:
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Scott Dallman (married Name)


Re:Greetings all

March 29 2016
I will definately do that, thanks.
Unknown Person liked this
Zander Hawk


Re:Greetings all

March 29 2016
Hello and welcome back!

I'm so glad that you have rejoined our fleet.  I've been a member with Stonewall since 2009.  Should you have any questions or concerns about your membership, the Code of Conduct, our Fleet Bank Rules or anything else, please feel free to send me a message at any time.

Also make sure to read our definitive guide on Fleet Interactions

If you see me in-game, don't be a stranger! 

I'll see you around.
Unknown Person liked this


Greetings all

March 28 2016
Welcome Back Anale
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Scott Dallman (married Name)


Greetings all

March 28 2016
:woohoo: STO, I'm Malikius, aka Anale Johnson, Malikius, Momma Mali, Veeger, Lichtar (Klingon) I am please to be back in the fleet and hope to be of use and service to the fleet. If you see any of my toons on line and you need help just ask!



Malikias, Bulletca, Belcome, Mommason, Mälicku

I would like to join the guild in SWTOR. I have switched over to your server. Would you add these toons, please?
Unknown Person liked this
Edited March 29 2016 by Malikius
Diego Acosta


Deuh.7401 GW2 Hi everybody!

March 28 2016
Thanks everyone!!!

I haven´t received an invitation to the guild yet =(
Lars Zandor


Which Andoiran ship is best?

March 27 2016
Quote by xochild
I think I remember always having seen the Kumari flying around.

Wait, you are able to differentiate between the different versions out of the ship-tailor? :blink: They always look too similar for me to be able to do that.