Scott Dallman (married Name)


Guild Update

April 10 2016
I have recently had two of my 5 toons added to the guild. So your saying that I can add people to the guild if asked? And what are the requirements or responsibilities of adding somebody? Do I have to know them, personally or game friend wise? Or if somebody just pops in and asks?


T6 Odyssey

April 10 2016
Quote by Teknomancer
I have the Borg beam on my D'Kyr and I do like having it for the extra hull damage with a 360-degree firing arc.

I'm not sure why, but, I read this like this in my head:

"I have the Borg beam on my D'Kyr and I do like having it for the extra 360PRONOSCOPEMLG firing arc."...


hi from gw2 gogadan.9872

April 09 2016
Welcome!!!!! :woohoo:
Unknown Person liked this


T6 Odyssey

April 08 2016

To answer your question: Yes, you should still use the KCB. Think of the KCB as some kind of a 360 degree torpedo... since it does no damage against shielded opponents. Though this is quickly fixed by your full AP beam boat you have made. That should wither shields pretty fast. That said, it is BEST used when you add the assimilated console, I personally would not use the KCB without the console.
2 people liked this
Scott Dallman (married Name)


Guild Update

April 08 2016
Mälicku is the only Imperial that I have. All the others are Republic. Thanks for the two that you have already added.

Unknown Person

Guild Update

April 08 2016
Quote by Malikius
How do I get a guild invite? I have moved over to the guild's server to be added. Do I need to setup a time and date for an invite. Or can somebody invite me and when I log on accept?

Glad I was able to get 2 of your toons today. Are the other two on the Imperial side? I'm just heading into work now for a closing shift but I can probably do it sometime tomorrow. Private message me here on the site or in-game.
Scott Dallman (married Name)


Guild Update

April 08 2016
How do I get a guild invite? I have moved over to the guild's server to be added. Do I need to setup a time and date for an invite. Or can somebody invite me and when I log on accept?

Unknown Person

T6 Odyssey

April 08 2016
I have the Borg beam on my D'Kyr and I do like having it for the extra hull damage with a 360-degree firing arc. But since it's neither beam nor torpedo for game mechanics purposes it's not affected by beam skills like FAW, Overload & Surgical Strikes, or by torpedo skills like High Yield and Spread.

It does what it does all by by itself, unless you're wearing the complete Assimilated Borg Technology set which adds the beam's kinetic damage to the set's Borg Tractor Beam skill. If you don't have that set but you are using the Assimilated Module from the Adapted Borg Technology set, it gets a combined +15 "all weapons" generic power boost from the console and 2-item Adapted set bonus. There are rumors on the interwebz about the Lobi store's Rule 62 Multipurpose Combat Console boosting it via an oversight/bug, but I have no idea if that's true.

Personally I like it despite its limitations. Your mileage may vary.
2 people liked this


T6 Odyssey

April 08 2016
I would still use the Kinetic Cutting Beam, but, that's because I tend to fly more science ships/science builds that rely and doing spike damage that benefits from something that basically does consistent kinetic damage.

Congrats on the bundle btw :)
Unknown Person liked this
Edited April 08 2016 by xochild
Lars Zandor


T6 Odyssey

April 08 2016

Nevermind, I basically figured it out while I was typing it all out. I do have one other question now though. I decided to discard the Torpedo, so I will go all beams. Since the Kinetic Beam does Kinetic dmg instead of energy dmg, should I still plan using it?
Edited April 08 2016 by Lars_Zandor
Daniel Crawford


hi from gw2 gogadan.9872

April 06 2016
I forgot to say on first post so I shall put it here that I only play a few days a week due to working shifts however I do log daily to get my login rewards and when I am on I'm always happy to chat,help and join In
Daniel Crawford


hi from gw2 gogadan.9872

April 05 2016
Thank you soo much. I'm stoked to be here already:p
Zander Hawk


Re:hi from gw2 gogadan.9872

April 05 2016

Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, it's good to have you with us.  Please make sure to read our Welcome Center for critical information that will help you with commonly asked questions, assist you with troubleshooting, connect you with important contacts, and provide you with instructional guides for some of our technology.  In addition, please reserve some time to become familiar with the Code of Conduct.

If you have questions about the Code of Conduct please contact me or anyone else in leadership.

Have fun!
Unknown Person liked this


hi from gw2 gogadan.9872

April 05 2016
Welcome noble warrior put down your burdens and relax, the road is long and dusty, take your ease.
2 people liked this
Daniel Crawford


[Processed] hi from gw2 gogadan.9872

April 05 2016
Hi im hopeing to and looking forward to being part of this community. im crap and introductions so i shall go with the template :s

say hello and tell us a little about yourself,- im 31 and married(just recently came out as bi to my wife :s ) i enjoy l.a.r.p and live in england. i make my own booze that i enjoy and playing guild wars and at the moment replyaying skyrim.

