
[Processed] Hello [STO]

April 17 2016

My name is Mike and I am a music teacher. I have been playing MMOs for over 10 years now. I played WoW when I was in college and also SWG. I most recently played SWTOR, but have decided that I wanted to try something new. I was browsing through twitch and was introduced to this game by a couple of members of your fleet streaming. I look forward to playing with you all, and hope that we can have a blast together in the Star Trek world. My ingame name is Ahopa@Ahopa1 and I am interested in joining the Stonewall Fleet.
Edited May 07 2016 by nicholasjohn16


Crystalline Entity torp build

April 16 2016
I want to set up a build for the yearly event. I wont be changing skills and such, I just want to know what gear to have on a t6 tvaro.


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights

April 16 2016

The shipwrights met again today to finalize the last bits for the livesteam. I might be biased, though it poses to be a great time! Listen for one of us trying out their new deep "NPR radio voice," watch for a new graphics upgrade to the livestream (the theater mode tested great), and an in-depth review of the new skill system.

We look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow on twitch at twitch.tv/theshipwrights.
3 people liked this


Overflow bag issues.

April 16 2016
This makes me want to get a ton of hierarchy science boffs! :P

Unknown Person

Overflow bag issues.

April 16 2016
I got a pair of duplicate mission-reward boffs (Hierarchy male SCI and Kobali female ENG) but since I already had those two in the roster, I used the duplicates to make training manuals. The manuals seemed to be legit and nothing untoward happened to the original boffs, so I figured it was just some mission-reward flag that got unset during the patch and using the items would probably reset it. Now if it turns out that was wrong and those two boffs end up broken somehow, still no big deal...they're reserve officers that I almost never use.
nicholasjohn16 liked this

Overflow bag issues.

April 15 2016
Or delete anything that you shouldn't.
Unknown Person liked this


Overflow bag issues.

April 15 2016
Haha - RIGHT! That said, don't give away anything you shouldn't! B)
Sej @Ereiid


Overflow bag issues.

April 15 2016
I especially like where Borticus uses the word "catastrophic".

That's reassuring.
Unknown Person liked this
Shawn Birch


Hey there! [GW2]

April 14 2016
Welcome to the Stonewall Gaming Network, Brady.


Hey there! [GW2]

April 14 2016
Hi there and welcome to the Stonewall family!

If you haven't already, you might want to check out the Stonewall Vanguard Welcome Center. It has a lot of good info to get you started.

Also if you haven't already been invited ingame, you might want to post your GW2 ID HERE to let the Stonewall Vanguard officers know that you need an invite.


[Processed] Hey there! [GW2]

April 14 2016
Hey everyone, I'm Brady from Canada. Currently living the dream part-time in retail!
Lately I've been watching millions of tv shows, making art and playing GW2 in between.

I started out on the good old War Craft III: Reign of Chaos/Frozen Throne, made my way over to Tibia for like a minute. Found GW1 from an uncle and played since the start. Later on I went off to Aion for about a year (maybe more), Then back to GW1 until GW2 came out and its had its nails in me ever since!
Games not mentioned but deserving of mention: Impossible Creatures, The Sims, Heroes, and probably a few more I can't think of haha.

GW1/2 has been a huge love of mine for many years and I'm very into lots of fantasy stuff which bleeds into the tv shows I watch. I would say my main focus is PvE and PvP.

I found this guild through Reddit forums and it looks like this community was very nice and accepting and felt I would give it a try :)

ID: Bradrian.2047
Edited May 07 2016 by nicholasjohn16


Overflow bag issues.

April 14 2016
Hey all,
Some of you might have noticed, you maybe getting "inventory full" issues even when your inventory is not. That said, there is a bug causing duplication of items as well as items needing to be passed brought your overflow bag before making it into your inventory. There is also a bug happening where players have viability to things that they are not supposed to see, i.e. Awards that said, be mindful of what is in your overflow bag until the next patch, there could be items that you are not supposed to delete or remove.
Unknown Person liked this


The Accolade Hunters Club

April 13 2016
Am I going blind ? but where have the links gone - ie for the accolade checker etc ?
Tsar Agus


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights

April 13 2016
Here's a few basic builds with the new skill system. We'll go over them more in detail on Saturday durring the Livestream


First one is offensive, second is defensive and third is utilitarian
4 people liked this
Edited April 13 2016 by WhiteOnmyoji
Lars Zandor


T6 Odyssey

April 13 2016
Oke, I have decided on using the KCB. Now another question has risen: Warp Cores.
There are too many with too much information and I can't really wrap my head around it. I want one that boosts my weapon power and shield power and makes me go "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" in space. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Edit: My build so far has been increasing critical hit chance, critical hit damage and survivability. So basically I want a warp core that adds to that.
Edited April 13 2016 by Lars_Zandor


The Accolade Hunters Club

April 12 2016
Thanks for the links.... especially the accolade checker... works great
Shawn Birch


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights

April 11 2016
If I knew half of what you described you could add the Zombie to your ranks. But I don't and my Saturday Mornings are taken up with running a business.
Lars Zandor


[WEEKLY EVENT] Weekly Teamed Levelling Event!

April 11 2016
To avoid that the event coincides with Aikune's stream about the new Skill Tree, I have decided to change next Saturdays' (16 April) time starting to 17.00 hours Dutch time (so 2 hours earlier than usual).
Edited April 11 2016 by Lars_Zandor
Tsar Agus


Shooting Ships With the Shipwrights

April 11 2016
Just a reminder 11.5 launches tomorrow and the livestream will be on Saturday at 2 PM.
2 people liked this



April 11 2016
Contest Is Now Closed. Result will be revealed on The Show With Oden Knight on Wednesday April the 13th at 10PM EST.

(Invalid video video code)
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