What are your interests?,- ermmm i enjoy l.a.r.p and tabletopping d&d and dark herasy

What other games and MMO's have you played?,i played wow and star trek online ocasunally. i love playing gw2

Is this your first one?, nope

Are you a Guild Wars fan?, i hope :P

Do you enjoy a fantasy setting?, very much

Why does this guild appeal to you? looking for a nice friendly guild that is lgbtq frendly that i can be open in

What do you enjoy doing the most? PvE? PvP? Personal Story? pve and pesrsonal story as i suck at pvp lol
How did you find us?found you on google search
Edited May 07 2016 by nicholasjohn16


The Accolade Hunters Club

April 04 2016
Hi Fleeties!
I just got word about an accolade I had no idea it existed and I don't think it is listed anywhere (at least not on wikia).
When you go to Nimbus (just like that, no mission), check out the Orion prison in the upper right corner of the map (you have to go through this tunnel made of debris). There defeat the warden when he shows up.
The acco is called Breakout Artist and it's part of the Nimbus exploration acco arc.
Cheers :)
Unknown Person liked this
Edited April 04 2016 by Finka
Lars Zandor


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Levelling Event!

April 04 2016
I have added last weeks' stream to the second post.

I have also added some rules the bottom of the first post. Although I will also mention these rules next time, I would appreciate it if everyone who wants to join the event reads them beforehand.

Unknown Person

Greetings all

April 03 2016
Hi There,

I'll look for your toons in-game but make sure you've joined the KoS channel for the republic side and the LoS channel for Imp toons. Post for an invite in there.



April 02 2016

1st Prize: Guest appearance with dialogue in INVICTUS (Ship and Toon) Space Map and Ground Map.
2nd Prize: Trait: Scramble Fighters (3/29/2016 2:00PM EST - Worth 35 Million EC On Exchange).
3rd Prize: Special Requisition Pack - Tholian Meshweaver (3/29/2016 2:00PM EST - Worth 2 Million EC On Exchange).

UPDATE: 04/01/2016 - Two Bonus Prizes Have Been Added - Surprise Amount of Zen - This Has Been Provided By Star Trek Online

Contest Closes April 9th, 2016 11:59PM EST

To enter the contest follow these instructions;

1: Watch the INVICTUS Trailer on youtube and answer the following question.

Who is the Co-Writer for INVICTUS?

Invictus Trailer:

(Invalid video video code)

2: E-mail or attach post to this thread

3: In the e-mail or thread post put the following:

A) Your Name. (Nicknames are acceptable).
B ) Your Twitter Handle (If One), or Forum Name (If One) or Reddit Contact Information (If One)
C) Your Toon's Name.
D) Answer the Question.

All entries can be placed in this thread, Reddit thread or e-mailed. Any posts not containing an entry, or not staying within these rules will be removed at the end of the contest to leave only the individual entries.

STO Forum Contest Link

STOReddit Link

The winner will be selected by STO Admiral Aaron by Random Integer Generator.

**If selected as a winner, please select a Federation toon/ship to be placed into the Star Trek Online Foundry Mission INVICTUS. You give me permission to use the likeness and the name of your toon/ and or ship in the mission. I promise I won't kill them off or put them in any compromising situations. You will need to e-mail me the pictures of your character settings. (Face/Body/Upper and Lower) from the tailor or foundry character creator.**

Basic Rules:

One entry per toon per player.
Winner must submitted images in JPEG form.
All submitted images must be made of only material from Star Trek Online.
No images containing visual material from the TV/Movies, outside artwork or any licensed material from any other source will be excepted.
No custom 3D models or textures can be used in this contest. The image must contain in-game material.
Keep it classy Star Trek fans.

Instructions on How To Create A Screenshot if you are selected as a winner.:

Images should be of high resolution quality. Recommended method:
Type "/renderscale 2" into your chat window before taking your image
Type "/screenshot" to take image
This will create a large TGA file in the directory listed below that can be converted via Photoshop to 1920x1200.
If you wish to utilize another method like "Print Screen" you will want to turn off your HUD visuals by hitting Shift +F12
(you will find your images in C:\Program Files (x86)\Perfect World Entertainment\Star Trek Online_en\Star Trek Online\Live\screenshots on most PC computers)

Good luck to everyone who enters!

NOTE: The above rules and conditions are subject to change.

STO Admiral Aaron

STO Admiral Aaron's Foundry Post
4 people liked this
Edited April 02 2016 by Midnighttlc
Chris Mello


Camelot Unchained?

April 01 2016
:evil: :lol: